
主题:呵呵,别看土鳖打导弹了,人家马上就在意识形态领域反攻了 -- songcla

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  • 家园 呵呵,别看土鳖打导弹了,人家马上就在意识形态领域反攻了


    * U.S. Secy of State Clinton met top tech execs last week


    * Human rights organizers worldwide cyber-attacked-Google

    By Alexei Oreskovic and John Poirier

    SAN FRANCISCO/WASHINGTON, Jan 12 (Reuters) - The United States and Google

    Inc (GOOG.O) separately said they would move against Chinese Internet

    censorship, possibly signaling the start of a harder line toward China by U.

    S. President Barack Obama and the end of Google's business in the country.

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton plans to help citizens in other countries

    , including China, get uncensored access to the Internet,


    and last week she

    met top executives from companies including Google, Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O),

    Twitter and Cisco Systems Inc (CSCO.O), an aide said on Tuesday.

    Google separately said it might pull out of China, closing down its Chinese-

    language google.cn Web site and shutting its offices,


    because of censorship

    and a series of China-based cyber attacks on human rights activists using

    its Gmail service around the world.

    Relationships between the world's two biggest economies have been strained

    recently over climate change, trade and other matters. China also is the

    largest lender to the United States, holding around $800 billion in Treasury


    It was not clear if the U.S. search company, which described China as "

    immaterial" to its finances, and the United States government coordinated

    their moves.

    U.S. State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley, responding to the Google move,

    said every nation should criminalize malicious activities on computer


    "I defer to Google for details of its decision. Google was in contact with

    us prior to the announcement. Every nation has an obligation, regardless of

    the origin of malicious cyber activities, to keep its part of the network

    secure. That includes China," Crowley said.

    Some 20 other companies also were attacked by unknown assailants based in

    China, said Google. It said, when asked, that it did not specifically know

    if the Chinese government was behind the attacks and was investigating.

    China has the largest number of Internet users in the world and its policy

    of filtering and restricting access to Web sites has been a frequent source

    of tension with the United States and tech companies like Google and Yahoo

    Inc (YHOO.O).

    Clinton will unveil the tech policy initiative on "Internet freedom" on Jan.

    21, aide Alec Ross said in an interview with Reuters.

    "If you think about Internet freedom from the Caucasus to China to Iran to

    Cuba and elsewhere, people do not have universal access to an uncensored

    Internet," Ross said.

    "Our policies on Internet freedom in part are a response to the fact there

    are countries around the world that systematically stifle their citizens'

    access to information."

    Google said it was working with the U.S. government over the security

    breaches. Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt was a major campaign backer of

    President Barack Obama, and Schmidt was one of the executives meeting with


    China recently accused Google of allowing the spread of pornography on its

    search engine, which is second to local search provider Baidu Inc (BIDU.O)

    in that market. (Writing by Peter Henderson in San Francisco; Editing by

    Steve Orlofsky)








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    • 家园 GOOGLE确实做的不错,百度什么的,还要有真本事

      没有真本事,人家GOOGLE还是老大。而且,不要比国内市场占有率,这个太商业了,而要比搜索结果相关性,比总库容, 比更新率等等,这些真正惠及用户的东东,对人类生产生活方式进步有用的东东。


      反过来,google 也太傲了。你只是个企业,社会管理不是你的职责!!! 特别是别国的社会管理 !!!



      墙也是这样。换一个角度说,这个就是中国政府代表大多数人的意见,帮忙筛选信息,屏蔽垃圾啊。GOOGLE 不听指导,就是不尊重中国人民远离臭味的自由,硬要把垃圾信息塞给中国人民,硬要把中国人民往厕所里塞啊。

      俺们也造一些垃圾信息(实在不会造,也可以找人买啊,比如日本的AV,xx的享乐主义生活方式,XX的异端宗教(这个好,不是宗教自由吗),), 老在他们周围晃,具体做法,参考轮子,轮子用什么,我们就用什么,这下完全符合他们的标准。俺看过不久,美宣布就要象TG学习啦。当然,交不交学费,恐怕难。哦,其实TG要赶快申请墙的知识产权,到时好收费啊。呵呵。

    • 家园 意识形态攻击该来的总会来




        • -- 系统屏蔽 --。
        • 家园 北京共识和“华盛顿共识”的一场争端


            • -- 系统屏蔽 --。
            • 家园 不是这样,资本主义和社会主义的定义比较复杂



    • 家园 googles cholar 对科研作用没有想象那么大

      个人感觉,找科研资料的时候,CA、WEB OF SCI和专利网站才是王道,googles cholar 搜到的文献,没有下载权限,搜到了又能如何?

      下载不了的资料,寄希望于googles cholar 是不现实的,要么翻墙下载,要么找有权限的科研同仁帮忙弄一下。

    • 家园 不会殃及池鱼啊。google英文又不关。
    • 家园 意识形态之后又是什么/


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