
主题:【难别】谷歌不想离开?... 谁说我要撤离中国了? -- 愚弟

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  • 家园 【难别】谷歌不想离开?... 谁说我要撤离中国了?

    自 彭博资讯(Bloomberg):

    Google Denies Media Reports on Closure of China Site, Office


    By Wing-Gar Cheng


    古歌说:我们只说了我们将停止 检查、筛选和过滤 搜索的结果。

    香港的《星岛日报》报道说谷歌曾决定关闭在中国的办公室。本周早些时候,古歌说他的网站受到来自中国的手段老到而高超的‘攻击’,攻击的目标是一个人权活动家的电邮箱。今天,谷歌的中国网站象通常一样,仍然筛选和过滤 搜索结果,古歌员工也在正常上班。但是,(古歌)女发言人拒绝透露身份。

    Google Denies Media Reports on Closure of China Site, Office

    By Wing-Gar Cheng

    Jan. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Google Inc., operator of the world’s most-popular Internet search engine, denied media reports that it has decided to shut Google.cn site and close its China office.

    Hong Kong’s Chinese-language newspaper Sing Tao Daily reported Google has made the decision to close its China office, citing a mainland Chinese Web site sponsored by a government ministry.

    Google earlier this week said it would no longer censor search results on its Web site in China and is considering shutting down Google.cn and closing its offices there. The company came to the decision after a “highly sophisticated” attack on its computer system and evidence that human-rights activists were targeted.

    Today, Google is operating its business as usual in China and is still censoring search results on Google.cn, a spokeswoman, who declined to be identified, said. Its employees in China are still going to work, she said.

    Sing Tao cited ccidcom.com, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, as saying employees at Google China would be paid six months’ salary as compensation.

    The story was not accessible on the ccidcom.com’s Web site this morning.

    To contact the reporter on this story: Wing-Gar Cheng in Hong Kong at [email protected]

    Last Updated: January 16, 2010 00:28 EST


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