
主题:迷茫的《中国通史》 -- 种植园土

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                    • 家园 有机会多看看中文吧,你对西方国家的了解


                      • 家园 FLG is a sensitive topic

                        I do not want to touch on that to harm this site.

                        But you need to understand: their right of religious freedom is in China's constitution and their constitutional right was violated by the gov.

                        First shot was from the government.

                        There are all kinds of religious sects in States competiting against each other and all live under the constraint of law. Protests are daily business in States, but the gov. is just as solid as usual. Respecting of other's constitutional right is the best way to maintain social peace.

                        It is normal to have different opinions and I do think I know China well enough. You only know your former homeland well enough when you are detached and have other nations to compare. I lived in several European nations, as well as States long enough. To be frank, China is very similar to several continental European nations. People just look different on face, but the underlying problems in the old world are similar.

                        You need to live outside china to get a better understanding of China.

                    • 家园 基督教的威胁要比伊斯兰教大得多


                      • 家园 对!韩国人40%是JD教徒。
                      • 家园 hehe. speechless

                        any bloody event as large as 7.5. in Xin Jiang?

                        Have your grandma EVER READ THE WHOLE BIBLE ONCE?

                        • 家园 明枪易躲暗箭难防


                          • 家园 同意,另外我记得伊斯兰和基督不都是传承


                        • 家园 再补充一下,我英文很差,不知道啥叫speechless


                • 家园 100% Agree with Parishg

                  Fundamentalism is not something we can approach with try and error.

                  Many promising Malaysian muslim youth attend university abroad,but vast majority of them choose Islam related specializations. As a result, they barely learn any professional skills to find a decent life, speak English in an awkward manner (much shameful for a commonwealth resident), and most importantly, they end up with hatred as a fundamentalist.

                  I withnessed such tragedies again and again.When I saw the pictures that Chinese kids were dressed in the fashion of Malaysia Muslim, I knew something terriably wrong was happening. And the almighty Chinese government did nothing to stop it.

                  Within 15 years, they will become suicide bombers and bring about atrocity to their neighbours and total annialation of their own kind.

                  • 家园 del
                    • del
                      家园 你说的是哪个国家阿?我认识一些马来人


                      • 家园 可以参考泰国的南部骚乱和印尼极端势力的发展





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