
主题:解读国资委新政策——央企实施经济增加值考核 -- 土拨鼠yuanap

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              • 家园 as I mentioned in previous p

                post, EVA is a measure with both merits and weaknesses. One weakness is it fails to take into consideration the volatility (business and industry risk) of different firms.

                BTW, financial service should be treated separately--leave this aside.

                The gov. needs to make adjustment to the interest rate to reflect such risk difference. One can not use ONE raw rate.

                Hydro Electric is very stable business. I know it because my friend is in charge of the audit of one of the largest NAmerican Hydro firm. EVA is still a good tool in reduce unecessary capital expenditure--but firm can go around it by changing capitalization criteria.

                Financial service is special industry. Even in US conglomerate, it is evaluated separately from manufacturing/utility divisions. I am surprised that Guo Zi Wei does not separate electric utility from financial service, THAT'S COMMON SENSE in America.

                • 家园 不是国资委没常识,而是具体执行的官员在敷衍了事


                  • 家园 这个太搞了!


                    • 家园 去这种部委汇报工作(xxx委,xxx委等等都一样),待遇












                  • 家园 I see. My two cents.

                    国资委监管资产超过10万亿人民币,员工上千万,企业遍及全世界,监管人员只有几百人,你说能干什么具体事情。I see. It is good to know.I thought it has thousands of staff.

                    US conglomerates control thousands of subsidiaries through several mechanisms.

                    1.Internal audit--in GE, this department is huge, they send professional staff to fly over the world to check over internal control, management efficiency, system integrity on a regular basis at different divisions. This function serves as the eye and ear for top HQ managers on a regular basis. Very powerful function.

                    2.External audit--external audit is done NOT just on US headquarter and US divisions, but also on ALL overseas divisions. The independent overseas auditors will give annual feedback to HQ as to the system integrity at division level.


                    --that's because internal/external audits are either not there or totally ineffective. THOSE COSTS ARE NECESSARY, because it helps the top to watch over those thousands of people below you on a regular basis.

                    3.Direct reporting lines with integrated ERP system--my friend at Procter Gamble told me that its Asian division gets info feed on production and sale from China division on a daily baisis.--solve this problem. 就要100多人准备半年资料,核实和稽核各种报表数据


                    --One effective way is PPT presentation: ask those CEOs to summarize info into an one-hour presentation. THAT'S COMMON PRACTICE IN corporate America.

                    Then the panel of specialists asks Many TOUGH QUESTIONS.

                    1.It tests those CEO's familarity of his or her own business and key data (if he or she said--I do not know this/that, that's huge embarrassment)

                    2.Oral communication is efficient and interactive--it allows clarification, extension and quick feedback

                    3.*It pushes those CEOs to be western-style professional managers--I mean being very strong in public speech and PPT presentation. 汇报 is not presentation. Most state firm manager's 汇报 is a blah-blah talk piece of joke.

                    4.A face-to-face opportunity to identify talents.

                    *Here the panel must be knowledgeable, professional too. If people know to ask good questions, then it is no longer politically motivated 打板子, it is process of effective evaluation. But I guess the panel does not have many experts as good as people like you.

                    BTW, one personal observation on the common problem in state-owned firms. Am I right?

                    1. *very weak and unprofessional mid-managers(except for production dept). Top leaders are often quite smart. Lowest level workers can be really hard-working. But the mid-level just too weak to implement the big picture from the top.

                    (long time ago when I audited state firms) I had experience meeting some accounting managers who could not write correct accounting journals and do not understand varioius accounting rules, or purchase managers who clearly had no clue about managing purchasing. That's quite different compared my experience with those managers at the China division of IBM/GE/PG....

                    I often question how these people get their jobs in the first place--nepotism? maybe.

                    • 家园 国情不同。中国央企并不是严格意义的企业,例如要承担稳定


                  • 家园 求教美国监管知识



                    • 家园 查一句:美国企业的效益由市场监管


                    • 家园 美国政府对企业监管很少,一般主要注重法律监管,也即公平性


                      • 家园 讲讲杜邦吧


                        • 家园 杜邦非常复杂,他与GE管理模式不同,基本属于联邦制管理


                          • 家园 我想请教一下忙总




                            • 家园 说实在的,对杜邦我们了解太少了,都是知道一点大路货


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