
主题:【原创】经济学的客观预测与社会的主观预期 -- MRandson

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                    • 家园 问题是这些人为什么能左右国家决策

                      能左右国家决策可以说是在inner circle 了吧?而且还记得那位老兄还在伊拉克战前就把战争的财务帐都算好了,觉得打这场战争有赚。还有,你有好几个智库,如果观点不同甚至相反,决策人听谁的?靠智库的影响力看来不行,(有伊战前车之鉴了)是不是抓阄啊?

                      • 家园 智库




                      • 家园 Dick Cheney is the DARTH

                        VADER. His team of people pretty much hijacked the important positions inside the administration. He pushed out treasury secretary, D. of State secretary Powell,and former CIA director.

                        It was a disaster to allow puppet Bush Jr. to win over Florida and then entered the white house.

                        The whole republican establishment were fooled by Dick. He is to America what Julius Caesar is to the Roman Republic.


                        --Republicans and democrats all have different think tanks.

                        决策人听谁的?--it shows the capability of the leader. Bush Jr. is an idiot and puppet, thus made all the worst choices. I guess any smart American has figured out after 2005 that he is an idiot.

                        • 家园 【求助】老兄能否开个新贴,专门谈谈美国智库的情况?



                          • 家园 sorry, too large a topic.


                            You can google a few leading think-tank such as


                            Hoover institute

                            Ford Foundation


                            Heritage foundation

                            The Obama team is a mixture of liberal wing on social policies with free-market Wall Street ass-kisser in terms of economic policies. I think Obama will be remembered as a loser president in US history.

                            The past 1 year is a waste of time. The healthcare reform is never so urgent to deserve so much waste of political capital. The forthcoming Iran war is another drain on this American empire.

                  • 家园 您是如何做到“战而胜”,“历史的开拓”的呢?
        • 家园 我怎么觉得经济学家的预测太多不靠谱


          “经济学家在做的,就是在经济规律的基础上,完善模型,把更多的因素量化,放在模型中,使ERROR TERM越来越小。”?我也做点数据处理,经常因素多了,模型反而更离谱了。

          • 家园 与大家的猜测相反,西方智库们很多都预测出这次危机


            Professor Carmen M. Reinhart对墨西哥危机,亚洲危机和这次的金融危机都有过准确的预测。

            Her work has helped to inform the understanding of financial crises for over a decade. In the early 1990s, she wrote (with Guillermo Calvo) about the fickleness of capital flows to emerging markets and the likelihood of abrupt reversals--before the Mexican crisis of 1994-1995. Prior to the Asian crisis (1997-1998), she documented (with Graciela Kaminsky) the international historical links between asset price bubbles and banking crises, and how the latter could lead to currency crashes creating a "twin crisis." She identified (with Ken Rogoff) the possibility of severe economic dislocations from the sub-prime crisis in 2007. Her work is frequently featured in the financial press around the world, including The Economist, The Financial Times, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal. She has appeared in CNN, CSPAN, BBC, and NPR, among others.



            • 家园 这里又有一篇: 在FT上直言近代宏观经济学理论的无用



            • 家园 感觉还是凤毛麟角,记得英国女王去年还问过

              为什么没人预见到危机到来(FT上看过,大意如此)。可能我比较孤陋寡闻,只知道Roubini,Schiller有较早警告过。Krugman预测过亚洲危机,这次事前就没有明确的说法。我知道许多大公司,基金,投行都雇用大量分析员,经济学家专干宏观预测这事,记录也不能说太好。否则为什么大多数大基金都没躲过此劫?有人红过一阵子,就不行了。不知大家对高盛的Abby Cohen还有没有印象?十几年前曾经大红过,我手边还有她2007年的分析报告,现在回头看看,简直惨不忍睹。不知到底是水平还是高盛的阴谋。


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