主题:【原创】时事述评:人民币汇率改革 -- 井底望天

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      • 家园 中国人还是太善良了


        • 家园 善良?? no, naive

          and ignorant when it comes to "empire building".

          • 家园 中国人民是帝国主义的受害者

            中国的劳动人民, 和美国的劳动人民一样, 都是金圆帝国主义的受害者。 资本及其豢养的代理是没有国家概念的。 造成中国金融被动局面的是金融接轨派为帝国资本的提灯引路, 为蝇头小利而牺牲中国人民的长远利益。

            • 家园 hehe, 为蝇头小利

              this comment really reads like CCTV new broadcast.

              和美国的劳动人民一样, 都是金圆帝国主义的受害者。hehe, very funny comment.

              I guess you have nenver been to US, therefore, do not have an idea about the life of the 美国的劳动人民

              • 家园 hehe, you are funny

                I can't see how you developed your logic. Meanwhile, I am in US, and has been here long, long time.

                • 家园 Americans benefit lots from

                  this USD-dominant system, including both the financial elites as well as the average working class.

                  Without USD as the reserve currency, how can some of them enjoy big house and very low interest rate in the last 50 years?

                  There are no alliances between working classes of China and America. On the contrary, they are enemies to each other.

                  When I read your comments, they sound very much like the orthodox instructions from Lenin's book.

                  • 家园 美国中产也好不到哪里去

                    美国中产也好不到哪里去, 过去一个人,就可养家, 现在,夫妻双双去打工。 收入大部分交给银行付房贷, 或房租, 剩下的付地税吃饭, 水电电视交通通讯车马费, 口袋里所剩无几。即使是上中产的HENRY也抱怨用不起IPHONE。 还不知道小孩的教育费在哪里。 许多医生毕业十年还在还学费。

                    美国中产是名符其实的银行的奴隶。 现在的中产不是以前意义上的中产了, 其比例也大幅下降。 美国现在也是两极分化严重。

                    中国现在没有了中产, 农民工,工人,虽然被剥削的严重, 但好在还没成为银行的奴隶。 丢了工作, 回家还能啃一啃老。 美国中产要是丢了工作, 不但要被银行扫地出门,更是要出人命的, 还记的前几个月的德州发生的事吗。 所以, 美国的中产和中国的劳动人民是朋友,不是敌人。

                    • 家园 See reply below.

                      美国中产也好不到哪里去, 过去一个人,就可养家, 现在,夫妻双双去打工。

                      --they enjoyed easy life because American market was isolated from the global competition before 1950s. When US opened its domestic market to exports from Europe and Asia, the American salary will be dragged down to global average.

                      Put in another way, globalization is to blame for the deteriorating middle-class life. In the last 10 years, Chinese exports replaced lots of domestic manufacturing jobs and some middle-class professionals had to take on low-pay service sector jobs.

                      Therefore, I do not see the fault of banking sector here. You should blame US for opening up immigration door and its domestic market--that's the key reasons why Americans suffer from both wage competition and product competition.

                      收入大部分交给银行付房贷, 或房租, 剩下的付地税吃饭, 水电电视交通通讯车马费, 口袋里所剩无几。

                      --btw, that's typical of American's life before 1930s. America was not heaven for average Joes until FDR. American middle class' golden age is between late 1940s to 1970s. Now the golden age is gone for ever due to globalization.

                      --收入大部分交给银行付房贷--many Americans are stupid to believe in so-called "Big-house as American dream". First, most Americans are not qualified for house mortgages and should rent for most of their life. Second, if you rent, you do not even have to pay property tax at all and can save more money. I did the cash flow calculation and find it irrational for many Americans to buy rather than to rent.


                      --First, in my circle, even college kids have iPhone. Business users prefer Blackberry. Nobody complained about iPhone's price because business users get phones from their employers or can enjoy tax deduction. Therefore, your example is not generalizeable. Also iPhone is not necessity, I am still using my 2001 cell phone model and it works perfectly well.

                      --Second, many Americans complained about their poor life because they constantly "catch up with Jones" by OVERSPENDING. I saw family of 4 living in 3,000 sq. feet luxury house with a big swimming pool and sending their kids to private high schools and private colleges ($30k tuition each year at least). Cars must be Benz or BMW. House is well-decorated with bill paid through credit cards. Every year, European vacation is mandatory...

                      Totally stupid overspending. Income growth does not match expenditure explosion. The only reason for this kind of stupid behavior: peer pressure. They even privately admitted that. Most overspending comes from the wife side. Ladies seem to have hard time understanding the concept of "budgeting".


                      --two reaons, first, high tuition. Second, those kids do not know how to save money.

                      In sum, high credit card debt and high mortgage balance are not bank's fault. US labor market deteriorated over years due to immigration and foreign competition. The decline of labor union is another factor. More importantly, Americans lost their virtue of thrift and OVERSPEND along many dimensions.

                      • 家园 对一个人或者家庭来说:投资还是消费



                        • 家园 private schooling is importa

                          important and beneficial.

                          But some middle-class families overstretch their finance. They do not arrange expenditure based on their income, but based on their expectations.

                          Usually Chinese families will buy Japanese car to save money for their kids' private school education. But my American colleagues tend to go too far: luxury European cars + all private education + heavy debt on credit cards.

                    • 家园 你们俩说的都有道理


        • 家园 不堪一击


      • 家园 真知灼见,可惜明珠投暗




      • 家园 人以类聚,物以群分,井大的朋友都如此厉害,您的朋友

        应该是印尼首富 - 林绍良吧? 只有他最符合井大的描述了。

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