
主题:【原创】时事述评:黄海和南海 -- 井底望天

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        • 家园 不知是你记忆有误,还是




          • 家园 Shanghai Ghetto


            I also have detailed comments 2 floors below.

          • 家园 回大和尚话







            1. 对于常公在上海战败并丧失国家主权持幸灾乐祸的态度.

            2. 用大量篇幅强调上海的"恶劣条件",比如气候炎热,住房拥挤,卫生条件差等等.

            3. 对于中国人提供的帮助,比如何凤山的事迹,比如上海人的友善态度,要么不提,要么轻描淡写.


            • 家园 感谢:作者获得通宝一枚。
            • 家园 it is called Shanghai Ghetto

              The Jewish director has already picked a title to demonstrate his contempt towards China.

              to some extent, I guess both sides, China and Jews, did not and do not tell the full truth.

              It is true that there was no entry visa at that time since Chinese had no full control of Shanghai at all and the concessions(Zu Jie) were like foreign land on China's soil.


              1. 对于常公在上海战败并丧失国家主权持幸灾乐祸的态度.

              --We had to admit that KMT gov. was such an unbelievable corrupted loser gov. The first half of Anti-Jap War was series of humiliating stories.

              KMT's armies sound really like the poor Italian army during the WWII.

              Chinese deserved contempt with such kind of terribly corrupted gov. Chinese got some respect after the Korea War because even Americans were defeated ... Respect is earned, not deserved.

              2. 用大量篇幅强调上海的"恶劣条件",比如气候炎热,住房拥挤,卫生条件差等等.

              --it was because Jewish getto was located in Hong Kou district. They were too poor to afford high-end housing in the French concession (Lu Wan district). I lived in Lu Wan and my cousin lived in Hong Kou: the houses are like heaven compared to hell.

              --Everything is relative. Those Jews used to be middle-class or high-end social celebrities in richer European nations (such as Germany or France), so it was a big constrast for them.

              --BTW, those Jews from Russia did not complain. Those rich Russian Jews already bought up nice properties in Shanghai and lived like king and queen there. Very poor Russian Jews did not complain because life in Shanghai was just as bad as life back in Russia. So everything is relative.

              3. 对于中国人提供的帮助,比如何凤山的事迹,比如上海人的友善态度,要么不提,要么轻描淡写.

              --First, white people remember favor from whites first. Human nature.

              --Second, the most helpful visa officer is actually a Swedish diplomat, who not only issued Swedish visa to Jews, but also faked Swedish passports for them. He saved 20k+ Jews and was assassinated by Germans. There were systematic evidence on that. In He's case, he passed away too early in SF and there were limited evidence. Even today, we did not have exact account of how many Jews he actually helped.

              --Yes. There was no systematic help from China's gov or Chinese organization because Shanghai was then already in Jap's hands. I met one nice Jew whose grandparents once lived in Shanghai. He mentioned that his grandparents traded off various accessory, such as cigar lighter, nice jacket, ties for money to buy food. Some nice Shanghainese would give them a bit more than they asked.

              He and his grandparents still are grateful to Chinese for their kindness.

              There were no account of other systematic help from chinese since many Chinese were suffering from Jap tyranny too then. Most Chinese were struggling for their survival too. Mr. Sui Jun-yi kept on talking about free bread from Chinese to Jews. First, it did not make sense (Chinese did not use bread as staple), second, Chinese were too poor to do that too.

              Finally, 用大量篇幅强调上海的"恶劣条件",比如气候炎热,住房拥挤. I still remember the interview with an Israeli professor, who grew up in Shanghai. He was very frank. Below is the quote from him: everything is relative. When we were in Shanghai, we complained about this, we complained about that. But at least we survived and we had our own school and we grew up well. After we heard what happend to our cousins after WWII, we felt that we had lived in heaven...

              "Everything is relative"-- at least he is grateful.

              • 家园 滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。何况中国是救了他们的命。
              • 家园 兄台分析的好。
              • 家园 That is good analysis

                to some extent, I guess both sides, China and Jews, did not and do not tell the full truth.

                I agree. Each side has its own interests and agenda. I also suspected that Jewish money was behind the media hype in China.

                In fact, I don't care whether Jewish people are grateful to China or not. As you said, many of them are. I also think it's not that bad for Israel/Jewish groups to use the history for their own advantages. What makes me worry is someone of our own are too naive to think about the motivation behind their words and actions. That's why I regard 井大's articles are so valuable - they remind us that we have our own interests to take care of.

      • 家园 经常看看犹太精英如Paul Krugman和

        Charles Shumer等一贯叫嚣要制裁遏制中国的言论就知道他们中很多人是敌非友了。

        不可否认犹太人很聪明,除了一大堆金融家外,也出了不少爱因斯坦,马克思这样的科学家,经济学家。但总觉得这个民族缺点什么,比如好像就没出过什么真正杰出的军事家,政治家。而且其宗教极端排它,俨然一副凌驾于其它民族与宗教之上的架势。它们两千年来给别人赶得东蹦西窜的悲惨命运,又有多少是自找的呢? (细想一下,国军是不是也多少败于他们的精英意识?)

      • 家园 好!
      • 家园 咣当砸下一个宝来..


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