
主题:怪不得经济学家臭大街:《经济学人》称印度超越中国迟早的事 -- 加东

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      • 家园 “经济学人基本上不涉及政治话题”?你确定你看过这个杂志?

        这是最新一期外链出处,封面标题是“The next emperor”,那个人好像叫“习近平”,当然他在你看来不算“政治话题”

        • 家园 回复远比文章本身有趣


          In this case, the article in The Economist is so clearly and heavily filled with emotionally loaded, manipulative words and phrases, it is fairly obviously nothing but deliberate propaganda. Virtually every sentence of the article is not a statement of fact, but a declaration of opinion.


          Village elections were tried and found wanting. The scenario was that too many people in each village knew all the people who were running for office personally. Personal relations got in the way of good government, for people who needed to live with each other for the rest of their lives, and thus wanted to get along. As well, naturally, the result of village officials was a fair amount of graft, bribery and corruption in general, favoring some villagers over others. At last report, the central bureaucrats are stll looking at the problem, and trying to figure out how to design a more efficient system of elections. The government of China has definitely not given up on their plan to provide a method of electing officials, starting with villages and working their way up the hierarchy.



          Sensible GaTech Student wrote:

          Oct 22nd 2010 2:09 GMT

          "Disastrous, brittle, unraveled, unknown, monolithic, wrenching, secretive, eerie, obscure, excessive, glacial, explosions, discontent, resentment, callousness, grip on dissent, nationalist, irrational, paranoid, introspective, imperial, awkward, disappointing."

          These are selected words you used to describe China throughout the article.

          I'm no 50-cent party member, but this hysterical hyperbole lends itself to casual dismissal by those with a tendency to rational middle-ground seeking.


          Economistrants wrote:

          Oct 23rd 2010 3:22 GMT

          After reading several posts, it seems that their is wide consensus on the part of the Economist readers that this article is embarassingly poor. It is frankly an insult to the Economist's reputation and to the intelligence of its readers to publish such a pathetic article, full of misleading and malicious content such as comparing Xi's sucession with that of Kin il Eun.


          Nguoiphanbien wrote:

          Oct 22nd 2010 6:37 GMT

          When it comes to writing on China, the Economist is hopelessly pathetic, shamelessly propagandist, ridiculously self-righteous, excessively antagonistic, and foolishly insulting to the intelligence of its readers.

          In so doing, the Economist has helped solidify the Chinese people's sense of suspicion of the West and doubt about the merits of unruly democracy and irresponsible freedom of speech.

          thedogchaser wrote:

          Oct 21st 2010 4:51 GMT

          The Economist shows its skewed-up views every time when it publishes an article about China. You cannot be taken seriously when you equate the Chinese succession to that of North Korea's. It reveals how hysteric the West is about towards today's rising China, especially in Briton where people heads are still stuffed with their by-gone imperialism bs.


          chcken little wrote: Oct 22nd 2010 7:57 GMT

          This will be my last post to the Economist.


          As to my first point, I surrender. There truly was a day when the Economist had stature and respect. Today, in my view, it is little more than another National Enquirer, a Right-Wing neocon rag producing little more than smart-assed flame-baiting drivel.

          I will never look at another Economist in print and I will not return to this website. And yes I know you don't care; your right-wing constituency will always love you, and you will sell ads. Hair on ya.


        • 家园 “经济学人基本上不涉及政治话题”?


        • 家园 呵呵,加兄认真就输了。老观你知道吧,不说了,你懂的。
    • 家园 也要看人口增长率吧,



      • 家园 印度每年新增约2千万人



    • 家园 挑来拣去也就是印度能顶这个缸了


    • 家园 印度能超越中国,这也许是好事!


      美国的经济模式已经发展成为必须把世界上的肥羊宰杀,喝血吃肉才能养活自己。在拉美、日本、东南亚之后,十年来,华尔街盯住的就是中国。但是美国还是没有算计到 TG 的骨头会这么硬,这么难啃,于是失算,迎来了自1929年以来最大的金融危机。

      在短期内提高GDP并不难,只要一个国家不要有动乱,又有人愿意投放大量的资金。就是不知道下一轮,美国能不能把印度养的足够肥 ?!阿三们,你们要争气啊!!

      本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
    • 家园 中国关健要解决自己的问题


    • 家园 长期经济表现主要看如何应对危机




      • 家园 何以见得印度增速会超过中国?

        现在满世界都是Made in china,而从未,真是从未见过Made in India,它怎么就忽然增长高起来了?无数中低产品中国已经做到产量世界第一,世界上能容纳几个富士康、格兰仕、中兴华为?没有世界市场,它的经济增长再高也不过内部低水平的剥削。

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