
主题:【原创】欣喜看重四之一:整体座舱盖与一反苏俄传统的人性化 -- TopGun

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    • 家园 军坛几个大佬隐晦的话语里,这个似乎只是四代的验证机
    • 家园 这个让我想起来F-22 座舱盖的那个事故


      可以看看,那个座舱盖到底有多厚 LOL


      • 家园 感谢提供资料,目测断口部分厚度大约2厘米





        • 家园 Bingo.... WEKA 上实际有答案


          The canopy is approximately 140 inches long, 45 inches wide, 27 inches tall, and weighs approximately 360 pounds. It is a rotate/translate design, i.e. comes down, slides forward, and locks in place with pins. It is the largest one-piece canopy in production today.[2]

          The canopy's transparency (by Sierracin) features the largest piece of monolithic polycarbonate material being formed today. It has no canopy bow and offers the pilot superior optics (Zone 1 quality) throughout (not just in the area near the HUD) and offers the requisite stealth features.[2] The 3/4 inch polycarbonate transparency is actually made of two 38-inch-thick (9.5 mm) sheets that are heated and fusion bonded, with the sheets melding to become a single-piece and then drape forged, i.e. not laminate as in the F-16.[2] A coating of iridium-tin oxide gives the canopy a gold color and is used to reflect radar waves away from the inside of the cockpit.[6]

          Post-ejection canopy-seat-pilot collision has been designed out as the framed canopy weighs slightly more on one side than the other and slices nearly ninety degrees to the right as it clears the aircraft. The canopy is resistant to chemical/biological and environmental agents, and has been successfully tested to withstand the impact of a four-pound bird at 350 knots. It also protects the pilot from lightning strikes.[2]

      • 家园 这个看着像是等厚的


        • 家园 横向肯定是等厚的


        • 家园 应该是等厚的,不等厚就成近视/老花镜了


          本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
          • 家园 这个事故印象很深,因为好像没有follow up

            起因很简单,起飞前检查,座舱盖放下后,座舱盖未闭锁告警灯亮, 那个少校同志就像对待车门一样反复开关座舱盖,问题一直没有解决。最后一次就造成座舱盖彻底锁死,当时好像还说机上主计算机也死机了(记不太具体)。后来也没有说到底怎么回事。。以前印象座舱盖应该可以从外面手动打开。F-22 不知道怎么搞得,

            另一个印象是这个东西真重 (<400lbs), 切掉的部分都有100lbs-200lbs.

            你们民机出现类似问题怎么做(比如客舱门关不上)? 也反复开关舱门?

    • 家园 四代正面清晰照出来了




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