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        A Reef or a Rock?

        Question Puts Japan

        In a Hard Place

        To Claim Disputed Waters,

        Charity Tries to Find Use

        For Okinotori Shima


        Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

        February 16, 2005; Page A1

        TOKYO -- Yoshihiko Yamada is determined to find new ways to defend Japan's

        territory from Chinese encroachment. Some ideas so far: building a prison, raising

        tuna and breeding billions of micro-organisms.

        Mr. Yamada is trying to find some economic use for Okinotori Shima, an uninhabited

        coral reef that sits isolated in the deep blue Pacific Ocean 1,100 miles south of

        Tokyo. No matter how far-fetched, the ideas he picks could become reality, thanks

        to millions of dollars from Mr. Yamada's employer, the Nippon Foundation, a charity

        that finances patriotic projects.

        The charity is wading into a diplomatic row between Tokyo and Beijing over

        Okinotori's status. For years, Japan has called Okinotori an island, which allows

        Japan to claim not only sovereignty but also exclusive economic control of waters

        extending out 230 miles, or 200 nautical miles, in every direction. This has

        allowed Tokyo to claim 160,000 square miles of ocean -- an area larger than the

        entire landmass of Japan.

        [Yoshihiko Yamada]

        Then, last April, Beijing suddenly cried foul. At a routine meeting of midlevel

        diplomats from both sides, the Chinese representatives said their nation now views

        Okinotori as just a rock. That definition doesn't question Japan's sovereignty. But

        it would erase Japan's claim to the vast exclusive economic zone, or EEZ.

        Chinese interest in Okinotori lies in its location: along the route U.S. warships

        would likely take from bases in Guam in the event of a confrontation over Taiwan.

        China's efforts to map the sea bottom, apparently so its submarines could intercept

        U.S. aircraft carriers in a crisis, have drawn sharp protests from Japan that China

        is violating its EEZ.

        Still, U.S. and other experts on oceanic law and territorial issues say China's

        challenge is valid. According to the United Nations Law of the Sea, established in

        1982 and adhered to by 147 countries and territories, countries can have an EEZ

        around only an island that has inhabitants, or self-sustaining economic activity.

        But neither is the case with Okinotori Shima, which means "Island of the Sea

        Birds." No one has ever lived there, and the atoll's entire exposed landmass is

        just two mattress-sized boulders barely sticking of the water.

        Experts say Japan's position is similar to a failed British attempt to claim an EEZ

        around Rockall, an uninhabited granite outcropping in the Atlantic. London

        eventually dropped its claim in the 1990s when other countries objected. "You

        simply can't make a plausible claim that Okinotori should be able to generate a 200

        [nautical]-mile zone," says Jon Van Dyke, a law professor at the University of

        Hawaii specializing in oceanic law.

        So far, Japan has gone to great lengths to prevent Okinotori from disappearing

        altogether, but has done little to create economic activity. It has spent more than

        $250 million to fortify each of the twin boulders with its own 83-foot-thick

        concrete sea wall to protect it from typhoons. The smaller boulder was also covered

        with a titanium screen to stop wave-hurled debris from chipping off a piece of it.

        [ ]

        So, because Japan did nothing after China's April 2004 rock proclamation, Mr.

        Yamada swung into action. "Sometimes the private sector can be more efficient, and

        come up with more realistic plans than the government," says the 42-year-old Mr.

        Yamada. A former bond trader, he quit his job at a bank 14 years ago to do

        something of social value. The Nippon Foundation, founded under a different name in

        1962 by Ryoichi Sasakawa, a billionaire boat-racing tycoon who died in 1995, funds

        everything from leprosy research to nationalistic projects like Okinotori.

        As initial research, Mr. Yamada took 46 Japanese academics and journalists by ship

        to the island in November to brainstorm ideas. There, the group used rubber

        dinghies to land on the sea wall of one of the boulders, spending a few hours

        photographing, measuring and taking samples from the outcropping before heading


        At Nippon Foundation's Tokyo headquarters, Mr. Yamada looked over more than a dozen

        proposals made by his junketeers for creating self-sustaining economic activity on

        the outcropping. One called for building a manned coral-research lab, but Mr.

        Yamada thought it might be too expensive to shield it from Okinotori's waves, which

        can tower as high as a four-story building during a typhoon. Another was to open

        Okinotori to ecotourism, but the drab reef might not merit the long, grueling trip,

        Mr. Yamada says. He also rejected a plan to cover the atoll with pavement or

        landfill in order to build a prison. The submerged reef is about 2.7 miles long and

        1.1 miles wide and the plan called for filling in part of it. "The island has to be

        natural to qualify," he says.

        Japanese officials and politicians say they welcome the Nippon Foundation's

        efforts. After meeting with Mr. Yamada, Tokyo's outspoken nationalist governor,

        Shintaro Ishihara, promised that the city would spend $5 million to implement

        another proposal: creating a "tuna ranch" around Okinotori by floating buoys

        carrying long ropes in the water, which cast shadows to attract the fish.

        (Okinotori is technically part of Tokyo.) The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and

        Transport, which administers the island, also says it will likely approve whatever

        Mr. Yamada comes up with.

        "We're happy the private sector is coming up with some creative ideas," says

        Katsunori Kadoyu, an assistant director at the ministry.

        Chinese analysts said the Nippon Foundation's moves would only worsen the situation

        and blamed Japan for being more aggressive. "It's just one of the many new

        developments from Tokyo of a strong military approach" to addressing diplomatic

        issues, said Chu Shulong, a professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

        So far, Mr. Yamada has decided to fund two projects. The first is a $10 million,

        unmanned lighthouse. He says it would constitute economic activity because the

        beacon would improve the safety of a busy nearby shipping route for carrying

        Australian iron ore and other raw materials to Japan.

        But Mr. Yamada's heart is in another, more ambitious project: To gradually expand

        Okinotori's landmass until it's big enough to hold a permanent population. To do

        this naturally -- and thus to abide by the Law of the Sea -- Mr. Yamada is hoping

        to produce tons of sand using two methods. One is accelerating the growth of coral,

        which is pulverized into sand by waves, by submerging hundreds of hollow concrete

        "flower boxes" to shelter coral larvae. The other is to attract large numbers of

        Foraminifera, hard-shelled microscopic organisms whose bodies become sand as they

        die. Since Foraminifera are drawn to plants, there will be sheets of artificial

        turf laid out on the atoll's floor.

        "Humans have never tried to speed along the natural island-building processes

        before," says one of the plan's authors, Makoto Omori, director of Akajima Marine

        Science Laboratory, a private research center in Okinawa. A marine biologist, Dr.

        Omori came up with the idea after studying how typhoons and currents created

        islands naturally.

        If the plan works at all, it will take decades or even a century before the island

        is large enough to be useful, admits Dr. Omori. That doesn't deter Mr. Yamada. "The

        Law of the Sea doesn't specify that economic activity has to start right away," he


        --James T. Areddy in Shanghai contributed to this article

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