
主题:药家鑫判死刑了 -- netone

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    • 家园 药家鑫现象不是单独的,杀了药家鑫,自有后来人


      山东炫富女撞人后大骂伤者:要没伤就杀了你。 人称“李刚妹”




      完整视频: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjYwNzg4NDI4.html


        • 家园 这个恐怕不能算road rage啊


          a motorist's uncontrolled anger that is usually provoked by another motorist's irritating act and is expressed in aggressive or violent behavior


          • 家园 药根本就是冷酷计算的决定,明显的利益取向


          • 家园 Road rage cases

            Reasons Violent Traffic Disputes Occur

            Motorists involved in fender-bender collisions and silly traffic disputes are increasingly being shot, stabbed, beaten, and run over for inane reasons.

            A 23-year-old Indiana University student hacked a university maintenance worker with a hatchet after the two argued about the student's car being parked in a service drive. Other cases stem from equally trivial apparent causes. In one case a man was shot and killed "because he was driving too slowly." In another case a woman was shot because "the bitch hit my new Camaro." In still another case a small child was seriously wounded because her father "cut me off."

            Mizell & Company analyzed the "reasons" given for violent disputes and collected the following list. Each of the reasons listed is associated with at least 25 incidents that resulted in death or injury:

            "It was an argument over a parking space..."

            "He cut me off"

            "She wouldn't let me pass"

            A driver was shot to death "because he hit my car"

            "Nobody gives me the finger..."

            A shooting occurred "because one motorist was playing the radio too loud."

            "The bastard kept honking and honking his horn..."

            "He/she was driving too slowly"

            "He wouldn't turn off his high beams"

            "They kept tailgating me..."

            A driver was chased down and shot to death after fleeing the scene of a hit-and-run following a minor collision

            A fatal crash occurred because another driver kept "braking and accelerating, braking and speeding up."

            "She kept crossing lanes without signaling -- maybe I overreacted but it taught her a lesson."

            "I never would have shot him if he hadn't rear-ended me"

            "Every time the light turned green he just sat there -- I sat through three different green lights."

            A fatal dispute erupted over which car had the right of way.

            A driver accused of murder said "He couldn't care less about the rest of us -- he just kept blocking traffic."

            A driver charged with attempted murder said, "He practically ran me off the road -- what was I supposed to do?"

            And a teenager charged with murdering a passenger in another vehicle said simply, "We was dissed."

            There are many other stated reasons for violent traffic disputes. In one case, for example, a man was attacked because he couldn't turn off the anti-theft alarm on his rented jeep.

            Dozens of violent aggressive driving incidents have occurred because the occupants of one vehicle "dissed" or disrespected the occupants of a second vehicle.

            The so-called "reasons" for disputes are actually triggers. In most human behavior there is a stated and unstated, or conscious and unconscious, motivation. The motivation for traffic disputes is no exception. While the event that sparks the incident may be trivial, in every case there exists some reservoir of anger, hostility, or frustration that is released by the triggering incident.

            • 家园 鸭子是又给road rage添加了一个理由

              Dozens of violent aggressive driving incidents have occurred because the occupants of one vehicle "dissed" or disrespected the occupants of a second vehicle

              “中国特色式”road rage的理由是:纠缠

        • 家园 .


            • 家园 这个深思熟虑指的是其对杀人的目的已经想清楚了,就是灭口。


              所谓road rage,其核心要素是无谋杀动机,有冲突,或许是肢体的,或许是言语的,引发情绪激烈波动,临时暴起杀人,对结果不是追求,而是放任。激情杀人本来就不是法律规定,而是刑法学学理研究,而因为其主观恶性小,往往不被判死刑。虽无明文规定,但最近这些年,几乎没有激情杀人或road rage杀人被判死刑的例子。您可以找一找,无论中外的案例,所谓的road rage有否判死的例子。

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