
主题:【原创】评价二胖、阿三和小巴的原子弹 -- 黄河故人

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    • 家园 抖抖你 阿哥泥


    • 家园 今天天气哈哈哈~~~~

      送花赞扬 关闭

      送花成功。有效送花赞扬。恭喜:你意外获得 16 铢钱。1通宝=16铢


    • 家园 不过个人很希望他们做那么几次

      Me too!


    • 家园 有关法国氢弹的内情

      参见记者Pierre Billaud在《法国氢弹-难以置信的故事》一书中的叙述:

      1996. The state secret unveiled. Finally, the truth.

      Some time later, in 1996, I was contacted by a journalist from a weekly publication, who said that he had taken an interest in my book and that he was planning to write an article about it. I accepted to meet with this young journalist, who was nice and open. He eventually admitted to me that he had learnt, through a French non-CEA source, of the existence of secret information from England, to which he had found veiled references in my book, and that he was planning to centre his article on that point. I could not help him without breaking my former oath of secrecy. And yet, the facts in question had occurred almost thirty long years ago, the usual length of time for maintaining the secrecy on such subjects.

      Moreover, I was convinced that the foreign source had provided this information to France upon the orders of his government or at least with its agreement, and that consequently, I was almost sure that such a disclosure would have no negative consequences on his reputation. The journalist, however, had developed a romantic idea about those facts, and was persuaded of the presence of all of the classical elements of such an event, including a mole, a case officer, mysterious letter boxes, suitcases full of banknotes, etc... I was thus practically obliged to set him straight, fearing an absurd crisis amongst our English friends, by clearly informing him that it was our source who had initiated the contacts, and had done so in a most banal manner. I didn't quite manage to convince him, and he decided to give his article the title "Comment les Franais ont volé le secret de la bombe H"9 (How the French stole the secret of the H-bomb).( Vincent Jauvert : Le Nouvel Observateur 1638. 28 mars 1996. p.110-112). Also, he insisted on attributing great importance to this information, leading to the conclusion that we would have come to nothing without it, even though a device of the Carayol type had already been programmed before we received this information. The main benefit of the information was that it allowed us to immediately abandon the T option, which was of no interest value, and it also freed us from the ministerial harassment to which we had been constantly subjected.

      Given my considerable personal experience with regard to the study process accompanying full-scale tests, I would estimate that we gained approximately two months. In an effort to correct past errors or unjustified deviations, I decided to offer the scientific magazine La Recherche a summary articleof a primarily historical nature. Given the clear identification of the English source, this article attracted the interest of the great scientific journal Nature, in the form of a pertinent commentary by Declan Butler, the magazine's correspondent in Paris (D. Butler : Did UK scientist give France vital clues about H-bomb ? Nature. 5 dec 1996. p.392). That commentary, finally, inspired me to write the present essay, the purpose of which is to sweep away the last cobwebs still obscuring the complete historical truth.

    • 家园 印度的试验当量低得惊人。



    • 家园 这种好天气实在是难得啊,哈哈
    • 家园 今天天气的确不错


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