
主题:后天要参加一个Video Conference的面试 -- 工大流浪者

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  • 家园 后天要参加一个Video Conference的面试


    小弟我毕业于北方一所以培养工程师而出名的学校,但悲剧的是我拿的是管理学学位,现在给一小私募基金做操盘手,但觉得这个行业与一是与自己的性格不合,虽然我的技术还凑合,但利润对我来说是精神折磨的补偿,二是所在的公司啥都没有,没有保险,没有培训,没有升职空间;三是不想就这样每天枯坐在电脑前面,连话都不会说了,想出去闯闯世界。所以就把自己的简历挂在了网上,结果我有一项偏门的技术,EXCEL&VBA,被一家美国的金融公司发现,因为他们正在做一个使用VBA的金融项目,急着招人,加上我的外语水平还凑合,还有两年国外的留学经历,因此被通知要参加一个和美国方面的Video Conference.


    • 家园 中国方面的HR发了以下几个问题,让我准备一下


      - How do you handle unclear requirements

      - How do you communicate project requirements

      - What do you do if you’re in a situation you cannot resolve

      - If you have a deadline coming you don’t think you will make, what will you do…


      • 家园 试一下,供参考吧。

        - How do you handle unclear requirements

        if possible, try to make it clear by:

        1. validate requirement with business or business analyst who originate those requirements

        2. make assumption and validate those assumptions with stakeholders

        3. document your assumptions and communication as part of project artifacts

        - How do you communicate project requirements

        project requirement can be divide to business requirement and technical requirements. so dependes who is your audience.

        for business requirement, try to articulate what's the value that project can bring to business, what's the impact to business, what's the effort required from business, and some ROI (Return on Investiment), BIA (Business Impact Analysis) will be very helpful.

        Never talk technical stuff in front of business, they simply don't care. a classic example : some technical guys saying: by implement this project: your application is going to be faster.....

        this simply will not fly to business stakeholder, what that mean to them in business terms? they can't translate that. they want to hear is "this will bring your application availability from 99% to 99.99%, so downtime reduced xx hours, thus, increase revenue and reduce business impact, etc, etc.

        if you are the one to propose solutions, always come with multiple options, list the pros, cons, risks, effort of each options, so they know you have done your due diligence and they can make informed decision. keep in mind, doing nothing also is an option, so you need to list that as well.

        - What do you do if you’re in a situation you cannot resolve

        escalate, you are not CEO, you always have someone report to. identify issue before they become risk, be proactive, always inform your manager, and other key stakeholders. nothing is worse than surprise (especially bad ones) in busienss world.

        level set expectation and manage those expectation. it is not how bad the situation matters, it is how people think matters. perception is reality. this is not cheating, but manage expectation.

        - If you have a deadline coming you don’t think you will make, what will you do…

        this is just an example of the above on, same as above.

        元宝推荐:GWA, 通宝推:莫飞,梦回唐朝,
        • 家园 有感 Perception is reality

          "Life is how you perceive reality" or "reality is what you can get away with" (Robert Anton Wilson), and they indicate anti-realism — that is, the view that there is no objective reality, whether acknowledged explicitly or not.


          level set expectation 这句没看懂,有没笔误?

          您这一试(出手)水平很高, 每一句都浓缩了职场上无数的经验教训.送花赞.

          • 家园 兄台客气了,简单几句,希望大家就此话题能多砸玉。

            levelset expectation


        • 家园 这个是你自己写的?


          escalate, ... you always have someone report to. ... always inform your manager, and other key stakeholders. nothing is worse than surprise (especially bad ones) in busienss world.

        • 家园 写得好


        • 家园 说的真好,收藏了
        • 家园 多谢!

          送花 关闭

          送花成功。有效送花赞扬。恭喜:你意外获得 4 铢钱。1通宝=16铢


          另外 真的说句 很感激你的耐心和细致,不代表楼主,只代表我自己。


          • 家园 涛兄客气了,大家都是互惠互利嘛。


        • 家园 很有启发。对所有人都有好处。
        • 家园 You're so kind!!!

          Thanks a lot!It's very helpful with good English expression.

    • 家园 video面试--我的经历

      我之前面试过SKYnews的中国区技术运维,用的是skype,第三轮挂了,效果非常不好,事后总结,要注意临场发挥, 在出现非正常环境下要平和对待,调整自己。另外,如果美国方面看重你金融方面的IT技能,你应该重点描述下工作环境中所应用的范围,自己在这方面做过什么。特长是。等等。不要自己想当然的添加些不熟悉的信息。毕竟都是这个圈子里的。很容易被对方认为不诚信,被刷掉。

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