主题:【讨论】务实帖:海外华人如何组织自保,准备未来?(上) -- 舞动人生

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        • 家园 要记住一点,非我族类,其心必异。





          • 家园 同样阶层的人之间的共同利益,比单纯同种族的人更强



            • 家园 太幼稚了



            • 家园 未必了




            • 家园 同阶级的利益容易被打破。


              • 家园 要我破产了,同种族的有钱人也肯定会嫌弃我


                • 家园 do not waste time

                  with 大匠. He is still too young. You just need to remember who ripped off your grandparents' property, assets back in Shanghai several decades ago.

                  The answer is very simple.

                  非我族类,其心必异--that strong belief back in China implies that Chinese could not utilize global talents and will not be able to replace America as the global leader. Meritcracy is still a foreign idea to most Chinese.

                  Actually, the Han Chinese could not even manage other minority Chinese groups well--compared with Americans/Anglos, they have a long long way to go about how to coexist with people of different skin, color and cultures.

                  • 家园 中国什么时候说过要取代美国成领导了?


                    • 家园 "will not be able"

                      is not "will not". I am not lining out a policy. I am talking about capability.

                      • 家园 既然你说的是能力



                  • 家园 是这样,多数人能够理解你的意思都还办不到



                    Accept difference, embrace difference,不是一句口号,每时每刻每个人都在讲述着自己的态度。


                  • 家园 I have to say that

                    your command of history is a lot shakier than your command of the English language.

                    I actually agree with most of your content, just not your condescending attitude toward your fellow men who happen not to share your glorious Anglo-Saxon-centric worldview.

                    It's this sentence that I take issue with:

                    非我族类,其心必异--that strong belief back in China implies that Chinese could not utilize global talents and will not be able to replace America as the global leader.

                    The first half of the sentence may be true, but to say that "China will not be able to replace America as the global leader", you are committing the common sin of extrapolating the present and projecting it into the future.

                    Once upon a time, The King of Kings in the East has gather around him all the wise men in his vast realm. This, he orders them to do. To craft a constant and universal truth that shall remain forever true in all circumstances. After much belabored deliberation, wise men carve a single sentence on a stone and presented it to the King of Kings.

                    On the stone, it reads "This, too, shall pass."

                    American global dominance, like the Roman before it, too, shall pass.

                    While China's ultimate rise to be the global leader is not yet carved in stone (After all, nothing is ever guaranteed), China's attitude and acceptance of outside talent has already changed and is continually changing. It's unfortunate that your mentality seem to have been stuck in late last century.

                    The world is changing fast, my friend.

                    One result of fast changing World is that nowadays, you could easily type Chinese using Sougou Cloud or Google Chinese input. Maybe it's time you reacquaint yourself with your heritage.


                    • 家园 incisive and elegant respons

                      I am eagerly waiting for your series on Central Asia, because they are really pertinent in understanding the historical and contemporary challenges China faces on her road to a great nation and civilization!

                  • 家园 我来替“抢劫犯”辩护

                    re: You just need to remember who ripped off your grandparents' property, assets back in Shanghai several decades ago.



                    一个人抢了有钱人的钱,分给一群要饿死的人,他是劫富济穷的罗宾汉;(sorry, 罗宾汉是一个英国人名,俺的E文不好,不会拼写。)


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