
主题:欧洲讨饭记1 -- parishg

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          • 家园 最近正在看Hank Paulson的自传



            • 家园 Britons are fence


              Euro stronger--Britons talk about integration with Europe

              Euro close to collapse-Britons are cutting off bank lending to European banks fast, just as they are doing now.

              In 2008, Britons are more pro-Europe than pro-America. Now is the reverse.


              --Hank is the godfather of the internal circle. You can sense that. Hank and Tim were both from Dartmouth. As a senior leader, Hank overruled Tim several times during the 2008 crisis period. Even now, Hank was often invited back to deal with tricky fiscal issue.

              Tim still lacks commanding power in that circle. He works too long in the regulatory circle.

              Hank is the bridge for sino-Americana alliance.

              The message from Hank's book is very simple: Bush is puppet and he listens to me on financial issues.

              Obama refused to be puppet and then realized that orders from his White House never got attention from Tim.

            • 家园 我最近又把绿锅自传翻出来看了几段




              • 家园 延缓美国的爆炸 and then collapse fa

                fast and suddenly to hit all European banks who shorted heavily against American institutions and USD. hahaha.

                Hank is a genius. Margin calls killed so many hedge funds/banks that borrow USD to long on Euroland and Emerging markets.

                • 家园 还是有那么一点困惑


                  • 家园 check LIBOR USD

                    LIBOR USD o/n on Sep 14/15, 30

                    and LIBOR 1m/3m after Sept 14.

                    Hank's decision hit money multiplier. People are afraid of lending and borrowing. Multiplier fell from 9 to 6.8 fast.


                    --actually many Asians, all Europeans and some smart American money managers all expect American dollars will slowly lose its dominant reserve status by printing money fast to further bailout more key institutions.

          • 家园 So, gold and usd

            will increase parallely?

          • 家园 换句话说



    • 家园 国债要以海关税做抵押
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