
主题:【原创】黑水白雪长津湖12 -- 瀚海拾贝

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      • 家园 惋惜潘涌以小怨与国决裂的代价

        是啊,看到潘涌津津乐道于小酒馆琐事,尤其是拿到绿卡(公民?) 后的重生之喜悦,很是惋惜于他以小怨与国决裂的代价。空军对他可是精心培养唯一重任的。

        • 家园 看到潘涌津津乐道于小酒馆琐事

          他为国家服役了N年以后,有个自己的个人生活有啥不好呢?非要看到潘勇穷困潦倒么?那现在在空军服役的人员会怎么看? “我们老了也会那样穷困潦倒么?”潘勇被委以重任,不是说他就卖给国家了。他可以有自己的选择,他愿意过一种不同的生活。


        • 家园 潘老哥也算是安居乐业,很不错了



          看得不爽的是他时不时的要忆(昨日)苦再思(今天的)甜。有多么甜呢?举个栗子:他写道有双刚来美不久逛YARD SALE还是哪儿买到的旧鞋,怎么结识怎么耐穿,总之是价廉物美无比的珍视,很温暖很窝心。让人看得苦笑。他来得早,80年代早期,改开的大潮刚涌起来,人民的物质生活刚开始丰富的年代,大伙儿攒黑市外汇卷买西洋电器做镇宅之宝的年代。



      • 家园 牛啊




      • 家园 说得好,这是家仇与国恨的关系



      • 家园 on 老彭狠K了一顿26军

        that's something I do not like Peng: there is clearly error by Song Shi-lun as well as as the logistics support. You should not blame your soldiers for leader's mistake.


        --Peng was later on "punished" as the 右倾 capitalist, anti-Mao chief. hehe. Really a payback treat. I do not know why those smart leaders can not sit down and just analyze the lesson based on the facts? There is no need to involve -ism in this kind of anlaysis. The military commanders should also take blame for their own poor decisions.

        26th Army was stationed too far away from the battle line (80 km) as the reserve division. The heavy snow also slowed down its movement. Song Shi-lun was very arrogant: he totally ignored the impact of poor weather and had not prepared well in advance; he also underestimate Americans and believed that his two 20th/27th armies were more than enough to eliminate the whole 1st Marine Division.

        In contrast, General Smith of the 1st Marine Division showed DUE PROFESSIONAL care as a professional military officer. He insisted to build one crucial airport in the Changjin reservior and was reprimanded by his boss Gen. Almond several times for building that airport.

        That airport proved to be crucial to save so many American soldier's lives during the final withdrawal.

        家父曾见到过现场缴获的野战口粮。而几个陆战团建制都在,也有足够的战斗人员,只是从阿尔蒙德以下,心理都垮了而已,完全不想打了,也不敢打了。--that's perspective from chinese. On the west side, American offense line was collapsing fast and the whole defense line is moving south-ward. What's the point of fighting on the east coast and risk being circulated by the whole Chinese army?


        --there is a difference in values. Americans put soldier's life ahead of those supplies. For a rich and democratic nation like States, nobody will blame the president for losing tons of supplies, but he or she will lose big politically for losing thousands of lives.

        That's also America's weakness.

        • 家园 They lost their honor

          The thing they lost at 元山 is their honor, not their supplies.

          • 家园 I believe life is more

            important than "honor".

            Getting stuck in one extreme cold place without further support is not a quite honorable behavior. It is not a shame to withdraw.

            Actually, Gen. Smith was decorated with honor by the Dept. of Defense because he amassed his 1st Marine Division and withdrew successfully to minimize possible casualties. His soldiers are still grateful to him today for this leadership.

            Again, I have to admit that after living too long in States, my value system might change too much, a bit non-Chinese: maybe I put too much emphasis on saving lives than other criteria.

            • 家园 珍惜生命,就不该轻启战端,随便攻打别国不才是轻视生命呢。
              • 家园 a more fair post


                I think Song should take most of the blame.

              • 家园 the Korean War

                was initiated by North Koreans, you need to check facts first. 就不该轻启战端: who initiated the war??

                Chinese of course should care about THEIR OWN CITIZENS' lives first, so do Americans.

                In my post, my point is that Chinese generals should care about their soldiers' lives first, before they care about Americans' life. Those generals failed to provide enough winter clothes and pushed their soldiers to chase armies without supply and warm clothes. Most casualities were inflicted by cold weather rather than battle.

                The American general did a good job because he minimized the life loss for American citizens: on that account, he did an excellent job. He has no responsibility for Chinese soldiers' lives.


                --In terms of the Korean war, America entered the war as UN armies. 民意上 it is an anti-invasion war in the international community. That's why China had to cover up the fact that it sent in the formal armies to intervene and even call its own armies "Volunteers".

                • 家园 北韩不遵守生命,所以美国也就该不遵守生命是吗?





            • 家园 that's called "hypercritical
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