
主题:【warning】公民/绿卡与海外资产问题 -- 种植园土

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                  • 家园 其实按他的说法


                      • -- 系统屏蔽 --。
                    • 家园 这个要花。美国富人都说自己缴税少,这可倒好,还有人给洗地
                    • 家园 是啊,而且何止是富人



              • 家园 没看出哪瞎说了啊,愿闻其详。
        • 家园 水越涨越高,当量化宽松、打野食也解决不了问题的时候,


        • 家园 看完发现,原来美国才是万税国家





          • 家园 在资本的眼里,人分为三类:






        • 家园 怎么看出不出去都是死



        • 家园 忽悠...


    • 家园 哪有这么恐怖

      Specified foreign financial assets include foreign financial accounts, and foreign non-account assets held for investment (as opposed to held for use in a trade or business), such as foreign stock and securities, foreign financial instruments, contracts with non-US persons, and interests in foreign entities. The regulations include a list of examples, such as swaps, options, and derivative contracts.

      There are exceptions. Certain assets of a foreign nature are not specified foreign financial assets that require Form 8938 reporting. Additionally, certain specified foreign financial assets reported elsewhere need not be reported on Form 8938. These exceptions are as follows:

      * A financial account maintained by a U.S. payor is not a specified foreign financial asset. For example, a specified person is not required to report a financial account maintained by a U.S. branch of a foreign financial institution, or a foreign branch of a U.S. financial institution..

      * Exceptions from reporting are made for assets reported on certain other tax forms. These include: Form 3520, Form 3520-A, Form 5471, Form 8621, Form 8865, or Form 8891. The value of specified foreign financial assets reported on these forms are included in determining the total value of assets for Form 8938 purposes, but the assets do not need to be reported on Form 8938. In this situation, the taxpayer identifies on Form 8938 which and how many of these form(s) report the specified foreign financial assets.

      * Exceptions from reporting are made for certain trusts, certain assets held by bona fide residents of possessions, and assets or accounts for which mark-to-market elections have been made under Section 475.

      * A beneficial interest in a foreign trust or a foreign estate is not a specified foreign financial asset of a specified person unless the specified person knows or has reason to know of the interest.

      * An interest in a social security, social insurance, or other similar program of a foreign government is not a specified foreign financial asset.

      * A specified individual that is treated as a beneficiary of a domestic bankruptcy trust or a domestic widely held fixed investment trust is not required to file Form 8938 to report any specified foreign financial asset held by the trust.

      Certain key definitions of terms in the regulations, such as “financial account” and “financial institution,” will be further defined by regulations under FATCA Chapter 4.


      • 家园 替IRS洗地?交税越多越有益身心健康啊!


        * A financial account maintained by a U.S. payor is not a specified foreign financial asset. For example, a specified person is not required to report a financial account maintained by a U.S. branch of a foreign financial institution, or a foreign branch of a U.S. financial institution..


        * Exceptions from reporting are made for assets reported on certain other tax forms. These include: Form 3520, Form 3520-A, Form 5471, Form 8621, Form 8865, or Form 8891. The value of specified foreign financial assets reported on these forms are included in determining the total value of assets for Form 8938 purposes, but the assets do not need to be reported on Form 8938. In this situation, the taxpayer identifies on Form 8938 which and how many of these form(s) report the specified foreign financial assets.


        * Exceptions from reporting are made for certain trusts, certain assets held by bona fide residents of possessions, and assets or accounts for which mark-to-market elections have been made under Section 475.


        * A beneficial interest in a foreign trust or a foreign estate is not a specified foreign financial asset of a specified person unless the specified person knows or has reason to know of the interest.


        * An interest in a social security, social insurance, or other similar program of a foreign government is not a specified foreign financial asset.


        * A specified individual that is treated as a beneficiary of a domestic bankruptcy trust or a domestic widely held fixed investment trust is not required to file Form 8938 to report any specified foreign financial asset held by the trust.





        • 家园 忙总说中国也在做同样的事情,有可能是两个流氓有默契。
        • 家园 少来屁股党

          就事论事。IRS 开篇第一句就是定义 specified foreign financial asset的。

          Specified foreign financial assets include foreign financial accounts, and foreign non-account assets held for investment (as opposed to held for use in a trade or business), such as foreign stock and securities, foreign financial instruments, contracts with non-US persons, and interests in foreign entities.

          • 家园 这定义宽到天边去了,本人免费解读一下


            (1)“include”--没有用refer to\be\as 而用include是个不祥之兆。如果用refer to\be\as,那么“特定境外金融资产”和下述定义是“共界的”(coterminous),如果用include,那说明下述定义只是“特定境外金融资产”的一个子集(subset)。这意味着,如必要IRS可以补充定义,让你无处可逃。




            非账户资产的玄妙在于其定义的“策略性模糊”(strategic ambuguity)。什么叫“贸易”和“生意”?如果IRS把“贸易”“生意”定义得窄,那么“投资”的含义就无所不包。IRS的举例中不包括房产,但按其定义,大部分房产显然属于非贸易、非生意性质,那么投资性质就确定了;此外,FACFA法案明确覆盖信托、基金、SPV还有其它众多具有path-through特征的工具。FACFA本身提到了“foreign estate”一词,而且也用了中性的“foreign asset”一词,那么foreign estate肯定不全等于foreign asset. 这中间奥秘就大了去了。更奇妙的是“合同”一词,必要时,这个无所不包的“合同”可以包括一切。



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