
主题:军事新闻二则 -- 晨枫

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            • 家园 身份的问题要解决了


              • 家园 正好也看了这篇。还是相关评论更欢乐。

                On paper this scheme is very profitable for Indian, question is how much this will successful on poetical level.Previous record of any scheme show that it never completed or some culprit search loophole and deported it for selfish purpose. I Do Not remember Indian government carried out any agenda successfully up to end.


                How crude, rude & snooty of your pompous Correspondent to refer to the Indian village folk as "peasants", time & time again. Would he have made such a politically inappropriate gaffe, were he writing something on the English countryside??

                I doubt it, 'cos he'd be out of a job, the next day, once the uproar dies out!!

                If that ain't double standards, then what is?


                The UID project is one more of the silly schemes undertaken by the present government in India. We in India, the public and the media, have termed the present Indian government, as “government of scams”.

                骗子政府 --- 这个多半是印度反对党。

                There are 7 billion humans. Each has an individual and identifiable face. This is the archetype model for biometric identification.

                While much has been made of iris and fingerprints, to an astute observer people differ in just about EVERY attribute. From the vein patterns on the back of a hand to walking and running gait to DNA of saliva to a chest x-ray.

                用手背血管的图形,走路的姿势,口水中的DNA,和胸透会比虹膜和指纹更有效。 --- 没切到蛋糕的印度专家

                Indians, and i am one of them, are very good with lofty ideals, but ignore reality on the ground. We see enough poor people around, to melt any heart, but still spend over lavishly on weddings, luxury shopping and unnecessary mine is bigger than yours kind of things.

                为富不仁!--- 印度ngo发言人

                It is yet to be seen how useful is the UID in practice, given the track record of the Indian government, it might not be so great.

                没戏 --- 清醒派

                The article does comes out with ideal advantage such identification scheme would bring. However it would also require humongous effort to resolve obdurate Indian Bureaucracy. Another act (RTI) was hailed as great anti corruption measure but even it has been obfuscated and had made only marginal gains in improving the corruption in India.

                打倒贪官污吏 --- 反体制派

                we are a country that takes 2 steps ahead and then 1.5 steps back. But over time the 0.5 steps do matter as long as it is in the direction of a acceptable destination.

                我们正在向好的方向艰难而缓慢地跋涉 --- 印度大棋党

                Better keep those stations where the bio-metrics are scanned manned with real people, otherwise the slums will surely soon see lots of one eyed people with an index finger missing.

                小心盗用眼球和手指骗取社保的人 --- 这个印度第五代导演?

                I found this article interesting and very inspiring. Here is a scheme that could help some of the poorest people around take a step in the right direction and maybe have a better future.

                However when reading through the comments accumulated so far I became quite dismayed, and was reminded of one of my favourite quotes. So to all you cold and timid souls, read on:。。。Theodore Roosevelt


              • 家园 不知道有没有具体的资料

                因为根据俺的文章中提到只有8百万左右的参加了national population register,也就是另外一个身份认证系统。难道印度还有第三个生物识别系统,这就真是相当的有魄力了。


                • 家园 应该就是一回事




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