
主题:切尔西欧冠夺冠了,,庆祝一下,,回帖必花。。 -- 刹那芳华

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    • 家园 蓝军确实命硬


      • 家园 很正常,欧冠型球队不少都有这个特点


      • 家园 利物浦点球胜米兰那次


        • 家园 具体规定如下

          2.01 UEFA member associations (hereinafter associations) may enter a certain number of clubs for the competition, in accordance with their position in the coefficient rankings in Annex Ia, drawn up in accordance with Annex II of these regulations. However, no association may enter more than four clubs for the competition. These rankings also determine the stage at which clubs join the competition.

          d) Four representatives: winner, runner-up, third- and fourth-placed clubs in

          the top domestic league championship.

          a)If the titleholder comes from an association entitled to four places in the UEFA Champions League and qualifies for the UEFA Europa League through its domestic competitions, the lowest-ranked club of the association’s UEFA Champions League representatives is automatically transferred to the UEFA Europa League (into the latest possible round where there is a vacancy). In this case, the number of places to which the titleholder's association is entitled in the UEFA Champions League and

          the UEFA Europa League does not change.


        • 家园 05年利物浦最终是联赛第五


        • 家园 卫冕冠军可以免试参加欧冠应该是08年以后的事情吧


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