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    • 家园 【整理】美国防长:反对削弱日本在钓鱼岛管治单边行动


      2013年10月04日 07:21:32 来源:中国广播网

      美国国务卿克里和防长哈格尔与日本外务大臣岸田文雄和防卫大臣小野寺五典周四进行安保磋商委员会2 2会议后共同会见记者,其中哈格尔声言,强烈反对任何削弱日本在钓鱼岛行政管治的单方面行动。


      Japan, US fortify military ties with drones. Will China take note?

      The US and Japan signed an expanded military alliance Thursday in a deal that will bring US long-range drones to Japan for the first time.

      By Justin McCurry, Correspondent / October 3, 2013

      Publicly, the US has refused to takes sides over the dispute but recognizes it must help defend Japanese territory under bilateral treaty obligations. Japan administers the islands, which are uninhabited but surrounded by potentially large deposits of natural gas. Japan bought the islands from their private owners just over a year ago, and argues that China only began voicing a claim in the 1970s, when studies suggested that oil and gas deposits might be found near the islands.

      "We strongly oppose any unilateral or coercive action that seeks to undermine Japan's administrative control," said US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.

      Japan’s foreign minister, Fumio Kishida, said the security environment in the Asia-Pacific had become “increasingly severe,” and issued a thinly veiled warning to China not to raise tensions over the Senkakus. "We are decidedly opposed to the attempt to change the status quo through coercion,” he said. “Rule of law is critically important."

      The US and Japanese joint statement urged China to "play a responsible and constructive role in regional stability and prosperity, to adhere to international norms of behavior."

      Officials in China, which is marking a week-long national holiday, have yet to respond to the new agreement. The country’s foreign ministry, however, has previously criticized the deployment of the first military radar system in Japan, saying it would destabilize the region.

      To counter the threat from North Korea, Japan and the US agreed to position a second X-band radar system in Japan within the next year. The radar will enable Tokyo to track missiles from the North aimed at either country.

      Mr. Kerry repeated Washington’s offer of a non-aggression treaty with Pyongyang, provided it abandons its nuclear weapons program and complies with UN resolutions on ballistic missile development.

      At the meeting, the officials, who also included Japan’s defense minister, Itsunori Onodera, discussed the delicate issue of the US military presence on the island of Okinawa, home to the bulk of US military bases in Japan.

      In a bid to reduce tensions between US troops and Okinawa residents, Japan agreed to contribute $3.1 billion toward the $8.6 billion cost of relocating about 9,000 marines from the island, including 5,000 to the US Pacific territory of Guam.

      The new defense guidelines come as the Obama administration attempts to shift its attention on the Asia-Pacific region, and as Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe, seeks to bolster his country’s military capabilities.

      In a speech in the US last week, Mr. Abe said Japan should no longer be a “weak link” in global security, and should play a more active role in its alliance with the US.

      • 家园 【整理】日本否认干扰中国军演


        2013-11-02 12:14 来源:参考消息网

        核心提示: 日本防卫相称,日本采取了正常预防性观察,没有干扰中国演习,但他似乎也递出橄榄枝,称两国需要进行沟通。

        参考消息网11月2日报道 外媒称,日本否认干扰中国在西太平洋的演习,此前中方向日方提出严正交涉。日本称,中国的反对无法让人接受,日方的行为符合国际法。










    • 家园 泥轰现在都不敢动手,将来更没希望了!






    • 家园 二战留下来的尾巴
    • 家园 大胖子沙发
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