
主题:整薄熙来一年半黑材料,结果却不堪一击 备份 -- hwd99

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        • 家园 是这么回事


        • 家园 是这样


        • 家园 有道理


          • 家园 潘兴这样的,被数学太好坑了


          • 家园 u know that is not true (:)

            "太祖不认识钞票的原因众所周知,他老人家不识数。早年在长沙师范,数学考试从来都是零蛋。大跃进的时候,粮食亩产万斤、十万斤他老人家也信以为真,因为十万到底是多少,他没有概念。101不识钞票,是因为他不会做买卖", well we all know he was very good at military 买卖 at "十万 human life" scale, although whether MAO/TG was "right" or "wrong" at those historical moments=nobody knows until "future".

            太祖's "physics" questions to 李政道=十分在行, but by his excellent intuition, he knows very little about physics, to the point that 大跃进的时候,粮食亩产万斤、十万斤他老人家也信以为真

            • 家园 万斤粮的问题应该打钱学森的屁股


              • 家园 that is why TG did not give

                钱学森的son any "power or money", the same treatment of those 两弹一星 功勋科学家's second generation, noting really offered to them by TG's 2nd generation; TG's 2nd generation does not really give a shit to those 两弹一星 功勋科学家's second generation.

                why? TG figures that they will never have the shortage of N generation 两弹一星科学家 to serve at their will, because TG knows those N generation 两弹一星科学家 will be 忠誠 to TG, as long as TG can manage to have TG=china, the way Chinese people acts in the past of 5k years, 朝廷=Chinese state, 4 ever;

                朝廷=Chinese state is kind of like the same culture of "漢語最先進", it is already in the Chinese blood where ever they are, as discussed under that "漢語最先進" post;

                TG is of "核子能级別",its breaking apart by external force is almost a non-existent/extremely small probability event, as I said, TG's issue is from within, and so far, that issue is a "cost" issue, no big deal, TG will manage to get money grown on "Chinese tree", the china tree is still growing/GDP growth rate of 6% or higher, double that of US/EU.

                for US/EU, they really need to get their GDP growth rate normalized to at least to 2-3%, which is already very challenging, due to their decision making structure/their economic & political system's "non-理性, 後验, multi parties " decision making model;


                so, it will be a "parallel" kind of thing between TG and whites for a "while".

      • 家园 我凭直觉也认为薄熙来有嫌疑


      • 家园 调查组几百人全国搜集材料,怎么这么点问题?还是薄“自首”




      • 家园 你是不能担任陪审团员的,你有先入之见





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