
主题:解析美国亚太再平衡战略 -- 唵啊吽

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                  • 家园 【讨论】谁说的?你在美国买过猪肉吗??瘦肉精英文是

                    Ractopamine。这里有篇英文文章,要是你能看懂的话,就读读吧。文章写于7月26日, 2014年, 作者是 Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO, The Humane Society of the United States


                    标题是 为什么在全世界160个国家地区已被禁用的瘦肉精仍然用在美国的猪肉里

                    这篇文章提到,瘦肉精不但在美国合法 (现在60-80%的美国猪肉含有瘦肉精),而且美帝全国猪肉生产家协会现在还在强烈要求欧盟允许含瘦肉精的美国猪肉进口到欧盟国家!

                    我在美国已居住近30年,我比你应该更了解情况!中国双惠前几个月刚买了那个美帝也是世界最大的猪肉公司Virginia-based Smithfield Foods (SFD)。我看过报道,此公司产的猪肉,有百分之五十几是用了瘦肉精的。估计剩下的百分之四十几主要供出口!因为欧盟,中国等国家都禁止瘦肉精猪肉的进口!

                    Banned in 160 Nations, Why is Ractopamine in U.S. Pork? (Op-Ed)

                    Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO, The Humane Society of the United States | July 26, 2014 03:39am ET

                    Wayne Pacelle is the president and chief executive officer of The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). Pacelle contributed this Op-Ed to Live Science's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

                    If you care about the drugs that make it into the United States' food supply — or only about what happens to the animals that supply us with meat — you should care about ractopamine. Because of safety concerns, about 160 nations ban or restrict the use of this drug during pig production, including all countries in the European Union, Russia and China. But that hasn't stopped the U.S. pork industry from feeding it to an estimated 60 percent to 80 percent of American pigs to rapidly boost growth rates. If you buy pork at your local supermarket, chances are that it came from a ractopamine-treated pig.

                    A few days ago, McClatchy published a detailed piece on how the American pork industry — led by the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) — now is demanding that European authorities allow pork from pigs fed ractopamine into their market. The European Food Safety Authority investigated ractopamine in 2009, concluding there were not enough data to show that it is safe for human consumption at any level. But the NPPC is now urging U.S. trade negotiators to override that determination in current trade talks with the European Union. The NPPC's attitude appears to be that that the pork industry's profits should trump any concerns about food safety or animal welfare from regulators, scientists or consumers.

                    There are serious questions about ractopamine's safety. It belongs to a class of drugs, beta-agonists, that were developed to treat asthma and only adapted for animal use when they were shown to boost growth rates. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved ractopamine for use on pigs after just one human health study — an evaluation of six young, healthy men, one of whom dropped out because his heart began racing and pounding abnormally. Three years later, the FDA sent ractopamine's sponsor a 14-page letter, accusing the company of withholding information about the drug's "adverse animal drug experiences" and "safety and effectiveness." Shortly thereafter, the FDA required drug manufacturers to add this warning label: "Ractopamine may increase the number of injured and/or fatigued pigs during marketing. Not for use in breeding swine." [Memo to Congress: Protect Public Health, Not Toxic Chemicals (Op-Ed )]

                    The FDA has linked ractopamine to nearly a quarter-million reported adverse events in pigs (more than half of those pigs were sickened or killed) — more than any other animal drug. These pigs became lame or unable to stand, started trembling, or suffered a host of other ailments.

                    In particular, ractopamine causes pigs to collapse and become "downers," that is, animals too sick or injured to walk, and then often dragged into the slaughterhouse. HSUS investigations at pig factory-farms have shown that these downer pigs are often terribly and cruelly mishandled. The pork industry vehemently fights all of our efforts to require the euthanasia of downer pigs, perhaps because it realizes that there are so many downers now that the use of ractopamine is so routine.

                    expert voices, op-ed

                    The dispute over ractopamine speaks to a broader illness in the nation's pork industry. The pork industry insists on using a dangerous drug and then complains when other nations and American consumers don't want their pork. They have some sort of expectation that they know best, behaving like parents insisting that their unknowing children eat whatever is on their plate.

                    This reminds me of the pork industry's stubborn refusal to stop using gestation crates — coffin-sized crates that confine pregnant sows so tightly that they can't even turn around. Polls show that consumers in every state oppose their continued use, while almost 60 major food corporations have committed to phasing out the crates based on their cruelty. But still the pork industry, and especially the NPPC, continues to cling to the crates — which they are now, laughably, trying to rebrand as "maternity pens." This mentality is best summed up by an NPPC spokesman who told a reporter in 2012: "So our animals can't turn around for the 2.5 years that they are in the stalls producing piglets. I don't know who asked the sow if she wanted to turn around…"

                    Thankfully, this line of thinking now faces a major challenge from within the pork industry, with major producers splitting from the NPPC on gestation crates and ractopamine. Smithfield Foods, for example, has committed to phasing out all of its gestation crates and to reducing its use of ractopamine. And just last month, we were pleased to announce that Cargill is following suit in eliminating gestation crates. Now it's time for the pork industry's laggards to step up, and for the obstructionists at the NPPC to get out of the way.

                  • 家园 俺听说瘦肉精有两种,美国只禁止一种,另一种不禁。


                    • 家园 美国不禁莱克多巴胺,仅限量。



                  • 家园 去年或是前年,台湾闹了一场影响很大的进口美国牛肉事件



                • 家园 前几天有报道美国研究猪肉出口中国的前景


                  • 家园 前几天已经有一批美国猪肉被海关拦下乐


                    • 家园 有个疑问




              • 家园 你别不服,中国人民就是在吃喝玩乐中





    • 家园 美国陸军少将在阿富汗军校被刺身亡


      • 家园 说遇刺太抬举这位了


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