
主题:和平与战争 -- 唵啊吽

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                  • 家园 推荐: 汉密尔顿ABC,陈王奋起挥黄钺, hullo

                    I generally like authors with some kind of physics, science, or engineering background when they write about "social science" of TGchina, Uncle Sam

                    the following information is all public, I don't have any private contacts with them, not really even commenting each others post much. I just read their posts.

                    again, this is not personal, and I would think that they don't really care either.


                    汉密尔顿ABC, he articulated about US fed model very well, I don't have the link, but posted about him a few times.


                    陈王奋起挥黄钺, he said he had a physics major, works in semi conductor industry. He posts extensively, and I don't care whom he writes for (if,(:)), but he articulated well about TG's "china model";


                    hullo, he said he knows Chinese farmers well, and he articulates white's 民粹主义 very well, kind of where EU is trapped now.

                    汉密尔顿ABC has not posted much, I hope he comes back;

                    陈王奋起挥黄钺 posts extensively, I only read his posts on important subjects of "政治局" level (:).

                    I disagree with him on many USA related subjects.

                    hullo posts extensively too, I read his posts on Chinese farmers, 民粹主义, but I am not really a fan of his Chinese culture and 哲学, Chinese "national pride/ego" stuff.

                    overall, those 3 authors described Tgchina fairly well, and I largely agree with them.

                    and if I may comment further, for 陈王奋起挥黄钺, hullo, there are some risk of being contained inside 爱因斯坦电梯 made by TG for the current Chinese generations.

                    but, if 愿打愿挨, then who cares(:)?

                    and although I think that I have been fairly "objective", myself may well be contained inside 爱因斯坦电梯 made by "white", we all in some kind of 爱因斯坦电梯, one way or another. the trick is to jump from one to another, and never stay inside one 爱因斯坦电梯 for too long, to avoid 被脑残.

                    and in a way, I do think most of whites never really understand TG's "china model".

                    luckily for them, they may never really need to, for most of them.

                    TG's "china model", however powerful it may be, is a local one, working the best in china, and china only.

                    still, with TG "china model" 爱因斯坦电梯 perspective and experiences, it would help anyone to understand the "social science" of white better, a lot of better.


                    now, I hope more people like you (science working background, in US/west) come here and talk about "social science" of TGchina, Uncle Sam.

                    we use to have a quite few, now they are all gone, 被土八路打跑了(:), 土八路 offers some good view points too, not that terrible(:).

                    now, as Chinese, for whatever reason, we care about tgchina's "china model", which carries a higher risk of 被脑残, this "china model" is highly complicated for whatever reasons.

                    and I would advise that anybody, unless you really have to, you should generally stay away from reading about it, out of any media, Chinese or foreign. Tons of 脑残热辐射 BS (:).

                    as said before, there may be a reason for American public's craziness for sports, to avoid 脑残热辐射 BS social sciences coming from everywhere.

                    and in a way it makes sense, unless you are in this business, why should you care about tg's "china model"?

                    Chinese gene in the brain(:)?

                    • 家园 推荐: witten1, changshou

                      I know that level of physics and math are beyond the reach of many, except for their children in future, may be.

                      why physics and math?

                      防止被 TG 脑残, I really mean it(:).

                      as commander in chief of china, TG top can afford 人海战术, as an individual, nobody can afford it, period.

                  • 家园 "印度尼西亚政治金融权贵"

                    one cannot really compare TG top with 印度尼西亚政治金融权贵;

                    if one wants to compare TG with somebody, compare TG to Putin group;

                    for major powers of world, such as china and Russia, it is much less risky ( in terms of setting up fairly reasonable assumptions for your model) and much more logical to assume that their political elite (yes, %=?, challenging) works with their full heart and brain for their 民族和国家利益. with that, we analyze their systems, assuming their sysadmin all come to work normally(:), like their MD counter parties.

                    and I am talking about the elite as a group.

                    again, the assumptions are assumptions;

                    with my assumptions, I try to see which system can produce best quality information for market to discount, and again assuming Tgchina and USA all function well as systems.

                    with that we have probably an another more easily accepted assumption: today's world wide economy is largely managed by global capital market, which is basically a information discounting system.

                    now, the fundamental weakness of TGchina model is not about elite's heart and mind, or about troops, despite of all the worsening corruption issues.


                    some of the fatal issues with Tgchina model:

                    lack of a "full blown" 原教旨资本主义 modeled 私有制, legal system or even culture system, and right now, only USA has that kind of 原教旨资本主义, unmatched globally.

                    only such a system can produce qualified information for the capital market to price all economic activities/risks, and to enforce market's function as well.

                    Jpy and EU never come out of its deflation trap, partially because they are almost like tgchina, its banking system cannot really chase those 债务人 into hell, the way USA did during 2008, of course, US banks got FED to cover their ass as well.

                    still USA banks deleverage best, and now they are working out the best, banking industry is a super important pillar of US system as a whole.


                    EU has similar fatal issues like that of TGchina

                    tg's banks 保护贪官, jpy banks 保护 networks, and EU banks 保护人民群众, and as a result, all the information flow between those banks and bank customers are all garbage/fake to some extent, etc;

                    now, the advantage of TGchina's "度量结构"=tgchina 热情高万丈 all over the country, from leadership to the troops, and 高热量=GDP 7%, although producing tons of garbage and corruptions.

                    vs Europe 人民群众热情=zero, almost, if you go and work in Europe, you can feel that;

                    jpy: 人民群众 are becoming too old?

                    but tgchina's "度量结构" built atop Chinese 权贵资本主义 with a communist twist=garbage in and garbage out, taking advantage by many 权贵 themselves for their corruption.

                    still "这一阶层把自身的利益凌驾在民族和国家利益之上" is debatable, and I am not going to argue against you anymore on that point(:).

                    anyway, what I try to say is that even assuming TG top has good heart and smart brains and work hard for their 民族和国家利益, the system is still not working, in terms of information producting and processing, compared to USA.

                    so, Tgchina's model problem is a systematic issue, not so much of the issue of "TG top 阶层把自身的利益凌驾在民族和国家利益之上", assuming that is the case.

                    and to make things worse, even TG top wants to have a 原教旨资本主义 system matching that of USA, it is not going to work out with their troops brainwashed by TG themselves with 毛 religion for decades, atop 5k years of Chinese culture.

                    so, whatever TG 改革 does, TG's 资本主义 system is likely going to be a fake one.


                    but EU's 资本主义 is becoming even a worse fake, and TG top will smile from ear to ear, why?

                    let US=冠军, and we will work for 亚军, and with our TGchina model, we may even become 0.6 冠军 (:);

                    and that is a very realistic scenario.

                    this is kind of why TG top is not really panicking at all, in terms of economic growth. yes, they are worried.

                    I have written on this a few time, and in GR 时空, we got an "information problem" (:).

                    kind of why I have posted extensively on brains, information related physics.

                    so, the bottom line: US's strength is largely with its 原教旨资本主义 system, a full blown information producing and processing system, and without USA 度量结构, global capital market will not function at all;

                    that is one fundamental power of USD as a global reserve currency or information currency.

                    any other currency will have much less information content or power. period.

                    below that top tier of USA 度量结构, TG 土八路's "度量结构" may in future work out better than EU, however ugly TG 土八路's "度量结构" may look like. 臭豆腐实惠.

                    and I don't know much about JPY.

                    because of that, Uncle Sam and Tgchina are more likely to work out deals in making money.

                    remember 汪洋's "marriage" proposal?

                    TG will propose to marry Uncle Sam again when Hillary comes into white house.

                    so, basically, no military war, period; and yes, you can transfer and diversify your capital into USA, but chairman X is issuing hot party tickets for 私有化国产, so if you are smart, kiss his ass, and work for him in china, and then you will have even more financial wealth to be allocated globally(:).


                    information challenge

                    and I have been posting about this all the time, it is not about that TGchina will fall apart economically, it is not about TG not going to reform, it is about TG's 臭豆腐实惠 and kind of 黑手党 "度量结构": as a nation, you cannot attract global brain power with that kind of 臭豆腐实惠 and 黑手党 made "度量结构", and china may be losing even more its own brain power to US because of that, 劣币驱逐良币;

                    but TG top may fxxk back: I don't care, I know how to play 人海战术 (:).

                    kind of why I have been saying, that after all the fires and smokes, USA and Tgchina "打个平手" is a very likely outcome, "long term", and that may be actually very good for global economy.


                    if the above scenario is what TG's strategic planning about, X will continue to 打左灯向右拐;

                    打左灯 including all the hooplas of showing strength against USA, and even now all his those 亮肌肉 moves are fading away;

                    向右拐: his 私有化国产 move, real and huge, omg, anybody not impressed?

                    and have any Chinese 老百姓 made any fuss over that 私有化国产 move at all?

                    whatever TG does=good for Chinese 民族和国家利益, the core ALGO of TGchina "度量结构", which is still solidly running in the "genes" of almost every Chinese's brain, wherever they may be.

                    seeing that, Uncle Sam: chairman X, we want to do more business with you(:).

                  • 家园 人民币汇率 not 虚高 at all

                    I will write a little bit more later, but for now, the following is roughly my "line of logic";

                    but please don't use 您, I am not really a "fan" of Chinese culture, because there is no physics there, not at all(:).


                    in a country of 1.5B people, an unifying and almost a single 中国心"度量结构" (in terms of 社会政治经济) coupled with a super effective 中央集权 largely representing and working very hard( and having fun as well(:)) for Chinese 民族和国家利益=the nature of "Chinese model"

                    this is basically a 物理学上的奇迹, in terms of 广义相对论/GR, and because of that 物理学上的奇迹, "Chinese model" is for china only.

                    GR tells you that even a regional unifying "度量结构" is a very hard "thing".

                    引力波=4偶極子, very weak to 观测, and in general, N偶極子 moment=weaker as N increases, kind of "反N方".

                    and Chinese nation of 1.5N 偶極子, still 正步向前走 working hard, and all smiling watching CCTV 春晚, under TG's commandership of military style?

                    omg(:), but for a human system of social biology nature, that kind of system if implemented globally=no innovation, no growth, no science and technology progress as we know.

                    and humanity may have to go back to china's beautiful Qing or Tang dynasty with no IPhone no nothing? give me a break please(:).

                    that is the fundamental weakness of "china model".

                    kind of like 包办婚姻, however 实惠 it may be, from a system point of view, biology promotes marriage outside of family or 包办婚姻, so system can find the source of diversity, innovation, and growth, and a dissipative system is always dying for "diversity, innovation, and growth", almost at any cost.

                    that is a very hard concept for Chinese nation to comprehend, partially due to the lack of science such as physics in Chinese nation's "mind model", "trapped" in a social environment of almost 近亲繁殖 for 5 k years.


                    kind of why I have been posting heavily on physics(:).


                    compared to US model, the "Chinese model" fundamentally represents a 落后的生产关系, because it does not really provide any innovation and "real and value added" growth, the two things global social economic system has been dying for, not to mention that tgchina has never really contributed to the progress of science and technology of humanity, whatsoever, so far at least.

                    kind of why I have been saying that tgchina is largely a "super" but local economic power, it is not a leadership power, globally.


                    however, the 物理学上的奇迹 side of "china model" does create GDP 7% growth 奇迹, vs 欧洲心"度量结构" (in terms of 社会政治经济) of 民粹主义 and EU's 0 gdp growth rate.

                    "hullo" 民粹主义 post described EU well, and I used live in Europe for a while, still got many friends there.

                    now vs, EURO, 人民币汇率 not 虚高 at all,严重低估 more likely, in terms of GDP"温度" or growth rate parity .

                    vs JPY, I don't know, not much knowledge and personal experiences about Japan at all.

                    and capital market can only see the future out a couple of years at most macro wise, or "5 years" at most, kind of discounting cash flows 5 years out, mostly at company level.

                    and capital market only cares about money, it likes tgchina's GDP 温度 of 7% growth rate, because there is almost no GDP 温度 elsewhere at all, such as in Europe.

                    and in that sense, and in terms of GDP 温度, one can argue that EU=落后的生产关系, no money no honey, period.


                    the "Chinese model", although likely topped out already, it can still create GDP 温度 for a while (how long? hard to model), that is why I keep saying that tgchina will not run into a economic crisis in the foreseeable future, and capital market kind of sees china that way too, no hard landing or systematic crisis to come out of tgchina for the foreseeable future.


                    "long term": tgchina to normalize with US led world of global capitalism, at least economically.

                    as I said, as smart as TG top has been, they have figured it out that for TG to do 人民币 "QE" or globalize 人民币 M2, tgchina has to go 私有化, 市场化. otherwise, TG cannot globalize its 人民币 "QE"/M2, and TG will only hurt itself in this global QE era of very slow economic growth.


                    I think uncle sam understands tgchina up to this point, and uncle sam likely not going to let tgchina off the hook and unwind its position of shorting the entire world, without paying the world/system back some of the money tgchina "stolen" from the system, or in terms of 出来混总是要还的

                    as I said, so far and for the foreseeable future, uncle sam=sysadmin or market maker of the global system as we know.


                    however, uncle sam's 政权更替 game is almost impossible to play it out in tgchina, and there is not much else uncle sam could do in terms of "disciplining" tgchina.

                    so, in that sense, tgchina and US all have to "dance with wolf", with each other.

                    and US TPP stuff, I have not studied it much. puma兄 had a post on it.

                    • 家园 我基本同意



                      • 家园 美国资产好过美国经济


                        the fed may raise rate, and likely fed will, just do it for doing it, and all the money flowing into 美国资产;

                        EU: forever zero growth

                        china: 投机 there forever, and never 投资 there.

                        TG is waiting for Hilary to come to office, then present her with an offer, but she is a tough, and tgchina hater, if she does not like that offer, she could suck the blood out of TGchina, and those Chinese elite will kiss her ass like crazy.

                        中国人民善良, but they are also very 世俗, no money no honey, they can live anywhere, as long as they got their family and money together, over how many hundreds of years already, globally.

                        千古恨: 中华邦联 of tw and 新加坡 opportunity, what 386 was doing then, fxxking that army hooker?

                        and nobody in china even talk about this 千古恨 strategic miss.


                        now, having learned so much about TGchina in the last 30 years, Uncle Sam is going to head fake tgchina again and again.

                        and feeling nervous, tgchina will tighten up 毛林共识 again and again, then there will never be a real capital market in mainland china, then everybody is 投机 there forever, and never 投资 there.

                        seeing that, JPY and those other yellow Asian little fxxkers will all jump in and join uncle sam, ready to fxxk tgchina from behind, for a few dollars, why not? Tgchina has fxxked many of them in past.

                        刘亚洲's piece I quoted is a very good piece, he talked about Tgchina in a global macro setting since world war II, in a language we understand.

                        but he did not talk about that 中华邦联 of tw and 新加坡 opportunity, china's selling out of Pakistan in early 1970s, the two important strategic messing up of tgchina's international trade filled with all the losses, since 1949, largely due to the lack of international experiences of china's 5k years of 近亲繁殖 inside 爱因斯坦电梯.


                        how can tgchina lead the world? regardless of how much money it may make.

                      • 家园 TG统一管理15亿人思想: 不可能的GR度量结构=奇迹

                        not only that, those Chinese masters/Phds, whereever they go, US and Europe, for whatever years, they still study TG "documents", writing reports, publish it on web, argue with TG's "enemies", all by themselves without paid.

                        爱因斯坦电梯 with 1.5B people inside, all singing "我們走在大路上"

                        basically a invisible Chinese 規範場, across time space of 5k years, all over the world,

                        how lucky red gen II is, as 廠長 of such a "奇迹"規範場.


                    • 家园 US: 美国心, 世界脑"度量结构"

                      tgchina in a brief summary.

                      "中国心"=大一统 mind model, national pride, culture and language of sameness to the point of almost 近亲繁殖, built out into "gene" level over 5 k years;

                      "度量结构": TG basically and hugely successfully modernized china with Marxism social science and white technology, science part is still largely missing, although catching up impressively, but kind of textbook mode, not a 世界观/algo level at all.

                      as a result, outside of china, whites don't really understand Chinese, regardless of how fluent their 京片子 are, they just don't get it;

                      "朗道势垒" is just hard.

                      however, part(%?) of TG elite gets it, therefore 运动战, 鑹插战, WTO, post 911, internationally, and domestically, premier Zhu's 辽沈战役 of how many zillions of 国企 army?

                      物理学上的奇迹=GDP 奇迹=TG elite now among world elite level, financially, smart assholes, they basically crossed "朗道势垒", mostly leveraging TG's super 党组织 network and power, at elite level.

                      now, uncle sam: 美国心, 世界脑"度量结构", briefly:


                      many sides of 美国心, "most" of American people

                      苹果心: sell your kidney to buy iPhone, but if without these guys, how does AAPL etc get its innovation product launch out of door, then scaling to global market overnight?

                      sports 心: unbelievable, and I still don't understand much, but sports may nurture risk taking, diversity, challenging, team work, 阿Q high, and why not(:), etc;

                      happy 心: supposedly a huge % of Americans don't have > a few thousand in their bank account, still, they want to feel good, feel happy, what ever financial cost of it may be=US consumer army of craziness, 冲刺热力学极限, omg, live monte carlo simulation, unmatched globally.

                      church 心: you would be surprised, as a result of church brainwashing, 美国心=largely honest, straight forward, "honor" your contracts, baby(:).

                      you can't pay your house loan, you are thrown out, vs Europe: omg, a socialist society of zero growth, 人民群众当家作主, and for real, market as a system is pretty much dead there;

                      as a note: atop 2008 financial crisis, many American families live in their cars on side walk of street, no police there, and TV broadcast 雷锋 helper story everyday.

                      all these 美国心=a 繁荣昌盛生物圈 of social economic system to nourish 24/7 innovation of modern economy, for humanity to struggle into the next phase of capitalism, in its relentless search of innovation and growth: as a dissipative system, you grow or die.

                      as humanity of the only civilization in the universe: can we afford slowing down innovation and growth at all?

                      therefore, innovation and growth always enjoy sky high premium rewarded by global capital market, at cost of discounting everything else, and those TGchina 地道战民兵战 product in particular, now almost all of them had excessive capacity built out by TGchina's 民科工科党校 joint venture produced "度量结构"/ALGO running "china model".

                      the downside: most American kids are becoming white trash at an almost unstoppable speed, so system automatically imports tons of indian kids, Chinese kids, east European kids, middle east kids, etc.

                      by the way, I watched a spelling and national geography national test of US recently, those Indian kids beat Chinese kids like cutting a piece of cake, and white kids get beaten up by everybody, almost (:).


                      US local government: tons of 干部 trash

                      almost a disaster, quite bit of them (%?)

                      a friend's company got some sales tax issues, and the company has been dealing with California state government of various 干部 of various department for >2 years, still working on paper work flow, omg(:)

                      uncle sam is just lucky: why bother with all these BS local government and the so-called TG style infrastructure building out?

                      we are migrating into information, intelligence and possibly quasi quantum physics base mode of next phase of industrial production, anyway.

                      in that sense, I kind of agree with republicans: cut the damned government budget to zero, market can always do better.

                      with saved budget, helping those white trash buy more iPhone(:), and everybody is happy.



                      we kind of know.


                      "度量结构": this is the tricky part

                      in terms of GR, as said, even a regional unifying "度量结构" is a very hard thing, so it is really hard to model and articulate US "度量结构" in terms of 社会政治经济.

                      kind of why I suggest uncle sam's political team to start 认真学习马列, at least 知己知彼, and it has to be TG's version 马列, for real, but they will never get it.

                      so forget about that, and tgchina will be likely not a threat to US "度量结构" model anyway, tgchina as a "度量结构" challenge is most likely a head fake.

                      so, US based global capital market kind of functions as a dynamic "度量结构", obviously it comes very expensively, with tons of issues including corruption etc, and almost fell apart during 2008 相对论 level system stressing out, partially because of "china model" disruption to the global social economic system.

                      outside of capital market: uncle sam's CIA "zero dark" team, 五角大楼, white house war room: these guys 身经百战, with AI and all kinds of toys helping them out, they largely do their jobs well.

                      as long as 美国心, 世界脑 etc those major pieces of system all work well, and then the system will work well, dynamically producing "度量结构", and broadcast it out to the world, for a fee, often very expensive, and those "度量结构"ALGOs brainwashing worldwide population, so they consumer SP500 products, use their services, buy the stocks, enjoy dividends, send their kids to USA for American dreams.


                      yes, tgchina is trying getting into this "度量结构" business, but how? starting with chairman X's china dream BS?

                      as I said, tgchina's "度量结构" has been super powerful, but it only works in mainland china, now at an increasingly high maintenance cost.

                      in the world of "度量结构"战争, tgchina's 战略缓冲盘子 has been actually shrinking, even within mainland china itself, because fundamentally, tgchina's "度量结构" is a 落后的"度量结构", no matter how do you cut it, it is still a 落后的"度量结构", however powerful and GDP-productive and national "ego-oriented" it may be.

                      in today's open world, there can be only one "度量结构", and winners taking all.

                      that is why I keep saying that Tgchina has largely topped out, as a leadership model for humanity at global level, in terms of 科学技术 (add information there) 作为第一生产力.

                      this is because TGchina cannot produce a world class "度量结构", with which global social economic system produces, exchanges and consumes information.

                      may be one day, and most likely it will be china to challenge Uncle Sam as a "度量结构" producer again, and uncle sam should be challenged for the benefit of system as a whole.

                      that day if it ever comes, is still long long time away.

                      do we have any major holes in this "line of logic"?

      • 家园 刘亚洲: 当今的世界格局


        I did a post like the following not long ago.



        as "一个业余历史和国际关系的爱好者", I kind of like his piece.


        now, from TG's point of view (as I understand it)

        2014年7月3日 - in that sense, 刘亚洲 may have missed that bigger picture of uncle sam "亡我之心不死", and it is getting worse now, not better, for TG or TGchina.


        as I posted before, social science is hard, for lack of logic, and to some extent, we are all 先验论 based social scientists, with our brain and ass (personal interests etc) all mixed together, often heavily "biased/confused"


        the challenge of social science modeling

        in physics, we already have a non-linear /non-叠加 type "强相互作用" challenge, where we have interaction or coupling issue, meaning you often have strong or full interaction between/among "degree of freedoms", then largely, modeling game as we know now is over.

        prof. 杨振宁's gauge field theory tries to handle that challenge.

        gauge field theory is a 流形 mdoel mathematically.


        in bio science (your field?), bio system such as human being, often we jump or escalate into a full interaction of "强相互作用" phase/mode for our survival and growth, it is biological.

        for example:

        if Person A perceives person B in a "亡我(B 亡 A 之心不死")" mode , then it is not "logic" issue any more, A will do whatever possible to beat/亡 B.

        in that sense, there is no 正义之战.


        there is 正义之战 when you have other wolves (person c, d, e, etc) standing by and looking for a profitable opportunity to join the 战/相变 game:

        正义 (or "global heatbath equilibrium" ) as defined by market maker Uncle Sam and his friends, supporters etc, for now.


        TG: how long it can stay short the whole world?

        as written before, TG's model is basically a shorting the whole world model, economically, politically and ideologically, post 1949, for all kinds of reasons.

        basically, TG's "china model" is like a huge 梯度 inside the global system, unless TG makes it to be the boss/sysadmin of the system, there will be always a risk of TG's getting eaten alive by system's 熱力學自由能, system's 梯度越大,系统储存/compressed 自由能越多, and system has to "relax" back to equilibrium state by release of those compressed 自由能, eliminating 梯度. period.

        in that sense, Tg's "china model" itself=a huge short position against the whole world, basically.

        again, in physics, there is no "right or wrong", but there is a global heatbath "equilibrium/ 温度", if TG can define and manage that "equilibrium /温度" as a market maker, TG is "right".

        for now, Uncle Sam is "right", TG is kind of "gray".


        following that "line of logic"

        TG=变色龙, 我们走在资本主义测地线上 新 晓兵 字

        河友 "汉密尔顿ABC ": 挑逗资产斗资产 新 晓兵 字2364 2014-09-13 21:43:01

        卖地不是出路,是以M2的膨胀做基础的 花1 新 PBS 字201 2014-09-13 21:49:45

        TG:try to globalize "M2的膨胀" 新 晓兵 字755 2014-09-13 22:00:38

        with 私有化, 市场化: globalize M2 新 晓兵


        uncle sam's point of view and game plan (my speculation or guess):

        you TG fxxker, you want to unwind your shorting me position without paying me back the dollars you steal (or whatever) from my office when I was busy handling "911" crisis?

        no way, you got to pay back, no "easy exit" out for you communist 黄祸 assholes.

        but, Obama is near the end of his term, we will see how Clinton couples "challenge" Tgchina.


        how X is going to handle all these challenges? I don't know.

        the "easiest" way out, as always, is buy your way out, and to do that=私有化, 市场化, to be normalized with Uncle Sam's global heatbath equilibrium 温度, play TG's 统一战线 game.

        or more risker alternative: X thinks tg's "china model" still has a lot of upside in terms of making a lot of more money, and with that money, he buys Europe and other friends, 反包围 uncle sam, etc.


        私有化, 市场化: X may have to just "swallow" that damned thing, regardless of how he handles Uncle Sam.

        facing Uncle Sam's 包围 of tgchina, Chinese elite has been globally hedging and allocating their financial wealth of "world elite class level", they have been the smartest among the Chinese society.

        partially because of that, X has to 私有化 some of Tg's 党产国产, to 统一战线 those Chinese elite and basically buy their support, or X and his red gen II will be "home alone", possibly 重上井冈山, the worst case.

        and obviously, knowing that uncle sam is market maker of today's world, Chinese elite has been working behind the scene with US wall street关系, in their global financial asset allocation.

        in that sense, X's 私有化 some of Tg's 党产国产 is in a way also feeding uncle sam's wall street wolves, more of indirectly now.

        but, wolves are always wolves, they are not easy to be satisfied.

        now, Uncle Sam as a very experienced and a globally 身经百战 wolf, can money alone make Tg's 统一战线 game work out? even X wants to 统一战线 uncle sam. etc.

        that is an another challenge to X.

        in the end, I guess Tg's 统一战线 game will likely work out: money talks


        耦合, coupling or full interaction of "degree of freedom"

        the domestic challenge: how long X can stay shorting Chinese farmers? or how much more money he can squeeze out of Chinese farmers?

        耦合, coupling or full interaction: all bad things tend to happened together, omg!(:)

        and in a way, X's 私有化 some of Tg's 党产国产=squeeze those 软柿子, as "hullo" said, X may have not figured out how to short more Chinese farmers and how to push 城镇化 money making machine further.


        if the above "line of logic " in terms of money or energy analysis holds, Tgchina has likely topped out, and now it is transitioning into a 战略防御 phase.

        having missed the the life time opportunity around y2k of 中华邦联 of TW and 新加坡, TGchina's 战略缓冲盘子 has not become any bigger than that of mainland china.

        and possibly, Uncle Sam's "zero dark" team has been working on setting up some smokes and fires in 新疆, launching out their operations from Pakistan.

        and for Pakistan: why not take Uncle Sam's money by helping fxxking TGchina from behind? Tgchina sold Pakistan out in early 1970s when Indian fxxked Pakistan into two pieces.

        Information stays and moves around in a GR world, with "blackhole" included, 霍金辐射=出来混总是要还的

        能量(信息)守恒, if we can model the system into some kind of closed system.


        "full interaction的体系" , "Moravec的悖论": "强相互作用"


        witten1:【原创】量子生物学 I

        如果能在生命体中发现宏观量子效应,一定会很有趣 [ changshou ] 于:2013-01-01 00:27:09 复:3830452

        我之所以分出两种量子生物学(后面狂想的量子场生物学不算),就是因为我脑中有两个非相对论量子多体问题研究的范式:化学 和 凝聚态物理(特别是那些展现宏观量子效应的东西)。 我感觉 现有生物学基本使用的是化学,所以如果有能超越化学的(比方说)宏观量子效应的东西出现 是很好的事。


        另外 关于从量子力学基本原理薛定谔方程出发直接导出流体力学方程 现在已经可以做到了。比如Harvard的姚鸿泽教授在十来年前从薛定谔方程直接导出流体力学的Euler方程。最惊人的是, 他既不需要以分子运动论Boltzmann方程作跳板,也不需要先取半经典近似过渡到牛顿力学。 他因为这工作(和其他一些工作)获得了Poincare奖。很多物理学家可能都不知道 姚鸿泽这类数学物理学家近年来在这些方面取得的重要进展,因为这些人基本都在数学系任职 而且工作都是艰深的分析类纯数学。其实这些工作对一线物理学家可能也没有直接用处, 但对于证明现有体系的内部和谐性还是很重要的。




        "在看完,并和同事讨论完,我们认为这个形式上是漂亮,可是没怎么用,因为本质上你还是得把配分函数弄出来才能得到一些启动那个微分方程的量,而这对于full interaction的体系,这个配分函数要是能有效算出来,这工作的难度和分量我想你是明白的--breakthrough。。。 

        "Moravec的悖论": "强相互作用" - 西西河



        2014年4月1日 - http://www.ccthere.com/alist/3808130/4 ... systems such as animals/human being has to handle strong interaction/full interaction in a unknown ...

        ---------quoted from internet-------


        (2014-09-06 22:29:19) 下一个


        8月30日我写了印度莫迪的主动出击 vs 远交近攻, 就意识到印度的不善和问题的严重,不过没有













        席访巴,希望访问尽早成行,以促进中巴两国间的互利合作。” 拿中巴这类“兄弟”关系,都出事了


        • 家园 "黑洞"霍金辐射: X 其实有些手忙脚乱

          "Information stays and moves around in a GR world, with "blackhole" included, 能量(信息)守恒, 霍金辐射=出来混总是要还的

          if we can model the system into some kind of closed system. "


          overall, I guess TGchina will be ok for the foreseeable future, for many reasons: internationally, Russia is kind of "buffer", and now "ISIS" islam state, 牵制美国, etc


          now, just for "fun", let's look at TG using "黑洞"霍金辐射 as an analogy, do a quick and dirty analysis of chairman X's recent few trades.


          first of all, 黑洞熵, and 霍金辐射.

          "在没有霍金辐射的概念以前,物理界有一個难题,就是如果把有很多熵的東西丟進黑洞裡,那豈不是把那些熵給消滅掉了嗎?但是熵在宇宙裡是永增不減的,因此這代表 黑洞應該也有很多熵,而有熵的任何東西都會釋放黑體輻射,因此黑洞也會釋放黑體輻射?但釋放的機制又如何?霍金輻射就解釋了黑洞釋放黑體輻射的機制。根據海森堡测不准原理,在真空中會瞬间凭空且自然地產生許多粒子-反粒子(虛粒子)對,並且在极短的时间内成對湮滅,在宏观上沒有质量产生,如果一個粒子對在黑洞附近形成,由於黑洞的引力場很強,導致配對誕生的正反粒子被扯開,有可能有一個跌入事件視界,而另一個沒有,從而被黑洞的引力提昇成實粒子。但這樣就違反了能量守恒定律,所以另一個粒子的質量一定是從黑洞本身的質量而來——这就是黑洞釋放輻射的一個簡化解釋。"




          TG may know that better than anybody else, now holding a huge short position against almost the entire world, basically playing a "黑洞" game of some kind.

          and likely because of that, X 其实有些手忙脚乱.

          X's recent trades:

          X 选择性反腐败收买老百姓, but X 收买老百姓 basically with 空头支票, 不是实在的, no real meat to 老百姓, but he really and 实实在在的 fxxked up some of his own TG troops;

          then, X 选择性私有化国产, 实实在在的收买民间资本家奸商;

          X's potential profit and loss:

          now, 老百姓傻吗? 老百姓=useless 干电池, may be; but 老百姓傻吗? we don't really know now. can 老百姓 tell 空头支票 they got from X vs 实实在在的"国产" X gives to 民间资本家奸商?

          now, how about those fxxking Chinese 民间资本家奸商?

          can X red gen II rely on those 民间资本家奸商 fxxkers to 保卫党中央, 保卫 chairman X? if one day uncle sam figures out a way to play 政权更迭 game in china, now X is giving those 民间资本家奸商 with china's 国产 at almost price of 大白菜?

          the worse case: if 民间资本家奸商=奸商, and as plan B, can X turns around at critical time and try to rely on 老百姓的傻, hoping 老百姓 to stick their necks out to 保卫党中央, 保卫 chairman X, now X is basically issuing 老百姓 "空头支票"?

          those are tough questions, any answers could be of speculative natures=risk

          but we did get some information:

          X 其实有些手忙脚乱, he 选择性 does this, and 选择性 does that, trying to diversify and hedge his trades, cover his ass, and but what he has really accomplished so far?

          He looks a little bit weak domestically, even more so internationally.

          and what do you do if you have some leverage on him?

          you ask chairman X to pay you more, and more.

          why not(:)?

      • 家园 changshou: "时空中 度量结构(距离)的定义"

        I will write another post responding more directly to your post;

        for now:



        孙昌璞 信息处理本质上是一个物理过程( ↑0 ↓0. 1 ... ustc website, 段路明郭光灿量子信息讲座. 看全文 分页 全看 树展 ... http://www.ccthere.com/article/3830541.


        "在时空中 度量结构(距离)的定义 是个物理问题"

        changshou: 几何直观地介绍广义相对论的时空以及大爆炸模型



        changshou: 几何直观地介绍广义相对论的时空以及大爆炸模型

        is a great piece, rare in Chinese, and for most of us, reading in Chinese is still a lot of helpful, if not a must.


        It took 爱因斯坦 8 years to understand "度量流形", and with that, comes GR.

        before that, 爱因斯坦 was more of physicist , helping 发现原子物理 (his Brownian movement modeling), 发现量子力学 with his "光电效应" model, etc

        GR was 爱因斯巅峰, and at humanity level, we are still challenged by 爱因斯坦巅峰, we have not been able to grow beyond 爱因斯坦巅峰.


        the following is quoted directly from "changshou" post, he did a great job, and my thanks to him.


        能标记 点在时空中的位置 和 能定义或测量两个点间的距离 是两码事

        建一个坐标系 就是用实数 来标记 4维时空(或4维流形)中的点的位置, 坐标系是局部的

        在时空中 度量结构(距离)的定义 是个物理问题


        度量结构 与局部坐标系选取无关


        注意:如果我们不选某个 按“三正一负”的“勾股定理”描述闵可夫斯基时空的 整体坐标系, 而是乱选一个坐标系(哪怕他可以扩张到整个闵可夫斯基时空),一个闵可夫斯基时空里的匀速直线运动 可能不是 相对于这个坐标系的匀速直线运动。

        如果区域很小,闵可夫斯基时空是很好的近似。所以如果不仔细,观察者会误认为 时空是平直的闵可夫斯基时空。这其实就是人类在广义相对论以前的认识状态

        流形是 数学家引入的 一种很基本的几何概念。 它以抽象的方式定义 就如我们可以以抽象的方式定义实数(分数和无理数)一样。 物理上 我们用它 作为时空的模型。这么做 对于理解这一概念的人 自然得 就如 物理上 我们用实数 作为长度测量的模型一样。 不过一般人容易接受实数的概念 (其实也不容易,想一想无理数的曲折历史吧), 但不易接受流形。

        流形, 变形,


        定义数学的球面时, 你不需要 任何看见或感知它的能力, 用纯粹逻辑推理就够了。 这种抽象定义 的东西未必能够 在物理上实现, 但它有 潜在的物理实现的可能。内在的橡皮膜球面 就是这样的。目前为止 它还是 纯粹数学概念。 但后面我将解释, 以他为代表的流形 可以作为 物理空间的模型。所以 它有潜在的物理实现的可能。

        在现阶段 (纯粹数学空间阶段), 因为和物理时空 尚无瓜葛,内在的橡皮膜球面 无非就是 平面膜 加上 粘合指示。

        流形是 3.5 的推广。 我们先固定 某一维数的欧式空间 (就想 2,3,4维好了), 然后 发布 一个 只使用 这一维数的欧式空间中的一些部分的 一个粘合指示。这样 定义出来的 粘合物 就叫流形。 它的维数 等于 那欧式空间的维数。

        一个几何的对象 (流形)是可以 “内在的” 存在的。 它是以 局部的 更基本的几何对象(欧式空间) 粘出来的 一个 整体的东西。它和局部的几何对象 维数一样。

        流形 加上一个 它上面的 特定的 度量结构 叫做 度量流形。 这相当于 在流形上定义了距离。

        2 是否有内在的弯曲 不是流形的性质,是度量流形的性质。度量流形 可以有内在的弯曲。是否有外在弯曲 不是度量流形的性质。

        3 嵌入的度量流形 可以既有内在的弯曲 又有外在弯曲。 这两种弯曲没有关系。外在弯曲是 流形外的人 看到的直观的弯曲。

        4 对我们来说,重要的是 内在的弯曲, 它可由在度量流形上 搞距离测量 来确定。

        5 内在弯曲 外在弯曲 都是局部的性质。

        内在的弯曲 就是度量结构(距离)和平直的欧氏空间(如平直的平面,平直的三维空间)不一样。 这里平直的欧氏空间指的是 距离是用 (在平面直角坐标系下)用勾股定理定义的。平直的欧氏空间也叫 有标准度量的欧氏空间。


        我其实没有确切地说 什么是外在的弯曲。我不准备确切定义它。 不仅因为这个概念在将来不是很重要,也是因为 这其实就是人们 通常所说的弯曲。 只要你见到一个三维空间中的 直观上弯曲的东西, 那东西就有 外在的弯曲。 外在的弯曲 大体上 就是 以弯曲的方式 嵌入一个 流形(如三维空间)。

        几何直观地介绍广义相对论中的时空以及大爆炸模型 (7)广义相对论预览


        7.1 时空是(某一类)度量流形

        这里的时空指的是 我们现实世界中的 物理空间和时间。因为度量流形可以内在的弯曲, 所以时空可以是 内在弯曲的。 这就是通常说的 弯曲的时空。F

        从下一节开始我会详细解释 7.1的含义。

        7.2 时空是 动力学的

        这指的是 时空 作为度量流形 并不是与含于其中的物质无关了。 恰恰相反,时空 作为度量流形 是由一个 叫做爱因斯坦方程 的微分方程决定。 而爱因斯坦方程 包含了物质的分布。于是 时空是与物质有关的。

        这我以后也会解释。在我看来 这是最难理解的部分。 而一般科普在打个比方后就回避了F。

        7.3 万有引力 就是 内在弯曲的时空

        这就是为什么 万有引力 是万有的。任何物质都在时空中, 因此都受到弯曲的影响,这种影响就是万有引力。

        提示:请注意流形和度量流形的区别(复习(5)):流形上 谈距离弯曲等 没有意义,必须先给度量结构。 给了度量结构就叫度量流形。 一般流形上可以造无穷多种不同的度量结构, 所以说清是哪一个很重要。流形局部上等同于欧氏空间, 但这时说的欧氏空间是没有距离的, 等同则是橡皮膜世界中的等同:同胚(见(4))。 欧氏空间上可以造无穷多种不同的度量结构。 但其中有一种是用标准的方式造的度量(距离):用勾股定理定义。 这样得到的有标准度量结构的欧氏空间 有时也会被简称为欧氏空间(我尽量避免就是了,但你应该能从上下文判断)。有标准度量结构的欧氏空间是平直的。 虽然流形局部上等同于欧氏空间, 度量流形局部上和 有标准度量结构的欧氏空间 可能是不一样的。 这就是 内在的弯曲

        8.1 一个初步的时空模型:4维流形

        我们的直观体验告诉我们 物理空间似乎是3维的。时间似乎是一维的。它们似乎是无限可分的可以连续改变的存在。 要标记(确定)一个事件(比如一个点的运动),要四个数。 三个定位置,一个定时刻。位置可以连续改变, 时刻也可以。

        这不一定是对的。 但我没发现能否定这一点的证据。 我暂且接受它。于是我用四个实数来标记点的运动(或事件)。

        4维的欧氏空间中的一个点 就是用四个实数来标记的。 所以我可以 用4维的欧氏空间中的一些点 来标记时空中的点。如此说来 4维的欧氏空间 (注意,我还没考虑度量)像是一个 时空模型。 但等一等, 流形的定义告诉我们 可能出现局部是欧式空间, 但整体不是的情况。 仔细一想, 关于时空 我其实只知道局部的情况 (人类只有不长的历史 和不大的活动范围), 所以为保险起见, 我不预先排除 时空整体不是欧氏空间的可能。 于是一个更合理的时空模型是: 时空是 4维流形。这里没有任何神秘之处, 因为这基本就是流形的定义。 我不假定 时空包含在其他什么东西里,所以流形就不是嵌入的流形。F

        8.2 模型太粗糙

        4维流形这个模型 是非常粗糙的。 因为我们的经验还包括 我们可在时空中定义(或测量)距离。这距离包括空间的距离和时间的距离(当然这假定我们能把时空分离开,如果不能,那这“距离”可能同时包含时间的空间的贡献)。 然而4维流形 没有距离这种东西。

        要特别强调的一点是, 能标记 点在时空中的位置 和 能定义或测量两个点间的距离 是两码事。 奇怪吗?F 仔细想想。哪怕在欧氏空间中 都是这样。 所谓 (比如用4个实数)标记 点在时空中的位置 就是通常讲的 建一个坐标系,用于标记的实数 就叫坐标。给定两个点的坐标, 你能写出它们间的距离吗? 两个点的坐标是八个数,距离是一个数。 你得告诉我一个法则 从八个数造出一个数来。 給一个法则实际上是给一个定义。你能做的事其实是定义它们间的距离。通常 我们用勾股定理来定义距离(回想一下中学里 怎样在平面直角坐标系下 算距离)。 定义距离 就是 给度量结构。 当然不是说 任何从八个数造出一个数的法则都算距离,有些明显的性质需要满足, 但即便如此, 仍然有太多可能的类型。可以在数学上继续探讨这个问题,但这对我们已没有太大意义。 这是因为下面的原因。

        8.3 时空中定义距离是个物理问题

        这其实就是爱因斯坦 从狭义相对论起 就强调的一点。要定义两个时空中的点的距离, 需要一个物理上的操作将这两点联系起来 (比如从一点旅行到另一点,或使用某种信号)。 然后从物理操作中 设法提取(定义)一个数 作为距离。 这也是为什么在上文中 我常把测量和定义放在一起。

        因此 我们不能随意的 定义距离 (或度量结构)。F 我们需要一些 物理上的结果。 这个结果叫 狭义相对论(见下篇)。

        8.4 坐标系是局部的

        在8.2中 我们说 建一个坐标系 就是用实数 来标记 4维时空(或4维流形)中的点的位置。 8.1 中 我们指出 这等价于说 用4维的欧氏空间中的点 来标记 时空(或流形)中的点的位置。好了, 我们知道 4维流形 可能只有在局部上 才是 4维欧氏空间。 所以 建一个坐标系(用4维的欧氏空间中的点 来标记)这件事 只是在流形的局部上作的。 换言之, 如果流形 是由若干标准模块(局部上的欧氏空间)粘成, 则每个标准模块上 可自带 一个坐标系, 但 一个标准模块上自带的坐标系 未必能 扩张为 整体的 坐标系。

        比如 嵌入的(或内在的)2维球面 在1号2号平面膜上 可以各自建立 平面直角坐标系, 但是不可能有整体的平面直角坐标系(如果有,岂不意味着2维球面 是一个平面了?F)。

        8.5 流形上的度量结构是整体的

        这其实包含在5.6的定义中了。 因为在那里我们要求 各个标准模块上的度量结构相互匹配。 注意:度量结构是整体的 和 度量结构的内在弯曲是局部的 并不矛盾。一个给定的度量结构 可以在这一块 弯曲得多一点, 那一片弯曲得少一点。 比如 把一个嵌入的几何球面 拉扯为一个葫芦形的表面后, 就是这种情况。

        8.6 度量结构可以用局部的坐标系描述

        这事实上也在前面解释了。 还记得 8.2中的 八个数造一个数的法则吗。 定义这个法则就是在局部上描述度量结构, 而八个数是坐标(局部的)。 所以度量结构 可以用局部的坐标系描述。5.4中讲度量结构时 我使用了标架这个词,那里说的标架就是这里说的局部坐标系。当然 用某一个局部的坐标系 描述的只是 度量结构 在装备这一个局部的坐标系的标准模块上的部分。

        8.7 度量结构 与局部坐标系选取无关

        在8.2中已强调了 坐标系无非就是对点的标记 (相当于给点起名字), 而距离(度量结构)和你怎么标记点(点的名字叫啥)没有关系。更确切地说, 我们定义度量结构时 就必须要求 度量结构 与局部坐标系选取无关。 这其实是 定义的一部分。

        8.8 再读一遍 8.4 到8.7

        注意: 8.4 到8.7 属纯粹数学。 但因为 在时空中 度量结构(距离)的定义 是个物理问题,因此我们有:

        8.9 从 8.4 到 8.7 的讨论有重要物理意义。

        什么意义? 下面会说。

        狭义相对论 提供了又一个 初步的时空模型, 叫做 闵可夫斯基时空。 它是一个4维度量流形, 包含了 3维物理空间和1维时间。

        强行要求“三正一负” 的度量结构是整体的

        可以强行要求吗?F 可以,只要 定义“三正一负” 的度量结构时 用的坐标系是整体的就行。由于作为流形,闵可夫斯基时空就是4维的欧氏空间 所以我们可以规定 该4维欧氏空间是唯一标准模块,粘合指示为:什么也不粘。

        这样一来 整体的坐标系 意味着“三正一负” 的度量结构是整体的。 4维的欧氏空间 加上这个 度量结构 就是 作为度量流形的 闵可夫斯基时空。 这个度量结构叫闵可夫斯基度量。

        10.10 用坐标系描述度量结构 不同于 用坐标系定义度量结构

        你可能问如果坐标只是 点的名字 按8.7的说法,距离自然不依赖于坐标系的选取,10.9中还有什么好证明或推导的呢?仔细一想,不对呀。如果真按8.7 那应该是 任何坐标变换(不光是洛伦兹变换,平移原点)都不改变闵可夫斯基时空的距离(度量结构)。到底哪错了?

        这里的问题在于 我们实际不是处在8.7中的情况。8.7讲的是固定了一个度量结构(距离) 然后选择坐标系去描述它。 而10.9这里实际上是 先定义(整体)坐标系 然后通过“二正一负”式的 “勾股定理” 用坐标系定义 度量结构。 所以 不同的(整体)坐标系 原则上讲 可能定义出不同的度量结构!这时10.9 告诉我们 只要不同的整体坐标系 是由洛伦兹变换和平移变换联系起来的 那么定义出来的度量结构其实是相同的。

        所以 用坐标系描述度量结构 和 用坐标系定义度量结构 是不同的。这不是文字游戏。这件事有时候专业人士都会搞错。

        用坐标系定义度量结构 其实是一个不好的习惯。因为你必须检查 你的度量结构实际上不依赖于 用于定义它的坐标系 (不觉的是一件别扭的事吗?)。

        下面讲闵可夫斯基时空的物理意义。 这篇同时也是 狭义相对论概要

        提示:一个物质点和一个时空中的点 不是一回事F。一个物质点在时空中对应一条线:它的世界线。即它的运动在时空中(不是空间中)扫出的轨迹。这是因为随着时间的流逝,他会在时空中扫出一条线,哪怕它相对于某坐标系静止(这情况下 时间方向上还在动嘛)。它的世界线完整描述了 这个物质点在时空中的运动。这里说的相对于某坐标系静止,是指一个物质点在某坐标系下,空间坐标不变。某物质点在闵可夫斯基时空里匀速直线运动,指的是物质点的世界线是直线。注意 定义闵可夫斯基时空里匀速直线运动时我们没选任何坐标系F。一个闵可夫斯基时空里的匀速直线运动 和 相对于某个坐标系的匀速直线运动 是两回事(见下文讨论)F。我们可以把一个时空中的观察者 理想化地当作一个物质点。

        11.0 用两句话解释 狭义相对论:我们的物理时空是闵可夫斯基时空。 物理规律 在洛伦兹变换和平移下 不变,如同 闵可夫斯基度量结构 在洛伦兹变换和平移下 不变。


        11.1 取一个描述闵可夫斯基时空的 整体坐标系。接下来所说的整体坐标系 都指 按“三正一负”的“勾股定理”描述闵可夫斯基时空的 整体坐标系。我们叫该整体坐标系 整体坐标系A. 整体坐标系A的选取,给出了一个将 闵可夫斯基时空 分解为时间部分和(物理)空间部分 的时空分解(因为“三正一负”中的“一负”的方向 被定为时间方向)。F

        11.2 由于整体坐标系A是整体的 时空分解也是整体的。整体坐标系A的时间轴 自身是一根世界线 且是一条直线。这世界线对应于一个物质点(观察者)的运动。由于 观察者 在 时空分解的坐标系中 (物理)空间坐标为零(时间轴上的点 空间坐标总是0), 在该时空分解中,该观察者是静止的 (时间位置在变 空间位置没变)。

        11.3 取第二个定义闵可夫斯基时空的 整体坐标系B。我们便有了 另一个整体时空分解 和在其中静止的观察者。这个观察者的世界线是整体坐标系B的时间轴。 这是一条直线。于是我们说观察者在闵可夫斯基时空里匀速直线运动。在整体坐标系A的时空分解中这也是一条直线。 所以在整体坐标系A的观察者看来,这是相对于该观察者的匀速直线运动的轨迹。为啥是相对于该观察者的匀速直线运动? 因为 直线(世界线)总是和整体坐标系A的时间轴有一个固定的夹角,这说的不就是 在整体坐标系A的观察者看来 匀速直线运动吗?这就是我们通常理解的 相对的 匀速直线运动。

        注意:如果我们不选某个 按“三正一负”的“勾股定理”描述闵可夫斯基时空的 整体坐标系, 而是乱选一个坐标系(哪怕他可以扩张到整个闵可夫斯基时空),一个闵可夫斯基时空里的匀速直线运动 可能不是 相对于这个坐标系的匀速直线运动。

        11.4 前面讲过不同的整体坐标系由洛伦兹变换和平移 联系起来。根据11.3 在这些整体坐标系中静止的观察者 相对间 作匀速直线运动。我们把这类观察者称为惯性观察者。整体坐标系 称为 惯性参照系。

        狭义相对论的一个基本假设是:世界上存在一种观察者, 名叫惯性观察者,他们之间相对匀速直线运动。我们可以这样定义他们:不受外力的物质点(观察者), 就是惯性观察者。有了惯性观察者, 就可以 以他们的世界线为时间轴 建立每个惯性观察者自带的时空坐标系(从而有了时空分解),叫惯性参照系

        狭义相对论的又一个基本假设是:光在不同惯性参照系下速度不变。这个假设来源于电磁场的理论。电磁场的麦克斯韦方程说 电磁波(包括可见光)在不同惯性参照系下速度不变。这个假设也受实验支持。 如果我们用勾股定理 在某个惯性参照系里 定义空间距离, 我们就发现 之前我们定义的某点处的光锥 就是经过该点的所有方向的光的世界线的集合。 光在不同惯性参照系下速度不变 意味着 光锥也不变。可是 我们前面讲过光锥可以用 “三正一负”的“勾股定理”定义的闵可夫斯基时空距离 来定义。 而我们又知道 不同整体坐标系下 闵可夫斯基时空距离不变(意味着光锥也不变)。

        如果 我们把惯性参照系 作为时空中的 整体坐标系, 然后用这些整体坐标系 和“三正一负”的“勾股定理”来定义距离, 我们就得到闵可夫斯基时空。 反过来, 如果我们假定时空是 闵可夫斯基时空,然后用整体坐标系来定义惯性参照系,我们就既建立了 惯性参照系(而且惯性参照系间相对匀速直线运动), 又实现了光在不同惯性参照系下速度不变。


        12.1 “三正一负”类型的度量结构

        闵可夫斯基时空 是在 4维欧式空间上 用“三正一负”式的 “勾股定理” 定义的。4维欧式空间上 还可以定义 其他度量结构。 一个基本的想法是 使用 变系数的 “三正一负”式的 “勾股定理”。

        此话怎讲? 闵可夫斯基时空 使用的 “三正一负”式的“勾股定理” 在把 四个坐标的平方 作加减时, 每一个单独的平方 前面的系数是 1。 这里的要点是 不管你在时空中任何一处用这个“勾股定理” 这些系数都不改变。即 坐标的平方前面的系数 是常数 (不依赖于时空位置)。 在此意义上讲 我说 闵可夫斯基时空使用的 “三正一负”式的“勾股定理” 是“常系数的”。

        现在 我们放宽要求 我们允许 坐标的平方前面的系数 不是常数(依赖于时空位置)。 这时的 “勾股定理” 就叫变系数的 “三正一负”式的 “勾股定理”。用 变系数的 “三正一负”式的 “勾股定理”定义的度量结构(距离)叫做 “三正一负”类型的度量结构。

        当然你可能问 变系数时 取那个系数。 这其实是标准的微积分课程里的积分的问题。我们想要算一条线的长度。 我们把线切成很多小段,每一小段上系数变化很小, 我们任取一个系数 然后在这一小段上 用“勾股定理”。因为小段上系数变化很小 这是一个好的近似。 把所有小段上所算的距离加起来,这就是一个近似的长度。 现在我们让每一小段的长度 越来越小趋向于0,则近似长度的偏差 越来越小趋向于0。

        上面一段话不懂没关系,只要能接受 变系数的 “三正一负”式的 “勾股定理”定义度量结构 就可以了。

        但还有一个问题, 我们上面算的 实际上是连接某两点的某条线的长度。 它当然依赖于 这条线的选取。固定两个点有没有一条特殊的线连接它们呢?答案是肯定的。这叫测地线。 对闵可夫斯基时空 或 有标准度量的欧式空间 测地线都是通常所说的直线。 在闵可夫斯基时空 两点间直线(测地线)的长度(按上面的算法)就是 闵可夫斯基时空距离。

        测地线的定义我就不写了(以后会解释物理意义),我只指出 测地线是由度量结构决定的。它可以理解为 在一个度量结构下的 标准的定义(测量)两点间距离的方法F。 如果度量流形是以前讲的几何球面(有经纬线圈), 那么经线都是测地线。 这也是测地线 名称的由来。

        12.2 闵可夫斯基时空是平直的“三正一负”类型的度量流形

        最快捷的方法,是把这看成是平直的时空的定义。 如果要负责一点, 平直的原因在于我们用了“常系数的”“三正一负”式的 “勾股定理” 定义闵可夫斯基时空。

        你可能问 为何 闵可夫斯基时空 和有标准度量的4维欧式空间 都是平直的(感觉他们俩不一样啊)。 回答是, 我们不比较 “三正一负”类型的度量结构 和 “四个正号”类型的度量结构F。 我们只比较同一类型的。 闵可夫斯基时空是平直的“三正一负”类型的度量流形, 有标准度量的4维欧式空间 是平直的“四个正号”类型的度量流形。

        12.3 把流形和闵可夫斯基时空 结合

        我们把(8)和(9)的想法结合起来。 我想接受狭义相对论, 又不想排除 时空整体上有蹊跷 的可能。 于是一个自然的模型是 时空是一个度量流形,在局部上这个度量结构是闵可夫斯基时空。

        12.4 也许时空有内在的弯曲

        在12.3中给的模型已经是一个很精确的模型了。12.2告诉我们 这个模型是平直的。 可是我一旦知道了 度量流形可以内在的弯曲, 我便禁不住怀疑 也许时空是 有内在的弯曲的度量流形。哪怕在实验上我暂时证明不了(当然目前的实验已经可以证明有内在弯曲了),我也不愿排除这种可能。 于是一个更稳妥的模型是 时空是 (可以有内在弯曲的) 一个 “三正一负”类型的度量流形。F我们把 “三正一负”类型的度量流形 叫做 洛仑兹流形。

        12.5 广义相对论认为 时空是洛仑兹流形。 这是广义相对论的一个基本观点F。有时候为了强调时空是洛仑兹流形, 我称时空为 时空洛仑兹流形。

        13.0 时空是洛仑兹流形 的观点不是从 时空是流形 及 狭义相对论 推出来的

        时空是洛仑兹流形 是综合了这两个观点的一个推广。 但我们可以有更一般的推广。 在有的推广中 甚至度量结构都不是必需的。时空是洛仑兹流形 只是一个合理的假设。它被接受 是因为广义相对论的成功。

        13.1 闵可夫斯基时空 是时空洛仑兹流形的 局部近似

        由于一般的洛仑兹流形 有内在的弯曲, 即便在局部上它也不是 闵可夫斯基时空。 但这时闵可夫斯基时空 是洛仑兹流形的一个近似。 局部区域越小,近似就越好。局部区域趋于0(向一个点收缩),则误差也趋于0。这其实也就是12.1中 第四段话讲的事情。

        数学上 我们说 闵可夫斯基时空 是洛仑兹流形的“切空间”。 切空间 是 曲线的切线,曲面的切平面 的推广。但是这里切空间没有嵌入另外一个空间,因为我们的流形不是嵌入的。这小段不理解没关系F。

        你只需知道, 对洛仑兹流形上每一点 我们都可以联系上一个称为切空间的闵可夫斯基时空。这个点可等同于该闵可夫斯基时空上的一个原点。 在该点附近的局部区域,洛仑兹流形 和该闵可夫斯基时空很接近。区域越小,近似越好F。

        13.2 狭义相对论是广义相对论的局部近似

        一个观察者在时空中运动的轨迹是一条世界线。观察者有权利 用自己喜欢的方式 来标记时空中的点。 也就是说,他可以自行选择自己附近时空区域上的坐标系。这就是 观察者体验时空的最基本一步。由于内在弯曲是局部的, 并且是不依赖于坐标系选取的(8.7)。所以观察者有可能利用自己的局部坐标系 就判断出时空是弯曲的(比如发现勾股定理在现实中不成立)。

        然而 13.1 告诉我们如果区域很小,闵可夫斯基时空是很好的近似。所以如果不仔细,观察者会误认为 时空是平直的闵可夫斯基时空。这其实就是人类在广义相对论以前的认识状态

        几何直观地介绍广义相对论中的时空以及大爆炸模型 (14)因果结构


        14.1 狭义相对论中的因果结构

        狭义相对论中如果一个观察者超光速会怎样? 超光速意味着世界线落在光锥外, 即 世界线可以把 两个类空间隔的点联系起来。于是这两个点处发生的事情可以有物理联系。 比如 第二个点处发生的事(结果) 可以是由第一个点处发生的事(原因)引起的。可是用洛仑兹变换不难证明 存在惯性参照系 使得在这惯性参照系看来 第二个点处发生的事(结果)发生在前, 第一个点处发生的事(原因)发生在后。于是在这惯性参照系看来 因果关系被破坏了。如果不想因果关系被破坏, 我们就得禁止超光速运动。也就是说观察者的世界线应该是 类时世界线(亚光速运动)。

        14.2 广义相对论中的观察者的世界线应该是 类时世界线

        这是14.1 和13.3 的结合。

        14.3 时间定向的洛仑兹流形

        闵可夫斯基时空是有时间定向的。 我们可以分过去未来。这意味着我们需要 给每一条世界线定方向F。取某个点A上的光锥。它由两个锥形分支尖对尖的组成(两个锥形分支的尖点都是点A)。 为啥是两个? 因为光锥 是由 坐标平方 三正一负的加起来等于0 这个条件定义的。如果一个点在光锥上,把它的坐标全添上负号得到一个新的点。 新的点的坐标平方没变,三正一负的加起来仍等于0, 所以仍在光锥上。这个对称性说明光锥有两个形状相同的分支对称的放置在一起。一个分支里的时间坐标是负号,另一个是正号。所以一个对应光在过去(点A的过去)的轨迹,另一个对应光在未来(点A的未来)的轨迹。 这两个分支一个称为过去光锥 一个称为未来光锥。这两部分的内部各自对应 过去与未来的 与点A类时间隔的点。 所以 对一条类时世界线(观察者的世界线) 我们知道 它在某点的未来方向 是指向该点的未来光锥内部的。 由于光锥被洛仑兹变换保持, 不同惯性参考系对时间方向不会有不同看法。F

        我们要求洛仑兹流形也有类似的用光锥定义的时间定向。细节不重要。大致说来,有的洛仑兹流形可以,有的不可以。所以我们应该要求,时空是 可以时间定向的洛仑兹流形。 以后我要举的例子 都是这样的。但要注意的是 洛仑兹流形上用光锥场(见13.3)来定义时间方向只能是局部的。

        14.4 广义相对论中的因果结构

        乍看起来14.2 保证了广义相对论中 因果关系也不被破坏。但还有其他可以破坏因果关系的机制。比如 由于洛仑兹流形整体上 可以不是闵可夫斯基时空, 我们不能排除 某个观察者的世界线(类时世界线)首尾相接的可能。 这意味着 沿着这观察者的世界线走 在任何一点 都有良好的时间定向, 但整体上 他却回到了他时空之旅的起点(注意这意味着他回到了过去的某个时刻)F。这里的破坏机制 是我们有局部的时间定向,但没有整体的 (因为有首尾相接的类时世界线)。这与闵可夫斯基时空中超光速破坏因果关系的机制 完全不同。更糟糕的是有些这类例子 满足爱因斯坦方程 属于“可能的时空”(见(16)篇)F。

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