
主题:撤退集结号1 -- 胡里糊涂

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              • 家园 安培怎么会惨?


                • 家园 川普刚发微博表示从没说过让日本拥核


                  • 家园 川总总是在说川总从未说过川总说过的话




                    March 27, 2016 (2016年3月27日 《纽约时报》采访)

                    The New York Times asked Trump if he’d object to Japan or South Korea having nuclear weapons, given their proximity to North Korea.

                    Trump responded, "At some point, we cannot be the policeman of the world. And unfortunately, we have a nuclear world now. And you have, Pakistan has them. You have, probably, North Korea has them. ... And, would I rather have North Korea have them with Japan sitting there having them also? You may very well be better off if that’s the case. In other words, where Japan is defending itself against North Korea, which is a real problem."

                    He added later in the same interview: "If Japan had that nuclear threat, I’m not sure that would be a bad thing for us."

                    March 29, 2016(2016年3月29日 CNN 名嘴 Anderson Cooper 采访)

                    CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Trump, "If you're concerned about proliferation, letting other countries get nuclear weapons, isn't that proliferation?"

                    As part of a meandering response, Trump said that he both opposes nuclear proliferation ("No, no, not proliferation. I hate nuclear more than any," and "I don't want more nuclear weapons") and supports some countries obtaining nuclear weapons for the first time.

                    "Wouldn't you rather, in a certain sense, have Japan have nuclear weapons when North Korea has nuclear weapons?" he asked Cooper.

                    Cooper also asked Trump: "Saudi Arabia, nuclear weapons?"

                    Trump: "Saudi Arabia, absolutely."

                    Cooper: "You would be fine with them having nuclear weapons?"

                    Trump: "No, not nuclear weapons, but they have to protect themselves, or they have to pay us."

                    April 3, 2016 (2016年4月3日 Fox News 名嘴 Chris Wallace 采访。 Fox News 可是共和党的御用喉舌)

                    Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace asked Trump, "You want to have a nuclear arms race on the Korean peninsula?"

                    Trump said, "In many ways, and I say this, in many ways, the world is changing. Right now, you have Pakistan and you have North Korea and you have China and you have Russia and you have India and you have the United States and many other countries have nukes."

                    Trump later added of Japan and South Korea, "Maybe they would be better off — including with nukes, yes, including with nukes."

                    May 4, 2016 (2016年5月4日 CNN 名嘴 Wolf Blitzer 采访)

                    CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Trump, "You're ready to let Japan and South Korea become nuclear powers?"

                    Trump responded, "I am prepared to, if they're not going to take care of us properly, we cannot afford to be the military and police for the world."

                • 家园 看来要做好战争准备了


                • 家园 更可能发生的事情是核弹没有小钱钱没了
              • 家园 当年蒋先生错押了杜威


        • 家园 有中国顶着,美国人对华裔应该不敢太狠


          • 家园 印尼杀华人都不怕


            • 家园 楼上朴石兄说的是



            • 家园 此一时彼一时






      • 家园 帝国主义要开始反思了


        Wallerstein,《现代世界体系》(The Modern World-System)的作者,对冷战结束的观点是美国实际上吃亏了。雅尔塔体系的建立,其实质协议是美国负责管理2/3世界,苏联负责另外1/3,内部问题老大要负责搞定,包活包死包埋。双方吵吵闹闹,鸡飞狗跳,主要目的是使集团内部成员顺从听话。经过战后30年高速发展到70年代,协议的执行就慢慢地就走了样。苏联迅速崩溃使美国面对原来苏联负责区域失控的局面,背上了包袱,而西方盟友习惯了享受安全服务,现在没有了外部军事压力,出工不出力还指指点点,离心离德。总之,美国就是全球化进程中最大的失败国家。

        • 家园 中国负责生产,美国负责消费



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