
主题:2022读书笔记之一 -- kmy1810

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  • 家园 2022读书笔记之一


    书名 1937 延安对话 美国 托马斯亚瑟必森Bisson著 人民文学出版社2021 第一版

    原著英文名Yenan in June 1937 Talks with the communist leaders 1973年加州大学伯克利分校出版



    ” 艾飞希尔的父母是瑞典路德派教会的来华传教士,他生长于内蒙古河套地区,通晓那里的方言,未曾接受过完整的教育,在中国西北部辗转流浪了许多个年头,曾为富商和军阀们驾车,为斯文赫定的探险队服务过,对中国边远地区社会底层的阴暗面,可说是了如指掌,无论是娼寮俗语,猜拳行令,民间小调,还是土匪黑话,他都能脱口道来。与此同时,他对这个社会也怀有不屑,有点种族主义者的味道。他曾这样说过:这是一个充满欺诈和玩弄不正当手段的世界,我很了解他们中国人的思维方式,但我是个与众不同的白种人,因此总能翻倍地赢过他们。我觉得把艾飞称作游民小资产者会比较恰当,他对政治的了解实际上乏善可陈…但他却声称,并不喜欢共产主义的理念,他肯定拥有一种根深蒂固的直觉,因此懂得,共产主义理想将会毁掉他那种天马行空放荡不羁的生活方式。“








    • 家园 Effie Hill大名 Karl Ephraim Hill

      Effie Hill (Karl Ephraim Hill), son of a Swedish missionary family, a driver-mechanic, had travelled widely in Mongolia and northwest China, and spoke several of the languages of the area. It was he who helped Helen Snow get to Yenan in the spring of 1937.

      Karl Ephraim Hill 应该是 Effie Hill 的全名


      Foreigners in Areas of China Under Communist Jurisdiction Before 1949

      Biographical Notes and a Comprehensive Bibliography of the Yenan Hui


      Margaret Stanley with an introduction by Helen Foster Snow

      edited by Daniel H. Bays



      "The Yenan Hui" 应该是"延安会",是这些去过延安的人的一个小圈子。


      The Yenan Hui is a term designating those foreign persons who travelled to Pao-an, Yenan, or any areas under Chinese Communist jurisdiction before 1949, in which year Mao's government established the People's Republic of China in Beijing. It is a "circle" rather than an organization, to which any descendant, heir, assign, or biographer, is eligible for the purpose of carrying on this historical line.


      The Yenan Hui was founded on January 3, 1977, by Helen Snow and Margaret Stanley, for the purpose of preserving the unique experiences of pre-1949 visitors to areas controlled by Chinese Communists.


      海伦 斯诺 虽然对共产党并不认同,但是她建立的基金会对于在中国认证斯诺的各种书籍非常热心,虽然这些书籍的版权早就进入公共领域了,呵呵。

    • 家园 以前西西河的读书笔记是全球中文高地

      楼主,赫克托尔王子,淮夷,还有好多, 现在只剩下万年看客河友,还常常客串啦啦队。

    • 家园 人民文学出版社2021 第一版



      • 家园 拉铁摩尔TMD是个坏人啊









    • 家园 There is another human detail

      There is another human detail that I think is most revealing of Chairman

      Mao's mind. Bisson mentioned Mao's effort to persuade Effie Hill,

      our Swedish mechanic-driver, to stay in Yenan and take charge of the

      maintenance and repair of Yenan's battered fleet of trucks and cars. Now

      Effie was a prime example of that picaresque genus, "the parson's profligate

      son," of whom there were quite a lot in old China. His parents were

      Swedish Lutheran missionaries. He had grown up on a sector of the Inner

      Mongolian frontier long ago settled by Chinese colonists where the local

      Chinese dialect (which was in fact his native language) was considered

      by other Chinese to be especially uncouth and comic. He had a rare gift

      of clowning in this language, to attract laughter and sympathy. With an

      incomplete education he had drifted about Northwest China for a good

      many years, although still a young man. He had driven cars for Chinese

      merchants, Chinese warlords, and the Sven Hedin Sino-Swedish Expedition

      in Inner Mongolia and Sinkiang. He had an incredible knowledge of

      the seamy side of frontier life-brothel slang, drinking slang, folklore,

      bandit lore.

      At the same time Effie, in spite of his fantastically complete understanding

      (in certain ways) of his special Chinese milieu, had also a kind

      of racist contempt for it. His attitude was, "this is a world of skulduggery

      and crooked dealing. I know the way these Chinese think-but with my

      extra margin of being a white man, I can always out-doublecross them."

      Socially, I think, he would have to be called a lumpen-bourgeois. He

      knew little of politics except on the level of "who gets away with the

      boodle," but he had a detestation of communism. He must have had a

      deep instinct that it would ruin his raffish way of life.

      It is interesting that Chairman Mao, while be was polite, considerate,

      and patient with us Americans, really tried as hard as be knew bow to

      retain this declasse Swede in Yenan. And why not? American intellectuals

      come a dime a dozen. There is a new crop every generation. But a European

      motor mechanic, with an earthy command of a genuinely peasant

      dialect, able to show what you do with machinery and explain how you

      do it-that would be a treasure. I am glad to be able to record also the

      opinion of Effie Hill, the gut-reaction anti-Communist. On the way back

      from Yenan, I asked him, "Well, now that that's over, what do you think

      of Mao Tse-tung?" His answer was, "I've been with all kinds-merchants,

      warlords, intellectuals, Kuomintang political big-shots. But this

      is the only Chinese I have seen who could unite China."

      Bisson has described how Edgar Snow helped us in making contacts

      for going to Yenan. It is with both pride and sadness that I date this

      from Ed's house in Switzerland.

      Eysins, Vaud OWEN LATTIMORE


      Aug 1972

      • 家园 此外,还有一个充满人情味的细节





        艾飞年纪虽轻,却未曾接受过完整的教育。他在中国西北部地区辗转流浪了很多个年头,曾为内蒙古和新疆一带的中国富商和军阀们驾车,也曾为斯文·赫定(Sven Hedin)的“中国-瑞典探险队”服务过。艾飞对中国边远地区社会底层的阴暗面,可说是了如指掌。无论是娼寮俗语、猜拳行令、民间小调,还是土匪黑话,他都能脱口道来。














        1937,延安对话/(美)托马斯·毕森著;李彦译. —北京:人民文学出版社,2021

        ISBN 978-7-02-016012-9


        这个中文版中有李彦写的一个后记 "校园里那株美洲蕾",有很多相关的细节,可供参考。

      • 家园 拉铁摩尔特别注明这段回忆写于1972年8月,斯诺在瑞士的房子




        • 家园 In the meantime, I found

          China memoirs, Chiang Kai-shek and the War Against Japan - Owen Lattimore, Compiled by Fujiko Isono - 1990

          P56 - p63


          In the meantime, I found a young Swede, Effie Hill. He was the son of missionaries, had never been out of China, and spoke very fluent Chinese. He was also a good motor mechanic. Because of his abilities he had been employed by the Sven Hedin Expeditions through Inner Mongolia to Sinkiang. By this time the Hedin Expeditions had been completed, and he was running a private business in Sian with a car of his own, an American car, for hire, while also making a bit of money repairing cars for Chinese car owners. We hired him with his car to take us to Yenan. Because of all this semicivil war atmosphere, he was not doing much business and jumped at the chance.


          One fine day, we all piled into his car. We did not give up our rooms at the hotel, saying we were just going out to see some tombs. When we got out of the city, we just kept going and reached a border post between the Sian troops and the Red Army. The Swede, being a local man, knew where the warlord troops were fraternizing with the Communists, so we passed through without any trouble. As soon as we reached the Communist side, everything was fine. They were very hospitable, there was no trouble at all, and we got up to Yenan all right.




          There was a rather amusing episode about this journey to Yenan. Mao Tse-tung was very eager to persuade our driver, the Swede, to stay in Yenan. Effie was born and brought up in a district of the Inner Mongolian frontier a bit east of Kueihua. I never visited the place myself, but all along the Chahar, Suiyuan, Ninghsia, and Kansu borders of Inner Mongolia, the number of Chinese dialects is astonishing. They are mutually understandable; but they are very, very different. This is probably related historically to different periods when the Hsiung-nu, and later the Turks, surrendered to the Chinese dynasties and settled there. The way they learned Chinese must have affected the Chinese dialects of the region. Now, the dialect of the place where this young Swede came from was considered by everybody else to be in itself extremely comic, and the moment you heard a man talking in that dialect, everybody would start to laugh. The Swede, while he knew standard Chinese, could speak that dialect perfectly.


          In the evening in Yenan, they had entertainment gatherings. The big men, Mao, Chou, Chu Teh, and other top leaders would all be there, sitting in the audience, without any privileged seats, just mingling with the crowd. This was one of their very important ways of getting the feel of how people thought about things. On these occasions people from different parts of China would get up on the stage and sing folk songs from their regions or tell stories. This young Swede, one evening, pushed his way up and got onto the platform. There he put on a stunt, telling stories in this comic dialect. He could also sing very well. The whole theater was rocking with laughter. Mao was particularly impressed and wanted to meet this young man; and the young Swede was brought to be presented to him. It then turned out that not only had he worked for the Sven Hedin Expeditions, but he had hired out his lorries to different warlords and had had encounters with bandits, and all that kind of thing. In the course of these adventures, he had become a very good motor mechanic.


          In all newly industrialized countries, when new equipment, such as motor cars, is introduced, the critical problem is that it is much easier to learn how to drive a motor vehicle than to keep that vehicle in good condition. Even before he made this sensational appearance on the stage, the young Swede, having nothing to do, went round to see things. The Chinese did not have much motor equipment, but they did have some, and a lot of it was in bad condition. The Swede would say: "Here, let me take a hand. I will show you how to fix this." In this way, he was getting a local reputation as a motor vehicle fixer, and this immediately struck Mao Tse-tung. He must have thought: "Here is a young man, a different type of foreigner, who speaks more than one dialect of the common people and gets on well with ordinary mechanics. He can explain things to a peasant who had never handled machinery and teach him how to become a mechanic. If I can persuade him to stay with us, he will be extremely valuable in a practical way. I don t give a damn about his politics." Mao Tse-tung spent a lot of time trying to persuade Hill to stay with him in Yenan.


          Everybody knows the expression "lumpen proletariat. This man Hill was a "lumpen bourgeois," if there is such a thing. He was a type of missionary son who had reacted against his pious upbringing. He drank, he gambled, and he went to the houses of prostitution, not as a foreigner but along with whatever Chinese he was working with. He took all kinds of jobs and had spent his life knocking around the interior with all kinds of Chinese; but he still retained a sort of white man's contempt for the natives and basically looked down on the Chinese. He was very poorly educated. He had heard little about the Communists and thought that they were a disreputable bunch. There was no danger that he would ever become sympathetic to Marxism. If he thought that the Chinese Communists were nothing but a gang of bandits, he would say: "Well, that's all right. I've dealt with bandits. On a man-to-man basis, I can always get along." Nevertheless, he did not want to stay in Yenan. By this time, he had quite a thriving little business in Sian, and he wanted to get back and go on with it. So he resisted all Mao Tse-tung's blandishments and went back with our party.


          One day on our way back to Sian, while we were waiting for the engine of the car to cool off, I asked Hill: "Effie, you have seen all kinds of Chinese. What do you think of this lot?" As he had been wandering about Yenan, talking to people, I wanted to get his reaction. He said: "I tell you what. I've met a lot of these Kuomintang intellectuals. I have dealt with warlords. There is hardly any kind of Chinese I've not dealt with. But in Yenan, I have seen for the first time a man who could become the new emperor of China." (That was Mao Tse-tung.)

    • 家园 毛主席是为了延安留人啊


    • 家园 欢迎老河友归来



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