
主题:【原创】谁在支持乌克兰 -- 燕人

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                                • 家园 为啥蒙面呢,对环球的名声有顾忌还是?

                                  让我们来看看每日电讯报的原报道 Briton, 25, who went to Ukraine to fight invading Russians after he was inspired by Liz Truss killed himself after suffering PTSD

                                  Ms Gregg said her son made up his mind to go, despite his only military experience being six years in the Army Cadets from the age of 11.

                                  She added: 'He told me, "Mum, they need us". He said to me, "I have done some bad things, so I want to give back to society." Harry felt that he was needed and that he could help them.

                                  显然原报道并不认为他毫无军事经验,查一下Army Cadets可以翻成英国陆军学员军团,“既是英国的民兵预备役单位,又是英国的少年军校,是国防后备力量建设的重要组成部分。”

                                  环球在这里玩了一个所谓“正规军事训练”的文字游戏,故意忽略了他参加Army Cadets的六年经历。有趣的是RT今日俄罗斯也发了这条新闻的短视频却未提到此人从未接受军事训练,在俄乌这个话题上环球搞这种小动作不是一次两次了,可谓是青出于蓝而胜于蓝。


                                  With the help of aid workers, he joined a training camp which was later bombed by the Russians. Mr Gregg was not hurt but a friend suffered serious injuries.

                                  He was eventually put on the front line on his third visit last year when he was assigned to the 48th Battalion and nicknamed 'Eagle' by his comrades.


                                  • 家园 这种中学训的玩意你说是军事训练?


                                    In the Army Cadets we aim to inspire young people to develop themselves mentally and physically, to:

                                    Challenging their limits

                                    Grow their abilities and go further in life

                                    Unlock their talents

                                    Shape their own futures


                                    说什么环球故意忽略,你引用的原文里面不是明明说了despite 和only ,你觉得这两个词加在军事训练前面是什么意思?

                                    严谨一点,army cadets 确实有一个项目叫fieldcraft,跟军事技能更沾些边,不过对12到18岁的青少年且是业余时间,这种训练能有多大效果可想而知,何况只是很多项目中的一个而已。

                                    Becoming an Army Cadet has heaps of benefits. The most obvious being that you get to take part in loads of exciting and challenging activities such as fieldcraft, adventure training, first aid, music, sports and shooting, to name but a few.


                                    • 家园 你家中学训穿成这样



                                      Although we are not part of the recruiting process for the Armed Forces we do however promote an understanding of what the Armed Forces' roles and responsibilities are, and provide assistance to any cadet who expresses an interest in joining the Armed Forces later in life.


                                      • 家园 这段英语的分行真是糟糕,单词都能分开
                                      • 家园 你军训的时候不穿迷彩服穿比基尼吗?




                                        • 家园 我们那会儿中学没军训



                                          这个网站可以看一下,是怎么定位Army cadets的,毕竟有报告称英国陆军的新兵20-30%来自Army cadets.

                                          还有一个中文的介绍 https://www.sohu.com/a/513936124_457869


                                          • 家园 中国的士兵百分百来自中学生,是因为中学军训的原因?


                                            另外你说什么多少比例的士兵是从这里出来的,只能说明加入cadets 的人本来就对军队有兴趣,又不是强制的,没兴趣谁去。但是不还有百分之七八十跟这个系统没有关系吗,所以说加不加入这个组织跟当兵有多大关联性?

                                            The Army Cadets is:

                                            A national voluntary youth organisation sponsored and supported by the Army but not part of it – there is no requirement for cadets to join the Army when they leave.

                                            All of our detachment meet for two hours on one or two evenings a week throughout the year. These are called parade nights. The days and times vary, but most detachment evenings start between 7pm and 7.30pm.

                                            Cadets will also meet for weekend camps, competitions and other training. Your local detachment volunteer team will be able to give you more information on what activities your child can get involved with.

                                            Each year, ACF cadets are invited to join an Annual Camp and go away with other cadets in their ACF County for up to two weeks during the school holidays. For most cadets, Annual Camp is the highlight of their year with the ACF.

                                            Each Annual Camp is different, but all cadets will get to learn new skills as well as put into practice some of the lessons they have learnt in detachments.

                                • 家园 这人也不是全无军事经验




                              • 家园 你送没送?支持多送,没送的就是小气鬼。
                    • 家园 不是m1外售版不好,而是m1就是那样,这种科技对于制空权没有


                • 家园 把鹰酱叫来,开会


                • 家园 俄国人不要面子的啊?

                  俄国都半动员体制了,自己补几架 A50 总是做得到的。你别看 A50 技术不先进,印度空军还指着它呢。

                • 家园 在北约正式下场前不会有这样的需求。
              • 家园 懒得查,反正比北约多



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