
主题:【原创】从龙芯1千万芯片销售谈起 -- testjhy

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    • 家园 你的确不了解CPU




      • 家园 非常负责任的说,龙芯指望军品没戏



        其次,已经定型的正在生产的产品也根本不肯能临时换成用龙芯的,现在定型的型号一般是用国外的片子,至于你说的486-586的级别的实用军品,国内像西安微电子所等早就做出来了,你可以搜索一下沈绪榜院士的成果 。


      • 家园 军芯的开发在西安那边


      • 家园 不懂这一句话有什么不对


        这句话很对啊。 现在的芯片发展本来就有两个方向:低功耗(笔记本、随身听等等)和高性能(工作站),算上工控、军品还有一个高可靠性。如果在两个方面都不突出,那说明在市场上的位置不好。




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        This article is about a computer processor chip. For a male godchild, see godparent.

        The Godson series, or "Dragon chip" for its origin, is an architecture of general CPUs developed at CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences). The chief architect is Professor Weiwu Hu of ICT (Institute of Computing Technology). Type I (introduced in 2002) runs at 266 MHz, Type II is 64 bit and runs at 500 MHz (reportedly comparable in performance to the Pentium III). The Godson III is being targeted at 1 GHz, with multiple (8 to 16) cores. The instruction set is MIPS compatible, but the creators have backed away from promoting the chip as such due to threats of a lawsuit (see a Lexra history).

        In September 2006, Li Guojie, director of the Institute of Computer Technology under the CAS announced a Longxin IIE (Godson IIE) a 64-bit chip containing 47m transistors and reaching 1GHz.

        BLX IC Design Corporation, Ltd (BLX) (Beijing Longxin ?) was founded at 2002 by Institute of Computing Technology, China Academy of Sciences and Jiangsu Zhongyi Group. Based in Beijing, BLX focuses on designing advanced 32bit/64bit Godson general and embedded processor, developing software tools and reference platforms.

        In March 2006 a €100 Godson II computer design called Longmeng (Dragon Dream) was announced.

        In June 2006 at Computex'2006, Taipei YellowSheepRiver company has announced a Municator YSR-639, a mini-computer based on the 400MHz Godson 2.

        [edit] Godson 2E

        In the second half of the third quarter of 2006, China revealed the latest addition to the Godson series, the Godson 2E, which was already in early stage of manufacturing, and mass production was scheduled at the end of the year. According to developers, official tests showed that the Chinese chip can rival Intel Pentium 4 processor in performance and it was superior to the early series of the Pentium IV CPUs, but the Chinese CPU could be produced at a much lower cost.

        Unlike processors from Intel, Advanced Micro Devices or Via Technologies, the Godson-2E is not based on the x86 instruction set. Instead, the chip uses a modified version of the MIPS instruction set that replaces proprietary instructions with ones developed by ICT. This means the Godson 2E cannot be used in PCs running Microsoft's Windows XP operating system, and thus the computing devices based on the Godson 2E would be most likely running the Linux operating system.

        The processor runs at clock speed of 1 GHz and like other chips in the Godson family, the Godson 2E was designed by the Chinese Academy of Science's Institute of Computing Technology (ICT) and was the first Chinese CPU produced using 90-nanometer process technology. Earlier versions of the Godson 2 chip were produced using a 180-nanometer process and ran at clock speeds up to 500MHz. Godson 2E CPU contains 47 million transistors, more than the 40 million of the Pentium IV. But this processing power will not be a drain on laptop batteries, as power consumption is between 3 to 8 watts, according to academician Mr. Li Guojie (李国杰), director of the institute. Mr. Li Guojie (李国杰) also announced that at the end of 2006, scientists would start to upgrade Godson 2E to Godson 2F, which will improve performance by about 30% and power consumption reduced by about 50%. By 2008, Godson-3 is scheduled to enter production.

        On November 13, 2006, at the [Chinese Academy of Science's Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Mr. Li Guojie (李国杰) announced to the public that "Godson 2E is ready for mass production. Mr. Li Guojie (李国杰) told the public that from Godson 1 to Godson 2B, the capability of the chip has tripled, and from Godson 2B to Godson 2C, from Godson 2C to Godson 2E, the capability has continuously tripled. On the average, the capability of Godson series chip doubles every year, four times of what Moore's law claims, and China should accumulate small successes into large success."

        另外,如果现在ST承诺销售1000万片,为什么在ST网站搜索"godson"没有结果? BLX网站上也没有龙芯2相关资料和开发工具包。

        神州龙芯 > 下载中心



      • 家园 龙芯是军用级设计么?



      • 家园 明显就是来故意唱衰龙芯的



        400M主频的cpu性能不一定小于1G主频,体系不一样的cpu比较主频没什么意义,简单举个例子,PS2主机的主频也只不过300M hz,不过他的处理能力是奔腾300M hz的CPU能比的吗?就连现在P4的机器跑PS2的移植游戏性能都远远不如PS2呢

        • 家园 简单比较主频的确不合适

          拿来跑跑spec或者是sissoft benchmark 之类的性能测试软件就可以知道了。


    • 家园 要求太高



      • 家园 没人这么要求龙芯




        咋呼了好几年了,连个datasheet 也不公布,商业机型上市遥遥无期. 这总得有个说法吧?

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