
主题:回复山东虫虫 (完成并修改版4) -- 完颜陈和尚

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    • 家园 第2、3杆枪的说明



      第3支:Lever Action rifle中文意思是“杠杆步枪”,历史上比较早的连发步枪,旧称连珠枪,代表作品有美国内战时发展出来的亨利步枪,这种步枪在美国西部片中常见,看来你的“亨利”还是名牌!!!我google了,多是Winchester的产品,没法子到Henry Repeating Arms Company主页看看,还有圣诞节礼物。产品目录15个品种,大概是这个没错



      • 家园 你古狗到的相片比本人自拍的好得多了。



        原来亨利牌步枪是名牌子啊,我都不知道。 看来有点收藏价值啊。花上

        • 家园 告诉你一个不好的消息


          • 家园 嗨,你这个太牵强了吧,我可以说多少多少万人的死亡跟


            • 家园 你最好仔细看看 红字部分

              Tuesday, July 26, 2005) - San Rafael, California attorney Richard R. Ruggieri and his client, Brandon Maxfield, who brought a landmark case against “Saturday Night Special” gun manufacturer Bryco Arms, have been named the winners of the 2005 Steven J. Sharp Public Service Award, the Association of Trial Lawyers of America (ATLA) announced today.

              The Sharp Award, which is given each year to the ATLA member whose case most exemplifies the power of the American civil justice system, is named for Steven Sharp, an Oregon teenager. Steven lost both arms when they were trapped in a defective tractor hay baler. Steven won an $8.5 million jury verdict against the tractor company. The company appealed, but on June 24, 1999, the Wisconsin State Supreme Court affirmed Steven’s case. His story helped defeat a federal products liability bill that would have limited the legal rights of all American families.

              This year’s case, Maxfield vs. Bryco, was brought by Ruggieri on behalf of a young California man named Brandon Maxfield. Brandon was accidentally shot in the face when he was just seven years old, by a defectively designed Bryco pistol which discharged while being unloaded. As a result, Brandon is paralyzed below the neck for life.

              Because of Brandon’s courage and Ruggieri’s commitment to this case, on May 7, 2003, a jury of the Superior Court of the State of California in Alameda County unanimously awarded $50.9 million in compensatory damages to Brandon. The jury found gun designer Bruce Jennings, Bryco Arms, and its distributor B.L. Jennings, Inc. partially liable for knowingly designing unreasonably dangerous and defective products, and the Court entered a judgment of $24 million against Bryco Arms, Bruce Jennings, and B.L. Jennings, Inc.

              But the battle wasn’t over. Not surprisingly, Bryco and Jennings, filed for bankruptcy days after the verdict. Jennings moved across the country to Daytona Beach, Florida, purchased a $500,000 annuity, and paid cash for a $900,000 home and hangar, which housed his Lamborghini and other expensive cars and several aircraft.

              Determined to keep fighting, Brandon Maxfield began a fundraising campaign, using the Internet and word-of-mouth, to raise money to buy the bankrupt company. He wanted to melt down the remaining inventory of guns and weapons, so that no one else would be hurt or killed. In an amazing effort, Brandon raised over $500,000—but it still wasn’t enough to top the bid of Bryco’s plant manager in bankruptcy court, who, it is now apparent, was financed in his bidding by money traced back to the Jennings family.

              The re-formed company, now known as Jimenez Arms, and its sole distributor, Shining Star Investments, are owned by the former plant manager and Bruce Jennings’s second ex-wife, Janice Jennings respectively. And the Jimenez JA-9 pistols they make and sell include the same safety defect as the Bryco's—a manual safety that must be set to "fire" before the gun can be unloaded. Bryco has yet to provide any compensation to Brandon.

              Ruggieri’s fight for his client continues, but because of his and Brandon’s tireless efforts, they nonetheless succeeded in capturing the attention of the United States Congress, the national news media, and the American public with Brandon’s story.

              At a time when Congress is working to prohibit gun lawsuits and shield weapons manufacturers from liability, this case is an inspiration for advocates of safe products and legal accountability. Richard and Brandon’s perseverance has sent an unmistakable message about the importance of the civil justice system and its role in achieving fairness for all Americans.

        • 家园 涨价了

          henry lever action 0.22 lr整枪价格 Price: $289.95*

          The price shown is the manufacturers suggested retail price.


          Large Loop Levers are available for the Henry Lever Action. Item HL2214L -




      • 家园 henry亨利步枪厂的地址 纽约 Brooklyn 太有意思

        大名鼎鼎的 布鲁克林区,意大利黑手党早期重要据点,著名的纽约 Brooklyn bridge在《新概念英语》也有范文,随便googe一下brooklyn bridge 大把的专题网站介绍他的历史、建造过程、各个历史阶段的精美图片,过瘾。。过瘾。。。

        关键词(Tags): #布鲁克林#brooklyn#brooklyn#bridge
    • 家园


      .22 CAL,哇!口径太小,,子弹分为长弹、短弹,属于练习类的,适合于儿童、妇女使用,居家过日子,在后院打打松鼠、老鼠、家禽尚可。缺点:比普通低压的气枪强一点,不能防身。优点:价格便宜量又足,子弹的价格是最便宜的。

      • 家园 虫虫不要小看了22LR


      • 家园 还能古狗到新的配图给另外几把枪吗?
      • 家园 说老实话,我也不知道什么是博客。大概是供应商给网友一个


      • 家园 查询来的资料

        这个mark II多是 lr,意思是子弹是 长弹类型。


        他的原话“Savage Mark II .22 cal rifle, barely used, comes with two ten round clips (no ammo) ”,很少使用,送2个10发的弹夹,没有子弹。看来也有人和你一样的遭遇。


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