
主题:【原创】房地产并未触底,房贷公司New Century狂跌36% -- 倥偬飞人

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          • 家园 The Second Great Depression 2

            December's net capital inflows are a grim snapshot of the looming disaster ahead. As the housing bubble loses steam, maxxed-out American consumers will face increasing job losses and mounting debt. At the same time, foreign investment will move to more promising markets in Asia and Europe causing a steep rise in interest rates. This is bound to be a stunning blow to the banks which are low on reserves ($44 billion) but have generated $4.5 trillion in shaky mortgage debt in the last 6 years.

            It's all bad news. The global liquidity bubble is limping towards the reef and when it hits it'll send shock-waves through the global economic system.

            Is it any wonder why the foreign central banks are so skittish about dumping the dollar? No one really relishes the idea of a quick slide into a global recession followed by years of agonizing recovery.

            Maybe that's why Secretary of Treasury Hank Paulson has reassembled the Plunge Protection Team and installed a hotline to his Chinese counterpart so he can quickly respond to sudden gyrations in the stock market or a freefalling greenback; two of the calamities he could be facing in the very near future.

            Greenspan successfully piloted the nation into virtual insolvency. In fact, the parallels between our present situation and the period preceding the Great Depression are striking. Just as massive debt was accumulating in the market from the purchase of stocks "on margin", so too, mortgage debt between 2000 and 2006 soared from $4.8 trillion to $9.5 trillion. In both cases the "wealth effect" spawned a spending spree which looked like growth but was really the steady, insidious expansion of debt which generated economic activity. In both periods wages were either flat or declining and the gap between rich and working class was growing more extreme by the year. As Paul Alexander Gusmorino said in his article, "Main Causes of the Great Depression":

            "Many factors played a role in bringing about the depression; however, the main cause for the Great Depression was the combination of the greatly unequal distribution of wealth throughout the 1920's, and the extensive stock market speculation that took place during the latter part that same decade".

            The same factors are at work today except that the speculation is in real estate rather than stocks. Just as in the 1920's the equity bubble was not created by wages keeping pace with productivity (the healthy formula for growth) but by the expansion of personal debt. Also, one could buy stocks without the money to purchase them, just as one can buy a $600,000 or $700,000 house today with zero-down and no monthly payment on the principle for years to come. The current account deficit ($800 billion) could also weigh heavily in any economic shake-up that may be forthcoming. Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster made this shocking calculation about America's out-of-control trade deficit:

            "US debt was up 10.1% to $4.085 trillion and accounts for 58.8% of all the credit issued globally last year. That means the US expanded credit at a much faster rate than the economy grew. This was borrowing to maintain a higher standard of living and attempt to pay for it tomorrow."

            Think about that; the US sucked up nearly 60% of ALL GLOBAL CREDIT in one year alone. That is truly astonishing.

            There are many similarities between the pre-Depression era and our own. Paul Alexander Gusmorino says:

            "The Great Depression was the worst economic slump ever in U.S. history, and one which spread to virtually all of the industrialized world. The depression began in late 1929 and lasted for about a decade....The excessive speculation in the late 1920's kept the stock market artificially high, but eventually lead to large market crashes. These market crashes, combined with the misdistribution of wealth, caused the American economy to capsize.

            "(The income disparity) between the rich and the middle class grew throughout the 1920's. While the disposable income per capita rose 9% from 1920 to 1929, those with income within the top 1% enjoyed a stupendous 75% increase in per capita disposable incomeA major reason for this large and growing gap between the rich and the working-class people was the increased manufacturing output throughout this period. From 1923-1929 the average output per worker increased 32% in manufacturing8. During that same period of time average wages for manufacturing jobs increased only 8% (This ultimately causes a decrease in demand and leads to growth in credit spending)

            The federal government also contributed to the growing gap between the rich and middle-class. Calvin Coolidge's (pro business) administration passed the Revenue Act of 1926, which reduced federal income and inheritance taxes dramatically(At the same time) the Supreme Court ruled minimum-wage legislation unconstitutional.

            The bottom three quarters of the population had an aggregate income of less than 45% of the combined national income; while the top 25% of the population took in more than 55% of the national income...Between 1925 and 1929 the total credit more than doubled from $1.38 billion to around $3 billion". (Just like now, the growing wage gap has spawned massive speculative bubbles as well as a steady up-tick in credit spending. Wage stagnation forces workers to seek other opportunities for getting ahead. When wages fail to keep pace with productivity then demand naturally decreases and business begins to flag. The only way to spur more buying is by easing interest rates or expanding personal credit, and that is when equity bubbles begin to appear. That's what happened to the stock market before 1929 as well as to the real estate market in 2007. The availability of credit has kept the housing market afloat but, ultimately, the result will be the same.

            On Monday October 21, 1929, the over-valued stock market began its downward plunge. It managed a brief mid-week comeback, but 7 days later on Black Tuesday it plummeted again; 16 million shares were dumped and there were no buyers.

            The game was over.

            Confidence evaporated overnight. People stopped buying on credit, the bubble-economy collapsed, and the mighty locomotive for growth, the American consumer, hobbled into the Great Depression. Tariffs were thrown up, foreigners stopped buying American goods; banks closed, business went bust, and unemployment skyrocketed. Tens years later the country was still reeling from the implosion.

            Now, 77 years later, Greenspan has led us sheep-like to the same precipice. The economic dilemma we're facing could have been avoided if the expansion of personal credit had been curtailed by prudent monetary policy at the Federal Reserve and if wealth was more evenly distributed as it was in the '60s and '70s. But that's not the case; so we're headed for hard times.

    • 家园 又一个狂跌39%! Novastar Financial Inc

      今天到目前为止,已经从17.56美元跌到10美元多一点。你如果看pe,还不到4,但是这些公司都是high leverage金融性公司,一旦贷款出问题,他们的利润不但会化为乌有,还要赔钱,甚至破产。

      最近看到消息说,那些买入subprime mortgage的大银行如HSBC,已经开始诉讼。因为象NFI这样的房贷公司做成贷款生意后,就转手给大公司,赚个差价什么的,但是前提条件是这些贷款不能出现坏账、欺骗等问题,否则大公司有权利强迫房贷公司回购这些贷款。现在坏账率一天天上升,大公司就要求回购,但是小的不肯,所以就起诉了。小的之所以不肯,估计也是没有办法,回购是死,不回购可能也是死,但是打官司还可以拖时间。


    • 家园 房地产市场 - 不为人知的影响

      很多经济学家谈起房地产市场,说规模其实不大,只占总体经济的几个百分点。实际上这种说法远远低估了其影响力。自从2001年经济衰退,联储局多次降低利率,房贷的利息支出大幅减少,刺激了房地产市场的发展,一方面当然建筑开工率大大提升,另外一方面相关的金融服务业也就是房贷迅速膨胀。简单点比方,房地产建筑销售是皮,相关金融服务业实际上是毛,以荣俱荣,一损俱损,皮之不存的话,肯定有毛将焉附的问题。一方面买房子的人固然要房贷,另外一方面很多房主在房价大幅上升的情况下开始用住房向银行抵押贷款,所谓mortgage equity withdrawls (MEW)就是这么回事了,而这些借出来的钱很大一部分又拿去消费了。所以房地产对经济的贡献,并不只是建成销售了多少房子,还整个地提升了所有房主们的富裕感和贷款额,进而刺激了消费。


      一般人只看见房地产开工率下降了,没有想到随着房价下降,MEW也急剧下降,05年第三季度为1.2万亿,到06年三季度就变成了6727亿,差不多下降了一半!而且这个趋势随着房地产市场的持续走软还将继续下去。美国GDP大概13万亿,70%为消费的话就是9.1万亿,仅仅MEW的下降额就相当于消费的6-7%,可想而知这对消费能力乃至经济的影响是实质性的,尤其是在美国人的储蓄率为负数的情况下。有人说考虑有形资产的话美国人实际上储蓄率并不低,但是包括房地产在内的有形资产实际上泡沫的成分很大而且正在泄气,那么美国人的财富就日见缩水。现在股市还维持在高位,但是股市的泡沫要依托在什么上面呢? 毕竟股票也是信心的游戏,制造业疲软,如果消费也后继乏力的话,股市泡沫本身也有毛将焉附的问题!1月份消费虽然看起来不弱,但是在持续借钱消费的情况下,能否持续下去是一个大大的问题。


    • 家园 BAC收购CFC? 果然是谣言


      Bank of America已经予以断然否认,认为mortgage business的经营模式不好。

    • 家园 房地产泡沫:仅仅6年时间,美国房贷总额增加了一倍

      [URL=]http://www.prudentbear.com/articles/show/341 [/URL]

      During the five years 1995-2000, nonfinancial debt growth by 32.4% went together with 22.2% real GDP growth. In the following five years 2000-05, nonfinancial debt grew by 47.3% and real GDP by 13.4%. There has been an atrocious deterioration in the relationship between debt growth and economic growth.

      Between 2000 and third quarter 2006, the mortgage debt of U.S. private households soared from $4,801.7 billion to $9,497.4 billion. In barely six years, it has, thus, almost doubled.

      The fact is that private households have drastically curbed their mortgage borrowing recently. It amounted to $672.7 billion in the third quarter 2006, sharply down from $1,223.6 billion in the same quarter of last year. That is, consumer borrowing almost halved. It amazes us how little attention this fact finds.

      It means that the most important credit source for spending in the economy is rapidly drying up, even though money and credit remain, in general, as loose as ever. It is drying up because the decisive lever of this borrowing binge, rising house prices, has broken down; most importantly, this lever is not under the control of the Federal Reserve.

      A sharp decline or even cessation of such borrowing essentially indicates an impending sharp retrenchment in consumer spending. Mortgage equity withdrawal peaked at an annual rate of about $730 billion, or 8.1% of GDP, in the third quarter 2005. One year later, in the third quarter 2006, it was sharply down to $214 billion.

      Considering the dramatic reversal in the housing bubble, a virtual collapse of consumer borrowing is definitely in the cards for the United States.

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    • 家园 不知中国的房地产泡沫什么时候破裂


    • 家园 当年HSBC贪便宜

      2002年摘了最烂的柿子:"household international"。可把美国人乐坏了,四年了,在HSBC还是定时炸弹哪。中国以后对外扩张,可要小心,千万不要找“问题青年”,当年首钢南美买钢厂也是吃不了,兜着走,相比联想买IBMPC就乐观的多,毕竟“血统”还是很重要的。

      美国其它行业都是强强联合,只有金融一业是烂烂联合,大概balance sheet作大点,挺到下一个cycle的机会大增,好的银行谁又会卖呢。可惜这回BAC自己认为完全recover,从fleet带过来的阿根廷的烂账已经不再,不是烂柿子了, 可以完全理直气壮的对CFC说NO。

      • 家园 HSBC强手如云,都吃了个烂柿子


      • 家园 这个嘛也不算太差

        汇丰控股03年收购Household International后,04年曾自称2003年3月收购了消费融资公司Household InternationalInc.后, 汇丰在北美洲的业务实力显著增强.这项交易提升了汇丰在美国消费借贷,按揭融资,信用卡和信贷保险等市场的全国覆盖面,标志着集团近十多年来最重大的转变.收购了HouseholdInternational Inc.大大提升了在美国的业务规模与形象.

        不过因为利润问题,今年股东可是对当年收购Household International叫喊起来,认为是错误行为.

    • 家园 房地产的泡沫很大, 居然能够给吹起来.
    • 家园
    • 家园 花了。
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