
主题:【原创】美国股市在搞什么鬼?国外投资人的陷阱? -- 倥偬飞人

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  • 家园 【原创】美国股市在搞什么鬼?国外投资人的陷阱?


    类比房地产市场,其实美国房市的泡泡,吸引了不少国外投资人,要不直接去炒房,要不买入所谓MBS,mortgage backed securities,收入可能比国债高点。如今房地产大跌,还要接着跌下去,老外们的钱,就搁在卖不出价钱的房子里了,即时割肉卖了,现金可就大缩水了。外国人手里捏着的美元,就这样转移到了美国人手里。


    这么说好像有点阴谋论,可是看到老笨联储主席、老格卸任主席都不顾事实不顾体面帮着忽悠,一会儿说房地产好,一会儿说经济好,再加上有invested interests的众媒体和分析师们一同鼓噪,忒可疑了点。看来这忽悠的后面还是美国的国家利益。美国股市,本来就是最大的财富抽水机,能把老外辛辛苦苦挣来的美元,都抽回到美国人口袋里去了。

    • 家园 美国经济衰退:1月数据为证


      Durable goods orders: down 7.8%

      Transportation orders fell by 18 percent, a figure affected heavily by a 60.3 percent drop in civilian aircraft orders. Boeing Co. reported orders of just 13 planes in January, after a strong tally 212 in December.

      Defense aircraft and parts orders also fell 54.6 percent.

      Automotive orders also fell 5.1 percent following a 5.3 percent rise in December.

      Existing home sales went up 3%, but price down 3%!

      • 家园 衰退确认了?中国要受多大影响?



    • 家园 罗奇:世界没有警觉



    • 家园 格老发话:美国经济可能进入衰退



      如今格老终于开始承认经济衰退的可能性了,但是他说可能是07Q4. 实际上呢?现在可能就已经进入衰退了,或者是第二季度。



      • 家园 only problem is that

        the element of surprise is missing. many investors are already in bear market or money market funds.

        usually a crash should not happen without the majority being trapped at the top.

        but maybe this time it's different. the US' trouble has been known for too long, by too many people. it's become increasingly tough to pull off another magic under so many watchful eyes and suspecting minds.

        • 家园 Too many investors underestimate

          the risk. DOW just a little off its record highs. VIX, the measurement of complacency, at historical lows - that's not what people should be doing if they have become prudent. The markets are still at the top, but will get off there sooner than people expected. At the beginning of this year, 12 biggest investment firms unanimously predicted another record high year for 2007. Are the crowds already prepared for the crash? Not likely.

          • 家园 an article i read


            • 家园 Technical analysis is a windsock

              not a crystal ball - this saying in this very article makes a lot of sense.

              Money flow could work against you at any time. In January, money out-flow has exceeded in-flow by $11 billion. The US needs $70 billion net in-flow to finance their debt. Without fundamentals to support the stock markets, it will be just like a car trying to go forward without its wheels - crash will not be a surprise, but until then, who knows?

    • 家园 There is nothing wrong with the

      There is nothing wrong with the market. Never argue with the market.

    • 家园 外国投资人拥有八万亿美元的美国金融资产

      现在,外国投资人拥有13%的美国股票,24%的公司债券,43%的国债treasury bonds,14%的政府机构债券。至于美国是世界最大的债务国,那已经不是新闻了。

      出处为The Daily Reckoning http://www.dailyreckoning.com/

      > What are America's trading partners doing with these dollars? Their

      > central banks have been accumulating huge piles of dollars as "reserves"

      > to support their own currencies, while foreign businesses have been buying

      > U.S. real estate, stocks, and bonds. Foreign investors now own about $8

      > trillion of U.S. financial assets, including 13 percent of all U.S.

      > stocks, 24 percent of corporate bonds, 43 percent of Treasury bonds, and

      > 14 percent of government agency debt. By the end of 2003, about a third of

      > Fannie Mae's mortgage-backed bonds were being sold outside the United

      > States. In the 1980s, the U.S. was the world's biggest creditor nation,

      > meaning that we had far more invested in other countries than those

      > countries had invested here. But by 2003, foreign investors owned $9.4

      > trillion of U.S. assets, while U.S. claims on the rest of the world were

      > only $7.2 trillion. The United States is now the world's biggest debtor

      > nation.

    • 家园 美股


      以Paulson在高盛的影響力及操控美國PPT。美股變成了牛氣沖天。這個泡沫能否補回樓市下降的損失?能否延續至他離任?當然預測股市是極難,正如凱恩斯所講,The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent。但以現時美國政經的形勢,我就沒有這個膽量落場了。



    • 家园 这是一个高难度的题目.
    • 家园 请教飞人兄一个高难度的问题





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