
主题:【讨论】带盗版DVD进海关会不会被巨额罚款 -- landlord

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  • 家园 【讨论】带盗版DVD进海关会不会被巨额罚款









    Articles bearing marks that are counterfeit or inappropriately using a federally registered trademark are subject to seizure and forfeiture.The importation of articles intended for sale or public distribution bearing counterfeit marks may subject an individual to a civil fine if the registered trademark has also been recorded with CBP.


    In regard to copyright infringement, articles that are determined by CBP to be clearly piratical of a protected copyright, i.e., unauthorized articles that are substantially similar to a material protected by a copyright, are subject to seizure. A personal use exemption for articles, similar to that described above also applies to copyrighted articles for the personal, non-commercial use of the importer and are not for sale or distribution.


    Products subject to copyright protection most commonly imported include software on CD-ROMs, sound recordings, toys, stuffed animals, clothing with cartoon characters, videotapes, DVDs, music CDs, and books. Products subject to trademark protection most commonly imported include handbags and accessories, and clothing.


    × 盗版DVD属于“违反知识产权”的,手包等属于“违反商标保护”的。

    × 带了“违反商标保护”的东东入关会被没收,有些情况会被罚款;带了“违反知识产权”的东东入关会被没收(没写“罚款”,难道漏了?

    × 每30天可以每类带一件“违反商标保护”或者“违反知识产权”的东东入关,当然必须是自用的!(嗯,下次难道能毫无顾忌的带套《越狱》?


    An organization based in the Detroit area was responsible for importing counterfeit Zig Zag cigarette papers with an estimated value of $16 million and selling them well below the cost of the registered brand. The organization also laundered approximately $1 million in proceeds derived from the sale of the counterfeit merchandise. Seven individuals were convicted of federal violations associated with the ongoing criminal enterprise, including trafficking in counterfeit goods, conspiracy, money laundering, false statements and perjury. Defendants were ordered to pay over $6 million in restitution to the trademark holder and three of them will be removed from the United States on completion of their prison sentences.


    Operation Spring, the first U.S.-Sino joint undercover law enforcement operation in the People's Republic of China (PRC) resulted in the arrest of a U.S. citizen in Shanghai and the forfeiture of 160,000 counterfeit DVDs. The U.S. citizen was initially convicted of violating PRC counterfeiting laws prior to being expelled to the United States, where he was sentenced to 60 months incarceration and three years supervised release and fined $15,000 for conspiracy to traffic in counterfeit DVDs and other related charges. The individual also forfeited criminal proceeds of $823,833 to the U.S. government.


    × 那位造了一万六千盗版DVD的老兄,在美国被判了5年,罚款1.5万美元,另外没收非法所得80多万。

    × 那个走私价值1600万美元香烟纸的那伙人,因为“违反商标保护”被罚600万!








    § 506. Criminal offenses5

    (a) Criminal Infringement. - Any person who infringes a copyright willfully either -

    (1) for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain, or

    (2) by the reproduction or distribution, including by electronic means, during any 180-day period, of 1 or more copies or phonorecords of 1 or more copyrighted works, which have a total retail value of more than $1,000,

    shall be punished as provided under section 2319 of title 18, United States Code. For purposes of this subsection, evidence of reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work, by itself, shall not be sufficient to establish willful infringement.

    相关的处罚(section 2319 of title 18)

    § 2319. Criminal infringement of a copyright

    How Current is This?

    (a) Whoever violates section 506 (a) (relating to criminal offenses) of title 17 shall be punished as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this section and such penalties shall be in addition to any other provisions of title 17 or any other law.

    (b) Any person who commits an offense under section 506 (a)(1) of title 17—

    (1) shall be imprisoned not more than 5 years, or fined in the amount set forth in this title, or both, if the offense consists of the reproduction or distribution, including by electronic means, during any 180-day period, of at least 10 copies or phonorecords, of 1 or more copyrighted works, which have a total retail value of more than $2,500;

    (2) shall be imprisoned not more than 10 years, or fined in the amount set forth in this title, or both, if the offense is a second or subsequent offense under paragraph (1); and

    (3) shall be imprisoned not more than 1 year, or fined in the amount set forth in this title, or both, in any other case.

    (c) Any person who commits an offense under section 506 (a)(2) of title 17, United States Code—

    (1) shall be imprisoned not more than 3 years, or fined in the amount set forth in this title, or both, if the offense consists of the reproduction or distribution of 10 or more copies or phonorecords of 1 or more copyrighted works, which have a total retail value of $2,500 or more;

    (2) shall be imprisoned not more than 6 years, or fined in the amount set forth in this title, or both, if the offense is a second or subsequent offense under paragraph (1); and

    (3) shall be imprisoned not more than 1 year, or fined in the amount set forth in this title, or both, if the offense consists of the reproduction or distribution of 1 or more copies or phonorecords of 1 or more copyrighted works, which have a total retail value of more than $1,000.



    关键词(Tags): #盗版DVD
    • 家园 身边没有这样的例子,所以只能推测


      带盗版DVD电影电视对应的法律是18 USC 2318。带盗版软件的法律是18 USC 2320。从DOJ发布的年度报告来看,06年对这两款相关犯罪的起诉率比以前高了不少,证明打击力度在加大。还是小心些好吧。

    • 家园 俺一同学曾经带过200张盗版的……



    • 家园 要小心为上
    • 家园 有几点注意事项,都是道听途说来的,跟我没关系,哈




    • 家园 说说我的亲身经历







      • 家园 直接在网上下载啊


      • 家园 这些人怎么都这样啊?


      • 家园 ……


        • ……
          家园 原来如此


      • 家园 所以游戏我从来不带,也不帮人带


    • 家园 还是地主厉害。俺是年年代,次次带,一次也没被查过。


    • 家园 地主又干坏事了,大家快来赞呐!!!
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