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主题:【原创】回葡萄,关于中美比较 -- 大众河蟹
天时地利都是摆着的,我最想讨论的是人和。美国的成就是和美国人分不开的,它先进的法律制度,不断开拓的精神,自由民主的氛围,科学技术的进步,文化体育的蓬勃向上,一个清教徒建立的国家,到底有什么过人之处?对比国人,我们也有很多好的品质,什么勤劳礼让..., 但劣根性也很突出,不诚信,好赌...我以为这些可能是影响中国前进的障碍,只想抛砖引玉。
美国所引导的世界潮流,可以用一个词来概括--American dream, 这才是美国带领世界文明向前走的动力,中国要崛起,Chinese dream是什么呢?
我不知道所谓的American Dream什么时候开始有这个名词,但我相信是最初的美国人成功之后,后来才有的,然后吸引全世界的人流向美国。然而你怎么知道今天的中国人心中没有中国梦?我相信支持今天中国脊梁的不是那些去追求American Dream的中国人,而恰恰是那些被称作民工的最底层的中国人,他们牺牲自己去为自己的后代换取更好的生活条件。还有那些从内地城市到沿海工作的年青或不年青的人。中国有今天的成就,就是因为从包产到户时起,点起了每个中国人的希望,让他们看到成功的希望,这类似于又一次得打土豪、分田地。首先是中国人自己心中有梦。然后中国人只要埋头苦干,做好自己的本分,让这个国家再踏踏实实的发展二十年,到时自然会有国际友人送你一个名词Chinese Dream。看看时下广州街头流动的印巴人、中东人、非洲人哪一个不把中国当成他们发财致富的乐土,那些早十几年到大陆的台湾、香港人哪一个不留恋大陆。时代变了,以前我们总说我们要和国际接轨,今时今日为什么我们不能说要进入中国市场,就要和中国国情接轨,你要在中国赚钱,发的不是中国梦吗。为什么我们要妄自菲薄而不是不卑不亢?
I don’t think China can catch up with the US and other western developed countries any time soon in terms of people’s living standard. It’s true that several large metropolitan areas are closing that gap , but if you look at the average living standard China is still far behind.
But I’m sure China as a country will become the No. 2 in decades, in terms of overall economic capacity, political power and influence, assuming Europe is not united.
I think it’s critical that China set realistic goals and objectives. We should not be aiming at quickly closing the gap in terms of overall living standard. I believe the appropriate goals should be:
(1) achieve steady and sustainable economic growth;
(2) effectively address environmental issues, including population, pollution, natural resources, etc. This is as important as (1), and these two goals are largely contradicting to one another therefore need be handled with balance;
As a result, the corresponding objectives should be:
(1) protect and grow mid-class; bring under control of the gaps across social classes.
(2) develop public transportation, real estate business and home goods industry.
(3) develop tourism, cultural and entertaining industries – the top 100 celebs in Asia should be all Chinese and no Japs, Koreans, or Indians… Culture wise, we may not become the center of the world, but at least we should be the center of Asia. And we have this potential. Cultural and entertaining industries will have direct and positive impact on tourism.
(4) education. We need to become the biggest exporting country of professionals and talents.
I don’t think China was doing the right thing in investing so many resources into the automotive industry. More resources should have been directed to public transportation and aviation.
Secondly, China is not protecting and growing mid-class the way it should.
Mid-class is the No. 1 factor affecting consumption and social stability, which in turn have positive impacts on sustainable economic growth.
In real estate industry, China has been heavily skewed towards the high class market segments and therefore resulted in huge surplus and waste. Yet on the mid- and low- market segments, the needs are under served.
Finally, China is still putting too much censorship on cultural and entertaining products (such as movies, books, etc.), and worst of all, China’s education system sux!
Do you know how many products have been, and are being, developed around the book and the movie "The Lord of the Ring"? Do you know how much wealth has been created out of this book and movie? Bear in mind that this money is also much 'cleaner', in the sense that the level of pollution generated to create this wealth is very low, compared to other industries. What's more it can also boost tourism, increasing tourists spendings from both domestic and overseas.
China has such a long and rich history. We can fabricate far more exciting and attractive stories and produce highly successful movies, thereby driving a huge business around those stories and movies.
中国天生是要做老大的,这是命中注定的。无论你怎么跟美国人讲你心甘情愿跟着老大混口饭吃,美国人是不会放过你的。我们跟苏联、美国斗了这么多年,就是不愿意做人家主导的国际体系里的二流国家。现在我们已经看到了希望,为什么要放弃去做No.2 in the world? 中国人的脊梁哪里去了?但是心里想的,嘴上不能说,所以我们要和谐,要和平崛起。中国人不称霸,是因为实力未够,等实力够了,以中国人的智慧,自己不说也会有人抬你上去的。远的不说,以现在的航母修建计划来说,其实航母不是烧钱机器,而是印钞机器,是中国进一步发挥软实力的基础。中国人要有底气,我们要制定游戏规则,而不是去和国际规则接轨。,讨论这个命题,请你用中文,站在中国人的角度思考问题,用英文你自觉不自觉已经做了跟班了。