
主题:【原创】广岛-印象 上 -- 萨苏

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家园 送花.明天我去图书馆看看能不能借到原书



我已查出图书馆有<War's end : an eyewitness account of America's last atomic mission / by Charles W. Sweeney with James A. Antonucci and Marion K. Antonucci>

家园 【文摘】【校译】看看原汁原味






1995年,日本借二战胜利50周年之机,在其本土及美国精心策划了一系列活动,把自己打扮成二战的受害者,蓄意歪曲历史。其中一个重要活动就是通过精心策划的“原子轰炸后果”展览,把美国对日本的原子轰炸说成是炫耀武力的“暴行”。对此,作为唯一两次参与对日本实施原子轰炸的飞行员、美国退役空军少将查尔斯。斯文尼挺身而出,于1995年5月11日在美国国会发表证词。用无可辩驳的事实揭露日本在二战中的侵略本质及其暴行。斯文尼是美国人,他当然是用美国人的立场、视角观察和陈述二战的历史。本刊选登斯文尼的证词,仅供读者了解这一重大历史事件。--- 《世界军事》


As in any war, our goal was --as it should be--to win. The stakes were too high to equivocate.


I am often asked if I ever think of the Japanese who died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


I do not revel in the idea that so many on both sides died, not only at those two places but around the world, in that horrible conflict. I take no pride or pleasure in the brutality of war, whether suffered by my people or those of another nation. Every life is precious.


But it does seem to me such a question is more appropriately directed to the Japanese warlords who so willingly offered up their people to achieve their visions of greatness. They who started the war and then stubbornly refused to stop it must be called to account. Don't they have the ultimate responsibility for all the deaths of their countrymen?

但我的确认为 这样一个问题应该去问日本战犯,是他们以日本人民为代价追求自身的辉煌。他们发动了战争,并拒绝停止战争。难道他们不应为所有的苦难、为日本的灾难负最终 的责任吗?

Perhaps if the Japanese came to grips with their past and their true part in the war they would hold those Japanese military leaders accountable. The Japanese people deserve an answer from those who brought such misery to the nations of the Far East and ultimately to their own people. Of course, this can never happen if we collaborate with the Japanese in wiping away the truth.



My crew and I flew these missions with the belief that they would bring the war to an end. There was no sense of joy. There was a sense of duty and commitment that we wanted to get back to our families and loved ones.


Today millions of people in America and in Southeast Asia are alive because the war ended when it did.

I do not stand here celebrating the use of nuclear weapons. Quite the contrary.I hope that my mission is the last such mission ever flown.


We, as a nation, should abhor the existence of nuclear weapons.

我们作为一个民族应该对原子弹的存在感到恐惧[美国大兵?恐惧?原文是厌恶 --美式人文思想]。

I certainly do.


The world is a better place because German and Japanese fascism failed to conquer. Japan and Germany are better places because we were benevolent in our victory. The youth of Japan and the United States, spared from further needless slaughter, went on to live and have families and grow old.


I do not speak for all veterans of that war. But I believe that my sense of pride in having served my country in that great conflict is shared by all veterans. This is why the truth about that war must be preserved. We veterans are not shrinking violets. Our sensibilities will not be shattered in intelligent and controversial debate. We can handle ourselves.


But we will not -- we cannot -- allow armchair second-guessers to frame the debate by hiding facts from the American public and the world. I have great faith in the good sense and fairness of the American people to consider all the facts and make an informed judgment about the war's end.


This is an important debate. The soul of our nation - its essence, its history---is at stake.

[这是一场非常重要的辩论。我们的国家精神—她的精髓和历史— 面临着严峻的评判!]

Maj Gen Charles W. Sweeney, USAF (Ret)

家园 很早就看过这段话,真是掷地有声!萨大能发到日本网上么?
家园 遗憾
家园 当时美军的投弹已经如此精确?
家园 多少无人区,那里来女孩子
家园 花敬老兵!


家园 美国也有事后诸葛亮!
家园 你是说一样会有三光,大屠杀,杀人竞赛,人体实验?


家园 不花没人性



家园 有谁知道证词的英文原版


我用charles, congressional testimony, atomic bomb, Hiroshima为关键词,放狗查不到。


家园 这篇证词堪称万古长青,永垂不朽
家园 掷地有声
家园 已经去世了

Charles W. Sweeney, 84, who died of a heart ailment July 16 at a Boston hospital, was an Army Air Forces pilot during World War II whose first combat mission over an enemy target was the atomic bomb drop over Nagasaki, Japan.


家园 小日本很会博得同情的
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