
主题:【原创】我心仪的女孩之图书馆小妹 -- 忘情

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家园 递个纸条先?或者先送送花?


家园 花! come on, just askHerbefriend

You both can know each other better. Don't worry whether she is boyfriend or not......

Don't regret in your life that you miss someone. Value your life and be nice to her!!

家园 可惜已经失败了


家园 Doesn't matter. be friendlytoher

Don't pay attention to this "refusal". both of you are too young.... tell her how much she impacts your life, and always come to talk with her, ask her out with other friends.... be natural to let her accept you.

家园 Tell her just accept you asfrien

give her time to accept you, to know you. And you can also balance yourself, if you want her be your girlfriend at the very beginning, then you will be frustrated. So, at the beginning, your target is only to be her friend. Just tell her, she can trust you, and you can help you whenever she needs you. Give her your promise, and never give up!!!

家园 btw, I am in TN USA, close to YU

I live close to "Your unforgetable friend", Your article remind me of my past unforgetable spring youth, and those memory--first love---Sooner or later, fate will bring your real one to you, it depends on how you acceptable. Don't easily give up. Be friend first to know each other and let her know how much you care of her....

家园 安慰一下...


家园 兄弟加油啊!


家园 but

how can a man forget his first love? it's so deep, and hurts too much. he cannot love with all his soul again, never. he is afraid of getting hurt for another time.

家园 谢谢鼓励,顺祝兄弟新年快乐
家园 这有时候还是有心理包袱不是?



家园 哎,这个世界是现实的
家园 每个人都会有自己曾经遭遇的美丽


家园 说得对


家园 情种啊情种
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