
主题:[更新]四川的地震,CNN的恶毒 -- 雷声

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家园 要避免极端心态


何况如果我们把CNN或者BBC看成一个大一统的,静态不变的整体,岂非是正好犯了西方看待我国的错误?比如CNN网站上这篇报道外链出处 还算比较公允,反而比我在楼上贴的花街日报文章公道多了。而花街日报又有对中国友善的作者,比如他们报道三番火炬传递的文章“Olympic-Torch Protesters Given Slip in San Francisco”就比较忠实地报道了我们的诉求。对于这种文章和作者,又应该鼓励。我就曾写信给作者感谢他们:

“Dear Mr. Kang, Mr. Carlton, and Mr. White,

I read your article “Olympic-Torch Protesters Given Slip in San Francisco” on WSJ today and think it is an unbiased and balanced report of the event.

Balance and fairness as the basic guideline of news report can rarely be found in the recent news report on Tibetan violent protesters and their effort to sabotage the spirit of Olympics. Renowned media such as CNN and BBC have been fabricating news to their convenience. I have long been disappointed with these media on their international news coverage, but have underestimated their willingness to distort the facts to serve the propaganda they want to broadcast. If you are interested, this website can provide some proof of the recent media distortion: http://www.anti-cnn.com/ In such environment of one side biased opinion and total ignorance of facts, your report to honestly reflect what happened are really admirable. Even your criticism on students shoving the protesters of Darfur, which is regrettable, reflects the truth.

We, a group of Chinese Americans and Chinese students, will also held a protest against violence in Lasa, Tibet and media distortion Monday 4/14 when Dalai Lama visit University of Washington. I wish more truth could be told by our peaceful protest and wish media will no longer only reflect one-side of the view from now on.

Again, as a long time subscriber of WSJ and a teacher who use WSJ articles for class room discussion, I applause your report will continue to pay attention to more accurate articles from you.”

所以对待西方媒体,斗争也好,争取也罢,都是首先建立在了解对方的观点之上的。就算对付Jack Cafferty这样的人,我们总也要先知道他说了什么才能采取针对性的措施,或抗议,或投诉,或起诉。总之,了解对方的观点,了解对方对我们的“了解”,才是我们应该采取的正确方法和态度。当然,这种方法和态度不适合某些已经挑战正常人类承受界限的论坛和上面的发言者,但我认为,CNN也好,BBC也好,WSJ也好,还算不上此列。

家园 烂的美国


家园 同意。





家园 截止目前,BBC的表现还过得去。



家园 【增补】如果有人一定要说点不好的:New York Times



“There’s no hope for them,” said Lu Zhiqing, 58, as she watched uniformed rescue workers trudge through mud and rain toward the mound of bricks and concrete that had once been a school. “There’s no way anyone’s still alive in there.”


“Everything in the apartment was destroyed,” said the man, Ji Yongtao, 27, waving a hand up at the second floor. “We need to find a place to live. We’ll spend the night in a building that was recently built, or on the first floor somewhere. We’re not going back up there.”


Busloads of soldiers rode past in the street. But there was no immediate help for the people.




家园 一贯如此了,bbc cnn 之流一向有关中国的

新闻画面都是灰蒙蒙的,言语更令人听了像吃了只苍蝇。 以前要不然不看,要不然就忍着。 这次西藏和奥运火炬事件能让更多中国人愿意走出来发出自己的声音,能看到越来越多这样的帖子, 感觉真好, 花!

家园 这篇是所有我看到的里面最恶的。


‘No Hope’ for Children Buried in Earthquake

最重要的两个字:No Hope


家园 MD看了气不打一处来


家园 wiki也犯迷糊

In 2002, a study by Chen Xuezhong published in the Chinese seismology journal Recent Developments in World Seismology reported that starting 2003 there is a high probability of M≥7 earthquake in Sichuan Province.[47] "Sichuan is virtually certain to experience an earthquake measuring above 7 in the next few years" he wrote.[48]

On May 3, Ngawa Prefecture's earthquake relief authority received number of phone calls asking to confirm or deny a rumor that an earthquake had been predicted for Barkam County (马尔康县). Barkam County is only about 120 kilometers (about 75 miles) northwest of the epicenter of the May 12 earthquake. On May 9, the official website of Sichuan Provincial Government reported that the provincial seismological bureau has denied making any related predictions.[49]

家园 Wiki上的一大批写手是非常反华的

你去看那些关于轮子的词条。最最呵护轮子立场的,往往不是轮子自己,不是华人,而是这些自诩独立、公正的洋大人。你要对他们有意见,他们第一个跳起来指控你是communist shill。

家园 你越重视它,它越跳的欢腾


家园 骨子里还是种族歧视


家园 aglee


家园 这个不算恶毒,最恶毒的来自于《纽约时报》。

除了你后面补充的‘No Hope’ for Children Buried in Earthquake,后面还有更狠的:China Scales Back Torch Relay After Quake

建议读一读后面的读者评论。注意有人(Lau)在说被标题吸引了过来,却对内容很失望。原因是这篇文章的原始题目不是这样的,而是更耸人听闻的In China, Olympic Torch Protests Follow Quake---《地震后,中国有人抗议奥运火炬》。因为《纽约时报》后来换题目了!用英文Google搜一下“In China, Olympic Torch Protests Follow Quake”,你可以看到如下结果

In China, Olympic Torch Protests Follow Quake - The Lede ...

Reading, watching, discussing and blogging the day's local, national, and international news at The New York Times on the Web.

thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/05/13/in-china-olympic-torch-protests-follow-quake/ - 13 hours ago - Similar pages

China Scales Back Torch Relay After Quake - The Lede - Breaking ...

Back in China, the torch is facing more protests from the country’s own ..... I think Olympic torch relay should become a special charity event for quake ...

thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/05/13/in-china-olympic-torch-protests-follow-quake/?hp - 12 hours ago - Similar pages

More results from thelede.blogs.nytimes.com »


有了这篇文章做背景,最新一篇里面的很多混淆是非的地方就可以理解来龙去脉了A Rescue in China, Uncensored



本帖一共被 2 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
家园 解释下China Scales Back Torch Relay


严格意义上讲,我不太确定这是否算是《纽约时报》的文章,因为它是作为博客文章出现的。但是,它是作为头版标题文章在今天早上的网络版出现的,而且是以《地震后,中国有人抗议奥运火炬》这个题目出现的。看看美国读者的留言,“Shame on you, China”。谁说影响不坏?

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