
主题:关于四川地震,做了份东西,准备放到公司 home page 上 -- 煮酒正熟

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家园 多谢!


家园 中文教育


家园 你的英文还是很好


家园 可不可以定稿后给我一份拷贝


家园 多谢兄弟和颜子兄、禅兄、天线兄的修改和补充意见。




家园 明天给您提供两个版本,供您挑选



另一个是我们公司 Public Affairs 的笔杆子们弄出来的东西,干巴巴的,没有多



家园 50万实在不算多,但比起我们公司来说还算过得去




稍觉气闷的是,公司的 Public Affairs 那几个笔杆子决定去掉所有图片,而且结尾处明确请求大家捐款,弄得很实用主义... 明天会把最终定稿贴出来...

家园 我们公司是这样搞的


然后,由员工Asian American协会出面,通过各级秘书,email发布为中国四川地震和缅甸风灾捐款。


家园 不知道这个是不是迟了点

【原创】We can help! 发给全公司的地震宣传幻灯片


家园 This is our draft...

At 2:28 p.m., May 12, an 8.0-magnitude earthquake hit Sichuan province in southwest China. The massive quake was felt through a large part of China. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes. So far the death poll amounts to over 40,000, and more than 247,000 people have been injured. Officials say the number of dead is expected to rise to more than fifty thousand.

Soon after this formidable tragedy occurred, China undertook an all-out rescue and relief effort, lead by the government and immensely involved by civilian volunteers. In only 90 minutes, Chinese Premier, Wen Jiabao, was on the plane to the disaster area to coordinate on-site rescue efforts. Though most of the road to the epicenter was totally destroyed and under constant threat of mudslides and aftershocks, a division of soldiers managed to arrive in mere 15 hours after walking 60 miles. Other rescue forces from local, provincial and military authorities poured into the disaster area by planes, trucks and, where roads were damaged, by walking. Victims helped themselves and others where they could. People lined up in many cities to donate blood. In cities nearby, thousands of taxi drivers and car owners voluntarily organized themselves to ship supplies into the disaster area and ship the wounded out, without being paid or given an order…

In this devastating time, ordinary people demonstrated great humanitarianism and altruism. A 21-year-old kindergarten teacher shielded a toddler from tons of falling concrete, saving the kid with her own life. A 25-year-old elementary school teacher rushed in and out of the collapsing classroom Thirteen times to rescue her students, and in the very last second of her life she sheltered a boy with her own body. The boy was finally rescued. CNN reported a touching story about a local authority leader:

Perhaps the most poignant experience came while we were talking

to the local party secretary in Che Jia Va, who gave us directions and

pointed out various landmarks -- all the while keeping a stoic face.

The town was once home to 13,000 people, and 3,000 are still missing,

he says. As he shows me the damage to his community, I ask how

many have died. Tears flow down his cheeks, and he makes no effort

to wipe them away. He says that as many as 500 are dead, including

his parents, his wife and their two children.

In the midst of his anguish, there is a call over his radio. He's needed

again, and he runs off -- with apologies -- to go back to work.

In this time of profound anguish, we hope everyone will keep those who lost their loved ones in the earthquake in your prayers and thoughts.

Below are three charity organizations whose donations will be used exclusively for China earthquake relief purposes.

家园 Here's what's been put on the

company's home page:

As we all know, just last week, an enormous earthquake struck in China with absolutely devastating consequences. More than 40,000 lives have been lost, a staggering number that will sadly continue to increase. Media reports indicate more than 240,000 people have been hospitalized and five million people are now homeless. The New York Times referred to the Sichuan Province earthquake as the worst natural disaster to hit China in 30 years.

Soon after this tragedy occurred, China undertook an all-out rescue and relief effort, with ordinary people joining the Chinese government in a coordinated response. Less than 90 minutes after the earthquake, the Premier of China, Wen Jiabao, was on a plane to the disaster area to coordinate on-site rescue efforts. Though most of the roads to the epicenter were destroyed and under constant threat of mudslides and aftershocks, a division of soldiers arrived to help in 15 hours after marching for 60 miles.

Additional assistance has been provided by local, provincial and military authorities as they continue to pour into the disaster areas by planes, trucks and, where roads were damaged, by walking. Men and women lined up in many cities to donate blood. In cities nearby, thousands of taxi drivers and car owners organized themselves to bring supplies into the disaster area and take the wounded out without any thought of compensation.

While we are thousands of miles away from China, we can all join in this global, humanitarian outreach by making a financial contribution to the relief efforts. The two organizations listed below will use donations exclusively for China earthquake relief purposes, and both are eligible for xxxxx's Matching Gifts Program

For more information on how you can help, contact either xxx or zhujiuzhengshu.

Thank you for your consideration.

家园 【文摘】contact zhujiuzhengshu@?



家园 谢谢了,没有图片效果差多了



一句话:我们的主要目的是要借助这次震灾,提升公司华人同事们的国家民族认同感,提升我们作为一个文化群体 在普通美国人心中的的地位和影响力,树立我们中国人坚韧、自尊、善良、拥有高贵灵魂的形像。


家园 老酒,请也给我一份。


家园 拐兄,我刚刚修改过原贴

我们没有做成 PowerPoint,就是普通的 email,里面带着那几张照片。就是上面主贴里那种形式。

另外,拐兄也可看看定远诗弟作的这个 PowerPoint:

定远麾下:【原创】We can help! 发给全公司的地震宣传幻灯片

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