
主题:宽容和谅解···写在写《空军二次文革和后文革》之前 -- 潘涌

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家园 Vtech的韩国人用的是手枪。。。
家园 你帖子的题目不好


家园 俺要的就是这效果。
家园 没有啊?人家说了不忘蒋先生,还要给蒋某立铜像哩。。。。
家园 谢谢长贴,历史问题欢迎讨论
家园 大家先安心看奥运,之后上空军大贴,还有我的八万字留言
家园 虽然不太同意潘兄本文的主张,但是




家园 老酒就不能好好说话?干嘛总是反着说。


家园 不争论



家园 同感。



家园 希望楼主能挺住


家园 竖铜像

At that time could be a joke. More pratical strategy might be to waive Qiang from war criminal list. They both have had too many killings before. Moreover, the country was not very stable-many people in the mainland were still waiting for Qiang's coming-back. I even don't think this is an issue of宽容. Eastern people have 宽容. See how both sides treated Japanese POW, and compare those in Siberia.

"败军和他们的家属不是采取格杀勿论的方法" This is not true - Many of those家属survived, at least I saw many of them- Those sons and grandsons of KMD generals.

The condition of making peace for both side is they play even, and neither of them can defeat another one. Unfortunately, Qiang ran out his military credits very fast due to various issues, such as serious problems in his military as well as the political system; other military lords didn't like him and didn't support him. The military balance between two sides was broken abruptly. Finally KMD even didn't get a chance to bargain with TG.

I really don't think those big guys of two sides would not forgive each other. They might not hate each other at all-Hate in politics means nothing. They were born in such a time that only they grasp the chance of changing the history of China. As long as they have credits in hand, they would continue the game- to turn those possibilities into reality.

家园 能否请教一下都有哪个朝代建立以后马上大赦天下了
家园 日本更有意思,很多失败者的名声比成功者更好


家园 一定要花!
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