
主题:【原创】【美国大选手记五十三】麦凯恩的战略性转移 -- 尼伯龙根·蜗藤

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家园 我对这种事也有立场


家园 对立的两方互骂而已,福音死硬们骂自由派的


我是不会骂 B-word,但她在我心中的地位基本上也就那个意思

家园 何必那么动感情


家园 You can call me a dreamer

BTW: have you seen SNL's opening?

Tina Fey is just genius

come to think of it. Sarah Palin is just a B-blip without substance, unlike Hilary Clinton.

家园 do you watch bill maher?
家园 No. Maybe I will find it to


家园 He's way too cynical.
家园 No for talk show I now

pretty much just watch Steven Colbert & Jon Stewart. Occasionally Conan ( I know, waaaay too liberal biased)

Oh~~~and Ellen Degeneres of course

Which episode are you talking about? is it any good or Palin happend to be on it.

家园 i only watch videos

never live shows, too much ads

Jon Stewart is good.

家园 my new favorite is John

Oliver, the British reccuring guy on Jon's show

He did a stand up gig in theater sometime earlier this year, quite brilliant.

家园 he said sth during writer

strikes about foreign labors and the strike. funny and sad

家园 guest host michael phelps

If you dig him. I personally find his underbite annoys my more and more. Admittedly his accent and nerdy mama's boy appearance can be cute though.

家园 so if I download last one

It's the episode you are referring to, right?

家园 i dont think so

it was probably 1 or 2 years ago

家园 well... are you pulling my

legs? Now I'm all curious about this joke.

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