
主题:那个她,原来只是活在记忆中 -- 齐眉

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家园 戏谑下啊:),想来只是她们清楚那人比较傻


家园 比初恋失败更让人痛苦的是


家园 嗯,相见不如怀念
家园 喜欢的人也许只是自己心中的影象而已.


家园 有一句英文这么说来着


sometimes old flames of passed away love do seep in again, just like the old tax bills seem to be still valid sometimes.

--Actually, they are not.

家园 old tax bills

If you haven't paid, it will be valid all the time...

家园 uhm, plus interests?

Coo, then it's a nightmare, and priceless so forth...

Hope there is no Leverage applied here. :)

家园 uhm, plus interests?

Coo, then it's a nightmare, and priceless so forth...

Hope there is no Leverage applied here. :)

家园 plus interests?

Then one has to claim bankrupcy, and close the house. In the meaning time, get insurance from secured house as soon as possible.

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