
主题:【求助】问一个美国学校选择的问题,请在美国的河友多多指教 -- 于是

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家园 在纽约,耶鲁绝对比伯克里吃的开,即便是CS

至少在美东,ivy league本科文凭的对jump start your son's career是很有帮助的。


家园 Cal 是你最好的选择!



家园 有prelaw.
家园 Why berkeley pt 2

This gets easier for me in English instead of Chinese, so bear with me.

First, congratulation to your son. Now let me do a quick pitch for why Berkeley.

Unless your son is going into politics, want to climb the corporate ladder in one of the fortunate 500, hope to break into the now-defunct finacial industry, Cal is a better choice than Yale. Your son is Chinese, and he will always be discriminiated in the race in these fields. Yale will help, but not that much.

But your son wants to pursue a career in Computer Science/engineering - gaming design I believe. That means he should be hanging out with geeks, nerds, and basically people who goes to Cal. (I am a bear so I can get away with this.) Also, think of where the gaming companies are? Blizzard, Activision, and et al, they are all in California. Your son will need internships to get into the industry, where is he going to go and who is he going to ask for help?

My roommate in my senior year was a CS major and is now working in the gaming industry. He worked on the incredible's console video game. I don't think he has any colleague from Yale.

Last but not least, George B Bush was in Yale, that in itself speaks volume of Yale.

家园 那个不算数的

Bridging course而已,得法学院才是正经。

家园 Holy crap!

This is probably the most partisan post on college selection I have seen in a while

家园 不算啥


家园 美国佬说的顶尖名校就只有hyp,哈佛耶鲁普林斯顿,



家园 当然YALE啦

又有奖学金. Yale的名头岂是BERKELEY能比的. 当然我是指民间不指学术界. 学术排名什么的对YALE这种档次的都是BULLSHIT.

家园 今天决定日,来看看结果. 贵公子一定得过省以上


家园 HYPSM, MIT也算.
家园 恭喜


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