主题:【请教】各位IT高手:计算机无法启动,该怎么办? -- 风雨声
Window2000Pro好像原来有个网站可以下载的,不过不记得什么地方的了,我这里倒是有一套,要不你到我的FTP来下, 不过没有DELL的驱动程序就是拉。
You must abused your NB too much before.
Give DELL a call and ask for the replacement and free shipping first. If they refuse, then you can make your offer by paying the extra shipping youself.
Once you got your new hard drive,you can use your other windows 2000 system CD or borrow from someone to build the system up. You can use the service tag on the back of your notebook to create your account on DELL service site, which will tell your hardware list. You can download proper hardware drivers based on that list.
Don't try to upgrad to XP, not worth it. XP will slow you down, and you will have to find many drivers yourself.
even think about of downloading software, which requires lot of steps. Besides I am not quite sure whether he has CD burner and whether he know how to burn a bootable CD. So forget poor him... :-)
No matter where are they, you should try to call them first. If you may not be able to get help from them, you know your NB was bought at US and want to be serviced in UK. Then, I think the only way to make it work again will be format and install a new system. To do so:
1. You need another computer with internet connection.
2. I can send you my MSDN account password, so you can download a Win2K pro ISO image.
3. burn it onto a CD.
4. it'll be a bootable CD and boot from it. you may need to change your BIOS settings to do so.
5. When it booted from CD, based how many partitions you have, I guess you may have only one, you need to format the partition so that the bad part can be marked out.
6. Then allow the installation finish.
7. goto Dell's web site, download all possible drivers and updates. Install them.
8. That's it.
Of course, I'm assuming that your HD is still useable. Otherwise, you have to buy a new one.
Hope Dell can help you.