
主题:今天表白失败了 -- 阿国

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家园 那么重要的事情,最好是FACE TO FACE


家园 多年的朋友了, 不想弄的太僵, 以后还是朋友.


"你为什么会觉得你符合我的要求?" 你有一万种反应方式,觉得完了,受伤了的是最苯的一种。 你可以哈哈哈大笑,说:"这是我今年开的最色情的玩笑。"

家园 这个时候人心理的私密空间相对开放,有利于提高亲密度


家园 应该都在一起呆一呆


家园 介个是高手
家园 我遇到过跟你相似的情况


家园 总结经验中...

真是性格决定命运, 我就是这么简单不会营造浪漫, 当然是碰壁的机会多, 的确应该要从长计议.

距离当然是个问题, 不过还是觉得我不符合MM的要求是主因, 和她聊天是她提起过一些往事, 我没深入问, 不然说不上可以知道当初那个他是怎么样的, 也知道我不让人满意的地方.

在我看来还是可以做朋友的, 就是有点没面子咯, 不过也是年纪一把, 没什么大不了. 希望不会让MM觉得太尴尬就好. 无论如何, 是一次人生经验, 下次可以做好点.

家园 距离太远了,是比较难


家园 成功可能与距离成反比
家园 啊哈哈哈


家园 你的话正验证了楼下我的说法


家园 其实MM心里在暗喜




家园 以前开玩笑写的


“Never ever, ever ever coming out over the phone, save it for breakup. Next

time do it face to face, picture this in your mind:" It was 1,000,000 years,

she and you were the only living thing on this forsaking wasteland, you

just killed a sabertooth who was chasing her, it was cold and dark outside,

you have the cave and food." Now, grab her closer, hold her tight, look

straight into her eyes, and concentrate all the following: I want you, I

have you, I own you, I can protect you and I can support you, in three words

: I..... love..... you. Your chance will increase 100 fold.”

“I wasn't being funny,well, at least not just being funny. A man and a woman

is the basic of the basic, the circle of life, the legend of time, the

ultimate survival story.

When you approaching a woman, remember,you are not alone, behind you are all

your male ancestors: father, father's father,the first man walked out of

Africa, the ape walked up straight, the Lungfish that climbed up the river

bank, the Trilobite, the Sponge,the Algae, the RNA fragment in the organic

soup... Remember, they ALL had their way with their women, all of them,

every single one of them, hundreds and millions of generations of them, all

had their way with their women. Remember, they born, they fought, they lived

, they loved,they died,all of these, so they can have their way with their

women, all of these, so they can pave the way for you. All of these, so you

can be here, at this moment, to do this.

Therefore, you should not fail,

therefore, you must not fail,

therefore, you can not fail.

For nothing can stop the cycle of life, the way of nature, the love of a man

.(or, should I say the lust of man, well,same difference.)”

家园 不一样的


家园 原创么? 真是太棒了


我决定把这段话抄下来, 时时朗读, 以在下次表白的时候充满勇气! 

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