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主题:【原创】长津湖--硝烟已经散尽,较量还在进行 -- pxpxpx
Abrams,East of Chosin
Jerry Abrams, M 3/31
We were hit from all over now. I mean from all sides. I kept saying where the hell is our artillery? Where is our mortars? Where is our air power? Where is anything? There was nothing. Nothing!
So this night the Chinese really hit us hard. In fact I remember when they jumped into my hole, I don’t know if it was Jockey Hung or I don’t know who the other two guys they jumped in my hole as well. The chink had two grenades. He threw one grenade in and I grabbed him and pulled him in and shot him with my 45. And I was trying to reach his grenade to throw it out. It just plunked me along the hand a little bit. Because I think the chink got the blast of everything. His body must’ve fallen right on that grenade. But it must’ve been a very brave man. He did what he had to do. He knocked out our gun placement temporarily.
And as a result, we lost that position and now we were pulling back. And as I was pulling back, two chinks (?)wore the magmi(?)(感谢马大善人指点,此处很可能是"were (at) the back of me ") and they opened fire. One hit me in the back. But I didn’t realize. I felt the impact. And I turned around and I bumped eyeball to eyeball with the other chink. We were just face to face. He had his submachine gun. I got the best of him. I grabbed his submachine gun and gave him a good left hook in the face. And hit him with the submachine gun. And started just continue pull back. I mean bullets are flying all over. You can feel them hitting the ice or the snow and just flapping all over the place.
老东西还chink chink的叫,当时打的真是不够狠
非常感谢 胡亦庄 的把关和帮助,使下面文字的含义更加清晰了。
I do have one very strong recollection that when we were approaching fox hill, I looked up there and it appeared there were dike walls circling the hill.
And I thought what are dike walls for rice paddies doing up there on that side of the hill? (I) Couldn’t figure that out. When we got there closer, I saw that they were dike walls of Chinese bodies!
Fox Company had gotten one .50 caliber Ma Deuce out there. Or at least one, maybe more. And what happened was they were raking these Chinese. As the stack mounted, uhh.. they would take them (machine guns) as they reach the summit at the top of the hill. And the stack just kept growing, growing and growing. It looked like a huge huge dike wall.
And, of course it was not a dike wall after all. And there were no rice paddies.
They were damn glad to see us. And we were damn glad to see them too.
I do have one very strong recollection that when we were approaching fox hill, I looked up there and it appeared there were dike walls circling the hill.
And I thought what are dike walls for rice paddies doing up there on that side of the hill? Couldn’t figure that out. When we got there closer, I saw that they were dike walls of Chinese bodies!
Fox Company had gotten ?150 caliber and more deuce? (感谢 一如既往 的指点,这里应该是 one .50 caliber Ma Deuce即M2机枪) out there. Or at least one, maybe more. And what happened was they were racking these Chinese as the stack mounted. Then they would take them as they reach the summit at the top of the hill. And the stack just kept growing, growing and growing. It looked like a huge huge dike wall.
And, of course it was not a dick wall after all. And there were no rice paddies.
They were damn glad to see us. And we were damn glad to see them too.
上面蓝字部分不是十分的肯定,觉得deuce是Deuce and a Half的简称,指两吨半的军卡,哪位大拿给把把关? --- 一如既往 已经解答了这个问题,答案见上
视频里的这个老兵我前面有个贴子提到过,就是手上纹着"坚守"的那个pxpxpx:【原创】 几张照片,一点感想
Talking About PTSD
I would tell you: go to your VA and let them check you out. See if you have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) out there because it’s gonna hurt you and your relationship with your girlfriends, with your wives, with your family. You gonna act differently than other people. You are not the same. You are not the same. I believe that you told me earlier that you were two Iraqi campaigns down there. When you came back, you weren’t the same like you went there. And when you went back again, there is trepidation on this, you know, how many times can I be lucky when I’m going down that road. And you can relate to another combat veteran whereas you can’t relate to a civilian. You can’t, because he’s never been through it. It’s not that he is a bad person. You have to be there to know what it is.
The Transition at Home
Give you a example of my first job. I wanted to get a job in selling shoes. Applied for the job. Little Jewish guy, nice guy, (name of the guy).
So tell me what are you qualified to do it?
I just got out from Marine corp.
What can you do?
Look, I can take orders, I can shine shoes, and I am a professional killer.
He looked at me. This guy has five kids in a ?? ?? 感谢 一如既往 的帮助,这里应该是 draft dodgery , you know.
And he says you are hired.
But, just an example of adjusting in a civilian life.
Because nobody knows what you went through, except you, you and you and me. No one knows that.
Someone says oh I can picture what was it like. No you can’t. Who can picture what was it like? Nobody can picture what was it like except another veteran.
上面标蓝字的地方谁可以帮忙给听听?--- 感谢 一如既往 的帮助,这里应该是 draft dodgery
本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
他说的应该是" ... the Fox Company had gotten a fifth one .50 caliber Ma Deuce up there, or at least one maybe more..."
Ma Deuce is M2 Browning machine gun. See link here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M2_Browning_machine_gun
我觉得老头紧接着说one fifty/one .50是对one fifth的一个更正。
" ... this guy has got 5 kids in a draft dodgery ..."
严格说来, 不是很合语法.但是老兵吗, 就不要苛求了
看来犹太人太精, 逃避兵役出名了...兄弟连只好树个犹太兵典型好保持政治正确
口语经常有这样的现象...他一边说一边在组织文字...前边可能讲过F连有4挺重机枪,大概都被英勇的志愿军消灭了, 就第5挺算劫后余生敖下来了. 所以下文里说老头和F连的残兵见面都很高兴, 都是从地狱里转了一圈才回来.我原来认识的一个教授的老父是海军陆战队退役的将军. 据说在朝鲜打过仗, 在教授家的圣诞节趴梯上见过一面, 人已经太老了. 也不愿意谈打仗的事情, 没爆什么料.
那些被志愿军干掉的yankee就没机会上youtube宣扬我天朝的神武了, 呵呵。。。能活下来上youtube扯淡的基本上都是些幸运儿