
主题:Tech News Supermesh 【已丑仲夏零】 -- AllenKid

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家园 【一句话新闻】Schmidt辞去Apple董事会职务

由于 Google 与 Apple 涉足的领域越来越多的重叠,包括 Android vs iPhone, Chrome OS vs OS X, Google CEO Dr. Eric Schmidt 不再适合在 Apple 董事会任职。

And I saw the decision, that it was good.

Arthur Levinson 的位置也很尴尬,在不远的将来,他被迫在两大科技巨头间作出选择的可能性相当不小。

家园 开始为水果杞人忧天呢


家园 倒,小山子什么时候都是那样的仗义疏财啊

其实 Eric Schmidt 博士多半是被 Steve Jobs 轰出去的。

周五的时候 Mercury News 采访 Schmidt 他还咬定只要在讨论敏感议题的时候离席,在 Apple 董事会任职并不会造成利益冲突。

这条消息一宣布,AAPL 与 GOOG 都领涨 Nasdaq,说明持股人对于两公司的高层密切联系也不欢迎。

家园 两家合并会怎么样呢?
家园 我坚决反对


—— 或者陷入反垄断案泥潭,帝国的黄昏。

家园 Apple买sun更合适


家园 Apple 对于企业级应用真的是没啥兴趣


只不过之前真的买了 sun 然后把 Java 给拆散了,应该能把 Schmidt 气得不轻,LOL

家园 白条补上呢,咱信用好吧


家园 Tech News Supermesh 【外一篇】

Random Thoughts


Here is an idea.

Search engine as a commodity.

Do I need to remind you how we talk about internet services or mobile networks should just be the dumb pipes?

Google should just be a dumb search engine.

No artsy-fartsy data-mining or aggregation or any other fancy terms start with "data-". No down right creepy trends monitoring and such.

I'd like to see me not owned by Google, I'd like un-specificated use of user generated data made illegal, I'd like to be offered a choice to refuse Google gathering data from me via a new web service or a third party vendor, but yet still able to reasonably make use of said service.

Google should just be a fucking dumb search engine. Then I can live with AdWord.

I guess.


Yup, I'm gibbering. I can't sleep & incidentally totally pissed cause I can't sleep.

关键词(Tags): #Random#Google
家园 这是怎么呢,难道大狗最近离你过于紧密?
家园 I feel more and more

violated by google than any other tech company.

It's like a very uncanny leech, you won't feel it, but it feed on you good.

That's all.

家园 除呢你自己和你允许的人



家园 No I'm not afraid of

me not being me.

But it is a real possibility that me will not be me without google.

To retain our lives, to been in the loops, to strive, we will cave in to the omnipresent oracle known as Google, we will forsake our soul for without cyber presence, what's the use of a old clunky soul?

What's real life? This IS real life and increasingly larger part of it.

The definition of "being" is changing, and it's irreversible.

家园 那如果未来的世界像这样呢




家园 【文摘】非常好的东西 ------ 智能手机市场趋势


Smartphone Market Trends

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