
主题:奥巴马喜获诺贝尔和平奖——该不会是我党赞助的吧? -- forsake

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家园 各大媒体纷纷发来贺电

Obama gets prize for doing his job (FT dot comment)

International reaction: Taliban slams Obama prize (FT.com)

Huffington Post asks, “Whatever Happened to Awarding for Deeds Actually Done?”

Chicago Tribune: “He won! For what?”

Nobel prize for President Obama is a shocker. He should turn it down (Benedict Brogan, Telegraph)

Barack Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize. For What? (Iain Martin, Wall Street Journal)

Kausfiles: Obama should turn down the prize

Is it premature to give Barack Obama the Nobel peace prize? (The Economist)

Common misconceptions about the Nobel Peace Prize (Associated Press)

家园 经济学人里最热门的几个评论

Curloid wrote: Fri, 2009-10-09 07:10

The Nobel Peace prize has officially lost its standing.


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Ulrich312 wrote: Fri, 2009-10-09 07:13

It should be based on what is achieved, not on what is promised. To give it to anyone for just nine months borders on farcical, it just politicizes the Nobel even further, when that was not the purpose of the award.


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US_Pragmatist wrote: Fri, 2009-10-09 07:35

Gee, ya think?

The prize was devalued enough when it was given to Al Gore for junk science.

This just further pushes it to mediocrity and defines not as a true measure of lifetime achievement and contribution but rather a silly popularity contest.

What a joke.




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