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主题:电影Stealth中的情节马上就要成为现实了 -- 心文连博
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到2018年目标还是很明确的,full potential combat readiness by 2018. 不过这个combat是不是指dog fight,还是说一般的战役支援,我倾向前者。
Mobile, relocatable, or otherwise “time-sensitive” targets are challenges that the U.S. currently faces in the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). It is a certainty that because these challenges will increase in number and lethality, the U.S. must develop an effective means to strike them. The single most important system attribute for success against these sorts of time-sensitive targets is broad-area persistence.
Put simply, our forces need to be continuously present across the battlespace to find and destroy targets during very narrow windows of opportunity. And these windows, for many types of targets, such as mobile ballistic or SAM missile launchers, remain open for only minutes at a time.
Looking beyond the GWOT at more stressing projected conflict scenarios, it is clear that U.S. combat aviation forces will need to be capable of establishing persistent surveillance and attack coverage over heavily-defended battlespaces, and in the face of increasingly capable anti-access threats. This is a capability that U.S. aviation forces—regardless of whether they have been based on land or at sea—have never possessed.
o survive when operating persistently in defended airspace, and to retain tactical responsiveness against fleeting targets, future systems will need broad-band/all-aspect low observability. And to fight effectively from beyond the lethal radius of projected anti-access systems such as submarine-launched anti-ship cruise missiles and medium-range anti-ship ballistic missiles, future sea-based aviation systems will need operating radii of 1,500 miles or more — unprecedented for a carrier-based aircraft.