
主题:【文摘】《赫德的预言》 -- 黑岛人

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家园 这个啊,传说列宁还差点真这么干了


家园 一百多年后再看赫德的这段话


家园 一位贵胄子弟曾对我说



家园 寒秋说的对,我没有看过这本书,二手引用就是容易出错啊



家园 我那是超星图书馆的书


家园 列宁是犹太人,崽卖爷田心不痛


家园 托洛茨基是犹太人,列宁不是


家园 呵呵。你的考证很强。


家园 你这么说就属于无理派了


家园 关于列宁



Researcher Wayne McGuire of Harvard University writes: "Lenin was a Jew by the standards of Israel's Law of Return: he possessed a Jewish grandparent. It would seem that not only was Lenin a Jew, but that he was a Jewish racist and chauvinist, although he kept his ideas on this volatile subject far in the background, probably because they were in radical conflict with the supposed universalism of Marxism. ...Lenin was a Jewish racist who deliberately gave Jews especially, the most 'intellectually demanding tasks.' He admitted that 50% of the communist terrorist vanguard in the south and west of Russia was comprised of Jews."

家园 丘吉尔等人的评论

On Feb. 8, 1920 a young British writer,Winston Churchill, made a similar observation in the Illustrated Sunday Herald:

"There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews."

Churchill expressed the crucial insight that the crimes perpetrated by Jewish communists against Germans and Russians instilled in those people a desire for retribution:

"In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed, the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses.

"The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people.

"...The fact that in many cases Jewish interests and Jewish places of worship are excepted by the Bolsheviks from their universal hostility has tended more and more to associate the Jewish race in Russia with villainies which are now being perpetrated...Needless to say, the most intense passions of revenge have been excited in the breasts of the Russian people." (End quote from Churchill).

"...a letter sent to the Vatican by Pius XII in 1919, when he was Bishop Eugenio Pacelli and papal nuncio in Munich...reports on his deputy's unpleasant encounter with Bolshevik revolutionaries who were then terrorizing Catholic priests and the German bourgeoisie. The letter describes the leader, Max Lieven as a '... Russian and a Jew.' The letter also describes Mr. Lieven's companions, '...Jews like the rest of them.'...Bishop Pacelli's description of Jewish Communists...was hardly uncommon 80 years ago." (N.Y. Times, Nov. 3, 1999).

Chaim Bermant, writing in the Jewish Chronicle (Aug. 30, 1991), says: "It was Communism which toppled the hated Czars, Communism which removed Jewish disabilities and proscribed anti-Semitism and Communism which, in its early days at least, opened the doors to Jewish advancement."

家园 关于犹太人



家园 你想说明什么呢?



家园 建议去读一读犹太史,去明白这个民族的特点


中国人历史和犹太没有矛盾。在美国的华人参与政治界、法律界、新闻界、金融界的不太多,跟犹太人交锋不多。我仅记得其中一次政治交锋:James Ready的小石城政治丑闻。





家园 人民英雄永垂不朽
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