
主题:【原创】婚礼图片(更新第四张) -- 忘情

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家园 完了


家园 唱国际歌吧,花熊

Stand up, all victims of oppression

  for the tyrants fear your might

  don't cling so hard to your possessions

  for you have nothing, if you have no rights

  let racist ignorance be ended

  for respect makes the empires fall

  freedom is merely privilege extended

  unless enjoyed by one and all.

  so come brothers and sisters

  for the struggle carries on

  the internationale

  unites the world in song

  so comrades come rally

  for this is the time and place

  the international ideal

  unites the human race

  let no one build walls to divide us

  walls of hatred nor walls of stone

  come greet the dawn and stand beside us

  we'll live together or we'll die alone

  in our world poisoned by exploitation

  those who have taken, now they must give

  and end the vanity of nations

  we've one but one earth on which to live

  so come brothers and sisters

  for the struggle carries on

  the internationale

  unites the world in song

  so comrades come rally

  for this is the time and place

  the international ideal

  unites the human race

  and so begins the final drama

  in the streets and in the fields

  we stand unbowed before their armour

  we defy their guns and shields

  when we fight, provoked by their aggression

  let us be inspired by life and love

  for though they offer us concessions

  change will not come from above.

  so come brothers and sisters

  for the struggle carries on

  the internationale

  unites the world in song

  so comrades come rally

  for this is the time and place

  the international ideal

  unites the human race

家园 摇滚版的
家园 盼早生柜子!


家园 看不到图片也逐篇花


家园 鸽子呀,这么关键的字您都能打错?
家园 唉,你年纪也不小了,怎么竟然不明白呢?

唉,这是谁给你拍的相片啊, [ 柴禾儿妞 ] 于:2010-01-16 11:15:37



明摆着的嘛,忘情不想把清晰的正面照放上西西河。 当然,我也能理解他的心理负担。

家园 好,现在就去支持
家园 相机的问题


家园 谢谢
家园 看不到图,纯支持一下吧


家园 呸,什么叫我年纪也不小了


家园 要是能清楚些,再清楚些就好了。。。
家园 翻墙看图送花!恭喜啊!


家园 这柜子怎么生?
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