主题:March 17 Saint Patrick Day -- 唵啊吽

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家园 March 17 Saint Patrick Day

Please celebrate Saint Patrick Day. March 17 is Saint Patrick day. Saint Patrick is Irish patron Saint and Saint Patrick day is Ireland’s National Day. Please wearing in green, eat green, joint the Saint Patrick parade, have a feast or drink a lot of bear, just for celebrating Saint Patrick Day.

Last Saturday, in downtown Shanghai, people got together to have a magnificent Saint Patrick Parade. Yes, you don’t need to be Catholic to celebrate Saint Patrick day, neither you need to be Irish. It’s not the first time Shanghai had Saint Patrick Parade. As far as my Internet search can find, Shanghai has been celebrating Saint Patrick day since as early as 2007.

I joint the Saint Patrick Parade once at New York and I appreciated Celtic Culture. The Irish culture is part of human culture. When Irish immigrants settled on other countries, they keep their culture and celebrate it on Saint Patrick Parade. I especially like their tap dance. I hope we Chinese immigrants can learn from Irish immigrants in this aspect. We don’t need to hate Chinese culture in order to enter West Culture. In fact, we can, just like Irish, be proud of our culture and bring fresh air into local culture in our citizen country. Different cultures should respect each other and should live together. You can feel the humanity spirit in Saint Patrick Parade. Irish people are proud of their own culture. Their cheer their heritage without the need to hate other cultures. They welcome you to share the joy with them regardless your culture background. Feel good about our own culture, and feel good about other cultures. That’s the humanity spirit. Like Irish immigrants, we don't need to hate China in order to be other countries' citizen. Like Irish immigrants, We can love our citizen country and China at the same time.

Saint Patrick Day is a Catholic religion day, but don’t be afraid. Whether you are Catholic, Protestant, Islamic, Buddhism, Confucian, or simply atheist, just joint the parade and celebrate Saint Patrick Day. Irish has not intention to convert you into Catholic by Saint Patrick parade. That’s the humanity spirit of Saint Patrick parade. Irish celebrate their Christian heritage of their culture while respect others' faiths and believes. Freedom of believe can only exist when no one regards believers of other faiths are inferior or evil. Irish celebrate their culture of Catholic background, and welcome people of other believes to celebrate with them. I wish our Chinese immigrants can enter local society while keeping our own Buddhism, Confucian or atheism believes, share our joy with love and dignity like Irish in Saint Patrick Parade.

A Chinese girl I known married an Irish husband. They are a happy couple. Religion, ethnic race and culture are barriers can be overcome by love. Religion, Race and culture should not be barriers separate human into different countries that hate each other. People can live together while keeping their own culture heritage.

Please celebrate Saint Patrick day with every one in your company or your community. You don’t need to be a Catholic or an Irish to celebrate Saint Patrick Day. Saint Patrick day belongs to Irish culture, and belongs also to human culture. Let us joint Irish to celebrate Saint Patrick Day just like we welcome others to joint us in celebrate Chinese Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival.

Please celebrate Saint Patrick day. It’s part of human culture. I hope in the future the world has only one country called the Earth and only one nation called Human Being.



家园 第一回坐沙发
家园 谢谢。
家园 让我想起思炎关于"早期美国是如何歧视华人的图片"



恶棍丹尼斯坚尼的名字,是和排华运动连在一起的。坚尼出生在爱尔兰,早年来美国做发财梦。1876年股市崩盘,他破产了,于是便转向政治投机,组织了 “加州工人党”,将经济衰退、失业率高涨归咎于“廉价的华人劳工”,呼吁“以合法的途径”将华人排斥于美国之外。他靠下流语言煽动排华,第一个在公开集会上喊出“华人滚出去”口号,并且每次演讲结束时必声嘶力竭地重复叫喊这一口号。在加州,小混混坚尼的行径获得了越来越大的影响,并把反华浪潮从加州推向了全美。



家园 中国人没必要趟这个浑水。戴绿帽子可不干。
家园 原文不是你写的吧?

原文作者看起来像是善良而心智未开的ABC teenager。



家园 哪还缺几个装拨衣的
家园 不要忘记历史,要防止历史重演



家园 "继续仇恨"这么大的帽子我戴不起。

十分同意您的 "不要忘记历史,要防止历史重演"的看法。



家园 爱尔兰人在上海已经连续四年游行庆祝了。




家园 恕我孤陋寡闻了, 游行庆祝是个高招。
家园 海纳百川,有容乃大
家园 我是赞成的。


家园 嘿嘿,还可以资助北爱尔兰,苏格兰,夏威夷土著搞游行











家园 美国华人多的地方


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