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主题:【原创】续-揭开所谓美国工资和购买力真相的真相 -- 海外俗人
下面的减税额可用标准减税额(夫妻俩人2 X 5,700=11,400)和分类减税额(也就是大家提到的房贷利息,地产税等地总和。其中也包括发工资时已扣除的州税)两者间的高者。按上文中的15年期15万贷款的情况,第一年付的利息总额为6,620,第二年为6,330,越往后利息越少。就按第一年最大的6,620来算,加上地产税1,500(一般为房价的0。5%到1%不等),再加上州税(231*12=2,772),总共的分类减税额为10,892,还是少于11,400的标准减税额,所以用标准减税额更合算。(其实对收入不高和房贷金额少的人来说,通常情况下还是标准额比分类减税额要高)。到此时,应纳税收入已为44,788-11,400 = 33,388。
接下来还有一个叫豁免额的东西,是以家庭人口来算的。三个人就是3 X 3,650 = 10,905. 33,388减去10,905等于22,483。这就是最终的应纳税收入。根据2009年底税表,这个收入对应的应纳税为2,536。
General comments, not against you. Just info for people on the forum.
BTW, I have not seen Chinese FAMILY with only 50k in household income (new immigrated students excluded). For friends around me, lowest income level I heard is around USD 90k.
50k household income life is hard in California.
1.State income tax varies from one place to the other. California state income tax is very high among US states. If you move to less socialistic states, such as Texas, Nevada, you pay 0 in state income tax. Pennsylvia is 3.07%. Missouri is around 4% as effective (topping 6% as marginal rate).
2.Depending on tax planning strategy, for people with income around 150k(based on a friend's example), their annual effective FEDERAL TAX RATE (after tax refund after April 15) is around 22%. Married with kids--then effective rate can be a bit lower with all kinds of tax credit.
3.Social security+medicare contribution (not an income tax per se) will eat away 7.65% (cap at around 100k of earned income in 2009 too).
In low state tax place--a Chinese family effective tax rate (including Fed/State/Social security deduction) will be around 30%. You will have 70% disposable income available.
In high state tax place--a typical middle-class Chinese american family effective tax rate will be around 36-40%. NYCity is the most crazy place.
Those percentages do NOT consider the impact of property tax and sales tax because these two depend on INDIVIDUAL CONSUMPTION BEHAVIOR.
A few issues:
1.When income becomes even higher, if one falls into AMT category--sorry, income tax will be much higher.
2.Sales tax--it is a state-by-state tax when you purchase goods or service. In US, you can buy online FROM OUT-OF-STATE VENDORS to avoid it--free sales tax/free delivery.
3.Property tax--that's county/state-level tax. If you rent property, then you avoid it. If you own house/apartment, then you have to pay.
1.Apparently it has no sales tax, but it charges VAT and final consumer pays all VAT along the value chain--therefore, you DO PAY TAX ON SALES, you just do not see it back in China.
So do not fool yourself by saying that US tax burden is heavier than China--give me a break, okay?
China follows Europe in 1994 when Zhu RJ reformed China's tax system. VAT is an UK-continental Europe design. Sales tax is an Anglo-American-Canadian choice.
2.Property tax--China will sooner or later adopt it to stablize local provincial gov. fiscal situation. Currently, provinces get 40%(SH, beijing) of fiscal revenue from land license income--so long as one is not an idiot, one should figure out this fiscal model is not sustainable in the long run.
If house price collapses, so will be provincial fiscal balance--for any gov. officials, you should hope China's housing prices will not fall.
Sooner or later, (real estate) property tax will come to china--therefore, middle-class family tax burden will race towards the Canadian/European level. Bye-bye, America.
Anyway, if you just rent, then it is not a problem.
3.China's public(excluding housing fund) pension and medicare contribution--every employee working in China has to contribute so-called 4 Jing. It is just the chinese version of US social security/medicare. China charges more percentage-wise because of the unfavorable demographical shift in the future.
4.Individual income tax--a joke. Very poorly designed system with many loopholes, with no consideration for family situation (many kids to support, old people to support, married with non-working spouse), with little tax credits, but WITH HIGH PROGRESSIVE RATEs and small brackets.
Keep in mind: US top marginal rate is 38%. China: you figure it out yourself by google.com. That's very indicative of a socialist system. BTW, all individual income tax is charged BY THE CENTRAL GOV. Provinces are PROHIBITED from charging province level income tax.
So China's provincial gov dilemma: it has no revenue from INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX REVENUE, it has only 25% from sales tax(VAT). In US/Canada, those accounted for 70-80% of local gov. fiscal income...
then it is natural that China's provincial gov. will try all their best to maximize land sales income(or actually land license income). And charge all kinds of FEES.
It is also natural that property tax will come to China sooner or later... Capital will flee to avoid tax, labor is slow to move around, BUT REAL ESTATE is sitting duck waiting to be taxed---of course gov. will target real estate property first.
Final comment: if you want to know the true level of tax burden in one economy, just collect the total tax revenue number from China'govs and then divide it by China GDP.
Any tax burden on corporation will finally pass over to consumers.
that ratio will be very funny if you compare between China and US. China is actually closer to socialist Europe.
It is weird that chinese even compare China to US.
While, BTW, ever after we put a blah-blah talk-show man called Obama in the oval office, US is also running towards the European spectrum. So maybe in the future, Europe/US/China will be "neighbors" in terms of overall tax burden.
note: "In US, you can buy online FROM OUT-OF-STATE VENDORS to avoid it--free sales tax/free delivery."
For business buyer, you still have to accrue the sales tax and pay to the State where it located. There is now a champaign to close the loophole for individuals buying online without paying taxes so I think that benefits will be gone soon.
The ugliest thing in US system is that the hard working low-skill people make almost nothing better than those who do nothing but rely on wellfare for a living. This is the most unfair part of the US system. It just makes more people to stop working and join in the wllfare system and it will finally ruin the whole country. No politican dare to challenge the system and it will burned for sure in the future.
Califormia state income tax at 9.3% for income over 47K. Wow, that sucks.
is difficult everywhere. it is almost impossible in CA.
most chinese people here probably in 150k to 250k range, anywhere less than 100k, life is tough.
The notion that low-skill people will simply quit working and collecting welfare is just a smoke screen. If enough people drop off work force, the minimum wage should increase which is not happening. The most unfair thing are below poverty level minimum wage and the shell game played at Wall street. In fact, US and Europe are not as different as people perceive.
The low minimum wage is the root cause that makes people feel no difference between working and not working. I am not talking about the notion, it's been a reality long time ago when local uneducated, low skill people stopping work and those jobs are now done by Hispanic immigrants. A fair society should only protect young, senior and truely diabled people and make all other lazy people living miserably and push them to work. I tried to be not too racial but hope you know what I mean.
教育费用申报不仅仅是daycare。5万收入的家庭也不仅仅是只有婴儿。你不能把思维局限在这上面。同样的,慈善捐助也是如此。小孩长大了,不要的玩具,衣服,以前还有car seat(现在不给了),等等如果卖不出价钱,都可以捐。美国的二手市场也是很火爆的。甚至汽车,太老旧了,不值得一修,但还是能跑,卖不钱,你也可以捐了。你要想着捐,5万也一样能捐得出来。我怀疑你平时不大搞捐赠。我做学生,收入只有2万刀的时候,都能捐东西出来,我想不出5万的收入怎么就捐不出来。
先说孩子教育经费,你先说说还有那些教育经费可以减税.你不是说education credit吧?前一个是减少纳税收入,后一个是直接减少税额。
tuition and fees deduction.相应买的书,电脑等等都可以报税。